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Propriedade ToggleButton.Accelerator (Script do Outlook Forms)

Returns or sets the accelerator key for a control. Leitura/gravação.


expressão. Acelerador

Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto ToggleButton .


To designate an accelerator key, enter a single character for the Accelerator property. You can set Accelerator in the control's property sheet or in code. If the value of this property contains more than one character, the first character in the string becomes the value of Accelerator. You cannot use digits in an accelerator.

When an accelerator key is used, there is no visual feedback (other than focus) to indicate that the control initiated the Click event. For example, if the accelerator key applies to a CommandButton, the user will not see the button pressed in the interface. The button receives the focus, however, when the user presses the accelerator key.

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