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MSMQ Adapter Configuration Properties

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set for an MSMQ adapter receive location:

Property name Type Description Restrictions Comments
queue VT_BSTR Specify a valid queue path to the location monitored by the receive location. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None
batchSize VT_BSTR Specify the batch size that the MSMQ adapter uses when submitting a batch of messages to the MessageBox database. Valid values are from 1 to 4294967295. The default value is 20.
transactional VT_BSTR Specify whether to read messages from the source queue under the context of a Microsoft Distributed Transaction (MSDTC). Valid values are:

- true
- false

The adapter does not support transactional reads on remote queues.
The default value is false.
serialProcessing VT_BSTR Specify whether to process messages in order. Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is false.
onFailure VT_BSTR Specify how the adapter should respond to an error. Valid values are:

- stopOnFailure
- suspendNonResumable
- suspendResumable
The default value is suspendResumable.
uri VT_BSTR Specify the full path to the queue monitored by the receive location. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None

The following code shows the format of the string you use to set the properties:

<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt="8"><Config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><queue>FORMATNAME:DIRECT=OS:.\PRIVATE$\QUEUE</queue><batchSize>20</batchSize><transactional>false</transactional><serialProcessing>false</serialProcessing><onFailure>suspendResumable</onFailure><uri>FORMATNAME:DIRECT=OS:.\PRIVATE$\QUEUE</uri></Config></AdapterConfig></CustomProps>  

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set for an MSMQ adapter send port:

Property name Type Description Restrictions Comments
Queue VT_BSTR Specify the destination queue. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None
maximumMessageSiz VT_BSTR Specify the maximum message size in kilobytes (KB) for messages that you send to the specified queue. Valid values are from 1 to 4294967295 if segmentationSupport and transactional are set to true. Otherwise, valid values are from 1 to 4095. The default value is 1024.
acknowledgeType VT_BSTR Specify one or more acknowledgement types. Valid values are the members of the .NET System.Messaging.AcknowledgeTypes enumeration. The default value is None.
administrationQueue VT_BSTR Specify the MSMQ administration queue. None None
timeOut VT_BSTR Specify the maximum time to wait for the messages to reach the destination queue. This property only applies when the transactional property is set to true.

- Valid values are 1 to 10675199 when specifying a timeOutUnits value of Days.
- Valid values are 1 to 596523 when specifying a timeOutUnits value of Hours.
- Valid values are 1 to 35791394 when specifying a timeOutUnits value of Minutes.
- Valid values are 1 to 2147483647 when specifying a timeOutUnits value of Seconds.
priority VT_BSTR Specify the message priority. Valid values are the members of the .NET System.Messaging.MessagePriority enumeration. None
recoverable VT_BSTR Specify whether to guarantee the recoverability of a message. Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is false.
encryptionAlgorithm VT_BSTR Specify the encryption algorithm to be used. Valid values are the members of the .NET System.Messaging.EncryptionAlgorithm enumeration. The default value is None.
useAuthentication VT_BSTR Specify whether to use authentication. Use this property in combination with the certificate property to verify the message. Use the userName and password properties to gain access to queues. None
certificate VT_BSTR Specify the certificate used to verify messages. Enter the 40 character certificate thumbprint. None
segmentationSupport VT_BSTR Specify whether segmentation is supported. Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is false.
transactional VT_BSTR Specify whether to support sending messages under the context of a Microsoft Distributed Transaction (MSDTC) Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is false.
useJournalQueue VT_BSTR Specify whether to save a copy of the message whenever the message is processed. Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is false.
useDeadLetterQueue VT_BSTR Specify whether to send messages to the dead letter queue if a failure occurs. Valid values are:

- true
- false
The default value is true.
ackTypeEnumsValue VT_BSTR Specify the bitwise OR of the values associated with the specified acknowledgeType values. None The default value is 0.
timeOutUnits VT_BSTR Specify the unit to use in conjunction with the value specified for the timeOut property. Valid values are:

- Days
- Hours
- Minutes
- Seconds
The default value is Days.
userName VT_BSTR Specify the user name for a remote queue. The default value is empty.
password VT_BSTR Specify the password to be used in conjunction with the value specified for the userName property for access to a remote queue. This value is always masked when exporting a binding file. This field must be manually populated with the password before importing the binding file into the target BizTalk Server configuration. The default value is empty.
bodyType VT_BSTR Specify the message body type in MSMQ. Valid values are members of the .NET VarEnum enumeration. The default value is 8209.
uri VT_BSTR Specify the full path to the destination queue. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None

The following code shows the format of the string you use to set the properties:

<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt="8"><Config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><queue>FORMATNAME:DIRECT=OS:TESTSERVER\PRIVATE$\DESTQUEUE</queue><maximumMessageSize>1024</maximumMessageSize><acknowledgeType>None</acknowledgeType><administrationQueue>Direct=OS:TestServer\Private$\AdminQueue</administrationQueue><timeOut>4</timeOut><priority>Normal</priority><recoverable>false</recoverable><encryptionAlgorithm>None</encryptionAlgorithm><useAuthentication>false</useAuthentication><segmentationSupport>false</segmentationSupport><transactional>false</transactional><useJournalQueue>false</useJournalQueue><useDeadLetterQueue>true</useDeadLetterQueue><ackTypeEnumsValue>0</ackTypeEnumsValue><timeOutUnits>Days</timeOutUnits><userName>TestUser</userName><password>******</password><bodyType>8209</bodyType><uri>FORMATNAME:DIRECT=OS:TESTSERVER\PRIVATE$\DESTQUEUE</uri></Config></AdapterConfig>  


When specifying TransportTypeData configuration data for an adapter that is built using the Adapter Framework, the name/value pairs that are used must all be stored into the <AdapterConfig> element. Since the <AdapterConfig> element specifies the VT_BSTR (vt="8") data type then the < > characters in the data must be escaped.