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X12 997 Acknowledgment

The X12 997 functional acknowledgment reports the status of a received interchange. It reports each error encountered while processing the received document. BizTalk EDI Receive pipeline always generates a 4010 compliant 997; however, EDI Receive pipeline and EDI Send pipelines can also validate a 5010 compliant 997.

Like all X12 transaction sets, the 997 ACK is sent inside a GS/GE envelope. The ST and SE are no different than any other transaction set.

The segments within the transaction set of a 997 ACK are shown in the following table.

Position Segment
Name Req.
Max. Use Loop
010 ST Transaction Set Header (for the acknowledgment) M 1 -
020 AK1 Functional Group Response Header M 1 -
030 AK2 Transaction Set Response Header O 1 999999
(Loop ID = AK2)
040 AK3 Data Segment Note O 1 999999
(Loop ID = AK2/AK3)
050 AK4 Data Element Note O 99 -
060 AK5 Transaction Set Response Trailer M 1 -
070 AK9 Functional Group Response Trailer M 1 -
080 SE Transaction Set Trailer (for the acknowledgment) M 1 -
  • Req. Des. = Requirement Designation

  • M = Mandatory

  • O = Optional

    The AK segments are described below. The segments in the AK2 to AK5 loop provide information about an error with a transaction set.


The mandatory AK1 segment identifies the functional group being acknowledged with the following data elements:

  • AK101 is the functional group ID (GS01) of the functional group being acknowledged.

  • AK102 is the group control number (GS06 and GE02) of the functional group being acknowledged.

  • AK103 is optional and is the EDI implementation version sent in the GS08 of the original transaction. AK103 supports inbound 5010 compliant 997.


The optional AK2 segment contains an acknowledgment for a transaction set within the received functional group. If there are multiple AK2 segments, they will be sent as a series of loops. Each AK2 loop identifies a transaction set in the order that it was received. The AK2 segment identifies the transaction set with two data elements:

  • AK201 is the transaction set ID (ST01) of the transaction set being acknowledged.

  • AK202 is the transaction set control number (ST02 and SE02) of the transaction set being acknowledged.

  • AK203 is optional and is the EDI implementation version sent in the ST03 of the original transaction. AK203 supports inbound 5010 compliant 997.

    An AK2 loop will contain AK3, AK4, and AK5 segments if a transaction set is in error. For more information, see the descriptions for these segments below.

    You can specify that AK2 segments are generated for all transaction sets, whether accepted or rejected, or only for rejected transaction sets. BizTalk Server will generate AK2 segments for accepted transaction sets (where AK501 == A) if you select the Include AK2 Loop for accepted transaction sets check box in the Acknowledgements page of the Agreement Properties dialog box for an agreement between two business profiles (or the Acknowledgements page of the X12 Settings tab for a business profile). Otherwise, BizTalk Server will generate AK2 loops only for rejected transaction sets. If an agreement is not resolved for the interchange being responded to, the 997 generation settings default to the fallback agreement settings, and AK2 segments are not generated for accepted transaction sets.


The optional AK3 segment reports errors in a data segment and identifies the location of the data segment. An AK3 segment is created for each segment in a transaction set that has one or more errors. If there are multiple AK3 segments, they will be sent as a series of loops (one segment per loop). The AK3 segment has four data elements that specify the location of each segment in error and reports the type of syntactical error found at that location:

  • AK301 identifies the segment in error with its X12 segment ID, for example, NM1.

  • AK302 is the segment count of the segment in error. The ST segment is "1" and each segment increments the segment count by one.

  • AK303 identifies a bounded loop: a loop surrounded by an LS segment and a LE segment. AK303 contains the values of the LS and LE segments that bound the segment in error.

  • AK304 is the error code for the error in the data segment. AK304 is optional, but is required if an error exists for the identified segment. For a list of the AK304 error codes, see X12 997 Acknowledgment Error Codes.


The optional AK4 segment reports errors in a data element or composite data structure, and identifies the location of the data element. It is sent when the AK304 data element is "8", "Segment has data element errors". It can repeat up to 99 times within each AK3 segment. The AK4 segment has four data elements that specify the location of each data element or composite data structure in error and reports the type of syntactical error found at that location.

  • AK401 is a composite data element with fields AK41.1, AK41.2 and AK41.3. AK401-1 identifies the data element or composite data structure in error with its numerical count. For example, if the second data element in the segment has an error, AK401 equals "2". AK401-2 identifies the numerical count of the component data element in a composite data structure that has an error. When AK401 reports an error on a data structure that is not composite, AK401-2 is not valued.

    AK41.3 is optional and is the repeating data element position. AK41.3 supports inbound 5010 compliant 997.

  • AK402 is optional and identifies the simple X12 data element number of the element in error. For example, NM101 is simple X12 data element number 98.

  • AK403 is mandatory and reports the error of the identified element. For a list of the AK403 error codes, see X12 997 Acknowledgment Error Codes.

  • AK404 is optional, and contains a copy of the identified data element in error. AK404 is not used if the error indicates an invalid character.


The AK5 segment reports whether the transaction set identified in the AK2 segment is accepted or rejected and why. The AK5 segment is mandatory if the optional AK2 loop is included in the acknowledgment. The AK4 segment has one mandatory data element that specifies the status of the transaction set and from one to five optional data elements that provide error codes based on the syntax editing of the transaction set.


The mandatory AK9 segment indicates whether the functional group identified in the AK1 segment is accepted or rejected and why. The AK9 segment has four mandatory data elements that specify the status of the transaction set and the nature of any error, and from one to five optional elements that specify any noted errors.

  • AK901 is mandatory and specifies whether the functional group identified in AK1 is accepted or rejected. For a list of the AK901 error codes, see X12 997 Acknowledgment Error Codes.

  • AK902 specifies the number of transaction sets included in the identified functional group trailer (GE01).

  • AK903 specifies the number of transaction sets received.

  • AK904 specifies the number of transaction sets accepted in the identified functional group.

  • AK905 through AK909 can indicate from one to five errors noted in the identified functional group. For a list of the AK905 through AK909 error codes, see X12 997 Acknowledgment Error Codes.

See Also

X12 997 Acknowledgment Error Codes