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interface ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponse


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponse
  : public IUnknown

An HTTP response used with the WebResourceRequested event.


Members Descriptions
get_Content HTTP response content as stream.
get_Headers Overridden HTTP response headers.
get_ReasonPhrase The HTTP response reason phrase.
get_StatusCode The HTTP response status code.
put_Content Sets the Content property.
put_ReasonPhrase Sets the ReasonPhrase property.
put_StatusCode Sets the StatusCode property.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 0.9.430
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 0.9.488



HTTP response content as stream.

public HRESULT get_Content(IStream ** content)

Stream must have all the content data available by the time the WebResourceRequested event deferral of this response is completed. Stream should be agile or be created from a background thread to prevent performance impact to the UI thread. Null means no content data. IStream semantics apply (return S_OK to Read runs until all data is exhausted).


Overridden HTTP response headers.

public HRESULT get_Headers(ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders ** headers)


The HTTP response reason phrase.

public HRESULT get_ReasonPhrase(LPWSTR * reasonPhrase)

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


The HTTP response status code.

public HRESULT get_StatusCode(int * statusCode)


Sets the Content property.

public HRESULT put_Content(IStream * content)


Sets the ReasonPhrase property.

public HRESULT put_ReasonPhrase(LPCWSTR reasonPhrase)


Sets the StatusCode property.

public HRESULT put_StatusCode(int statusCode)