Compartilhar via ICertRequestD2::Request2 (Opnum 6)

The Request2 method requests a certificate from the CA. It is similar to the ICertRequestD::Request method, but it has an additional parameter, pwszSerialNumber, which is specified as follows.

 HRESULT Request2(
   [in, string, unique, range(1, 1536)] wchar_t const * pwszAuthority,
   [in] DWORD dwFlags,
   [in, string, unique, range(1, 64)] wchar_t const * pwszSerialNumber,
   [in, out, ref] DWORD* pdwRequestId,
   [out] DWORD* pdwDisposition,
   [in, string, unique, range(1, 1536)] wchar_t const * pwszAttributes,
   [in, ref] CERTTRANSBLOB const * pctbRequest,
   [out, ref] CERTTRANSBLOB* pctbFullResponse,
   [out, ref] CERTTRANSBLOB* pctbEncodedCert,
   [out, ref] CERTTRANSBLOB* pctbDispositionMessage

pwszAuthority: Identical to the pwszAuthority parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

dwFlags: Identical to the dwFlags parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pwszSerialNumber: A null-terminated [UNICODE] string that specifies a serial number that identifies a certificate. The string MUST specify the serial number as an even number of hexadecimal digits. If necessary, a zero can be prefixed to the number to produce an even number of digits. The string MUST NOT contain more than one leading zero. Information on the serial number is specified in [RFC3280] section

pdwRequestId: Identical to the pdwRequestId parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pdwDisposition:  Identical to the pdwDisposition parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pwszAttributes: Identical to the pwszAttributes parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pctbRequest: Identical to the pctbRequest parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pctbFullResponse: Identical to the pctbCertChain parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pctbEncodedCert: Identical to the pctbEncodedCert parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

pctbDispositionMessage: Identical to the pctbDispositionMessage parameter in the ICertRequestD::Request method.

Return Values: Identical to the return value of the ICertRequestD::Request method.

The processing rules for this message MUST be the same as for the information that is specified in