organization EntityType
Top level of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 business hierarchy. The organization can be a specific business, holding company, or corporation.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/organizations
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- Organization
- Primary key:
- organizationid
- Primary name column:
- name
- Operations supported:
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||||||||||||||
aciwebendpointurl | Edm.String |
ACI Web Endpoint URL. Display name: ACI Tenant URL. |
activitytypefilter | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether filtering activity based on entity in app. Display name: Enable Rich Editing Experience for Appointment
Default options
activitytypefilterv2 | Edm.Boolean |
Whether to show only activities configured in this app or all activities in the 'New activity' button. Display name: Show only activities configured in the app when accessing 'New activity' button
Default options
advancedcolumneditorenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the display column options on a view in model-driven apps is enabled Display name: Advanced column editor enabled
Default options
advancedcolumnfilteringenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the advanced column filtering in a view in model-driven apps is enabled Display name: Advanced column filtering enabled
Default options
advancedfilteringenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the advanced filtering on all tables in a model-driven app is enabled Display name: Advanced filtering enabled
Default options
advancedlookupenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the Advanced Lookup feature is enabled for lookup controls Display name: Advanced lookup enabled
Default options
advancedlookupineditfilter | Edm.Int32 |
Enables advanced lookup in grid edit filter panel Display name: Enable Advanced Lookup In Edit Filter |
aipromptsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether AI Prompts feature is enabled. Display name: Enable AI Prompts.
Default options
allowaddressbooksyncs | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether background address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. Display name: Allow Address Book Synchronization
Default options
allowapplicationuseraccess | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether all application users are allowed to access the environment Display name: Allow All Application Users Access.
Default options
allowautoresponsecreation | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed. Display name: Allow Automatic Response Creation
Default options
allowautounsubscribe | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed. Display name: Allow Automatic Unsubscribe
Default options
allowautounsubscribeacknowledgement | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe acknowledgement email is allowed to send. Display name: Allow Automatic Unsubscribe Acknowledgement
Default options
allowclientmessagebarad | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Outlook Client message bar advertisement is allowed. Display name: Allow Outlook Client Message Bar Advertisement
Default options
allowconnectorsonpowerfxactions | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether connectors on power fx actions is enabled. Display name: Enable connectors on power fx actions.
Default options
allowedapplicationsfordvaccess | Edm.String |
Information that specifies the Applications that are in allow list for the accessing DV resources. Display name: List of Applications that are in allow list for the accessing DV resources. |
allowediprangeforfirewall | Edm.String |
Information that specifies the range of IP addresses that are in allow list for the firewall. Display name: List of IP Ranges to be allowed by the firewall rule |
allowediprangeforstorageaccesssignatures | Edm.String |
Information that specifies the range of IP addresses that are in allowed list for generating the SAS URIs. Display name: List of IP Ranges to be allowed for generating the SAS URIs. |
allowedlistofiprangesforfirewall | Edm.String |
Specifies list of allowed IP addresses for firewall. Display name: List of IP Ranges to be allowed by the firewall rule |
allowedmimetypes | Edm.String |
Allow upload or download of certain mime types. Display name: List of allowed mime types. |
allowedservicetagsforfirewall | Edm.String |
Information that specifies the List of Service Tags that should be allowed by the firewall. Display name: List of Service Tags to be allowed by the firewall rule |
allowentityonlyaudit | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether auditing of changes to entity is allowed when no attributes have changed. Display name: Allow Entity Level Auditing
Default options
allowleadingwildcardsingridsearch | Edm.Boolean |
Enables ends-with searches in grids with the use of a leading wildcard on all tables in the environment Display name: Allow Leading Wildcards In Grid Search
Default options
allowleadingwildcardsinquickfind | Edm.Int32 |
Enables ends-with searches in grids with the use of a leading wildcard on all tables in the environment Display name: Allow Leading Wildcards In Quick Find |
allowlegacyclientexperience | Edm.Boolean |
Enable access to legacy web client UI Display name: Enable access to legacy web client UI
Default options
allowlegacydialogsembedding | Edm.Boolean |
Enable embedding of certain legacy dialogs in Unified Interface browser client Display name: Enable embedding of certain legacy dialogs in Unified Interface browser client
Default options
allowmarketingemailexecution | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed. Display name: Allow Marketing Email Execution
Default options
allowmicrosofttrustedservicetags | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether Microsoft Trusted Service Tags are allowed Display name: Allow Microsoft Trusted Service Tags
Default options
allowofflinescheduledsyncs | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. Display name: Allow Offline Scheduled Synchronization
Default options
allowoutlookscheduledsyncs | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether scheduled synchronizations to Outlook are allowed. Display name: Allow Scheduled Synchronization
Default options
allowredirectadminsettingstomodernui | Edm.Boolean |
Control whether the organization Allow Redirect Legacy Admin Settings To Modern UI Display name: Allow Redirect Legacy Admin Settings To Modern UI
Default options
allowunresolvedpartiesonemailsend | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether users are allowed to send email to unresolved parties (parties must still have an email address). Display name: Allow Unresolved Address Email Send
Default options
allowuserformmodepreference | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether individuals can select their form mode preference in their personal options. Display name: Allow User Form Mode Preference
Default options
allowusershidingsystemviews | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if allow end users to hide system views in model-driven apps is enabled Display name: Allow users hiding system views
Default options
allowusersseeappdownloadmessage | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser is allowed. Display name: Allow the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser.
Default options
allowvirtualentitypluginexecutiononnestedpipeline | Edm.Boolean |
Warning : Allowing Virtual Entity plugin execution on nested pipeline does not offer transactional support. i.e. if call in native entity pipeline fails, then virtual entity operation will not be reverted. Display name: Allow Virtual Entity Plugin Execution In Nested Pipeline.
Default options
allowwebexcelexport | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed. Display name: Allow Export to Excel
Default options
amdesignator | Edm.String |
AM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Display name: AM Designator |
appdesignerexperienceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the appDesignerExperience is enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable App Designer Experience for this Organization
Default options
applicationbasedaccesscontrolmode | Edm.Int32 |
Application Based Access Control Mode. 0 is Disabled, 1 is audit mode , 2 is enforcement mode Display name: Application Based Access Control Mode
Default options
appointmentricheditorexperience | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether rich editing experience for Appointment is enabled. Display name: Enable Rich Editing Experience for Appointment
Default options
appointmentwithteamsmeeting | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether Teams meeting experience for Appointment is enabled. Display name: Enable teams Meeting experience for appointment
Default options
appointmentwithteamsmeetingv2 | Edm.Boolean |
Whether Teams meetings experience for appointments is enabled. Display name: Enable Teams meetings for appointments
Default options
auditretentionperiod | Edm.Int32 |
Audit Retention Period settings stored in Organization Database. Display name: Audit Retention Period Settings |
auditretentionperiodv2 | Edm.Int32 |
Audit Retention Period settings stored in Organization Database. Display name: Audit Retention Period Settings |
auditsettings | Edm.String |
Audit Settings of the organization Display name: Audit Settings of the organization |
autoapplydefaultoncasecreate | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to auto apply the default customer entitlement on case creation. Display name: Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Create
Default options
autoapplydefaultoncaseupdate | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to auto apply the default customer entitlement on case update. Display name: Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Update
Default options
autoapplysla | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether to Auto-apply SLA on case record update after SLA was manually applied. Display name: Is Auto-apply SLA After Manually Over-riding
Default options
azureschedulerjobcollectionname | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: For internal use only. |
basecurrencyprecision | Edm.Int32 |
Number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency. Display name: Base Currency Precision Read only
basecurrencysymbol | Edm.String |
Symbol used for the base currency. Display name: Base Currency Symbol Read only
bingmapsapikey | Edm.String |
Api Key to be used in requests to Bing Maps services. Display name: Bing Maps API Key |
blockaccesstosessiontranscriptsforcopilotstudio | Edm.Boolean |
Enable this feature to prevent makers from accessing and downloading session transcripts Display name: Block access to session transcripts for Copilot Studio
Default options
blockcopilotauthorauthentication | Edm.Boolean |
Prevent makers from allowing end-users to use their credentials during authentication to use connectors, actions, flows, and triggers that are connected to an agent Display name: Block makers from allowing end-users to use their credentials during authentication to use connectors, actions, flows, and triggers that are connected to an agent
Default options
blockedapplicationsfordvaccess | Edm.String |
Information that specifies the Applications that are in block list for the accessing DV resources. Display name: List of Applications that are in block list for the accessing DV resources. |
blockedattachments | Edm.String |
Prevent upload or download of certain attachment types that are considered dangerous. Display name: Block Attachments |
blockedmimetypes | Edm.String |
Prevent upload or download of certain mime types that are considered dangerous. Display name: List of blocked mime types. |
blocktranscriptrecordingforcopilotstudio | Edm.Boolean |
Enable this feature to block access to session transcripts and conversational transcripts from being written to Dataverse for an individual environment Display name: Block access to session transcripts and conversational transcript recording for Copilot Studio
Default options
bounddashboarddefaultcardexpanded | Edm.Boolean |
Display cards in expanded state for interactive dashboard Display name: Display cards in expanded state for Interactive Dashboard
Default options
bulkoperationprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix used for bulk operation numbering. Display name: Bulk Operation Prefix |
businesscardoptions | Edm.String |
BusinessCardOptions Display name: Enable New BusinessCardOptions |
businessclosurecalendarid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the business closure calendar of organization. Display name: Business Closure Calendar |
calendartype | Edm.Int32 |
Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. Display name: Calendar Type |
campaignprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix used for campaign numbering. Display name: Campaign Prefix |
canoptoutnewsearchexperience | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization can opt out of the new Relevance search experience (released in Oct 2020) Display name: Can disable Oct 2020 Search
Default options
cascadestatusupdate | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to cascade Update on incident. Display name: Cascade Status Update
Default options
caseprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Case Prefix |
categoryprefix | Edm.String |
Type the prefix to use for all categories in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Category Prefix |
clientfeatureset | Edm.String |
Client Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB. Display name: Client Feature Set |
contentsecuritypolicyconfiguration | Edm.String |
Policy configuration for CSP Display name: Content Security Policy Configuration |
contentsecuritypolicyconfigurationforcanvas | Edm.String |
Content Security Policy configuration for Canvas apps. Display name: Content Security Policy Configuration for Canvas apps |
contentsecuritypolicyoptions | Edm.Int32 |
Content Security Policy Options. Display name: Content Security Policy Options |
contentsecuritypolicyreporturi | Edm.String |
Content Security Policy Report Uri. Display name: Content Security Policy Report Uri |
contractprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Contract Prefix |
copresencerefreshrate | Edm.Int32 |
Refresh rate for copresence data in seconds. Display name: CopresenceRefreshRate |
cortanaproactiveexperienceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature CortanaProactiveExperience Flow processes should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Cortana Proactive Experience Flow processes for this Organization
Default options
createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the organization was created. Display name: Created On Read only
createproductswithoutparentinactivestate | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Initial state of newly created products to be Active instead of Draft Display name: Enable Active Initial Product State
Default options
currencydecimalprecision | Edm.Int32 |
Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. Display name: Currency Decimal Precision |
currencydisplayoption | Edm.Int32 |
Indicates whether to display money fields with currency code or currency symbol. Display name: Display Currencies Using
Default options
currencyformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information about how currency symbols are placed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Display name: Currency Format Code
Default options
currencysymbol | Edm.String |
Symbol used for currency throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Currency Symbol |
currentimportsequencenumber | Edm.Int32 |
Import sequence to use. Display name: Current Import Sequence Number Read only
currentparsedtablenumber | Edm.Int32 |
First parsed table number to use. Display name: Current Parsed Table Number Read only
dateformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information about how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Date Format Code |
dateformatstring | Edm.String |
String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Date Format String |
dateseparator | Edm.String |
Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Date Separator |
daysbeforeemaildescriptionismigrated | Edm.Int32 |
Number of days before we migrate email description to blob. Display name: Number of days before we migrate email description to blob. |
daysbeforeinactiveteamschatsyncdisabled | Edm.Int32 |
Days of inactivity before sync is disabled for a Teams Chat. Display name: Days Before Inactive Teams Chat Sync Disabled |
dayssincerecordlastmodifiedmaxvalue | Edm.Int32 |
The maximum value for the Mobile Offline setting Days since record last modified Display name: Max value of Days since record last modified Read only
decimalsymbol | Edm.String |
Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Decimal Symbol |
defaultcountrycode | Edm.String |
Text area to enter default country code. Display name: Default Country Code |
defaultcrmcustomname | Edm.String |
Name of the default crm custom. Display name: Name of the default app |
defaultemailsettings | Edm.String |
XML string containing the default email settings that are applied when a user or queue is created. Display name: Default Email Settings |
defaultrecurrenceendrangetype | Edm.Int32 |
Type of default recurrence end range date. Display name: Default Recurrence End Range Type
Default options
defaultthemedata | Edm.String |
Default theme data for the organization. Display name: Default Theme Data |
delegatedadminuserid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the delegated admin user for the organization. Display name: Delegated Admin |
desktopflowqueuelogsttlinminutes | Edm.Int32 |
Default time to live in minutes for new desktop flow queue log records. Display name: The TTL for new desktop flow queue log records. |
desktopflowrunactionlogsstatus | Edm.Int32 |
Toggle the activation of the Power Automate Desktop Flow run action logs. Display name: Desktop Flow Run Action Logs Status
Default options
desktopflowrunactionlogversion | Edm.Int32 |
Where the Power Automate Desktop Flow Run Action logs are stored. Display name: Desktop Flow Run Action Log Version
Default options
disabledreason | Edm.String |
Reason for disabling the organization. Display name: Disabled Reason Read only
disablesocialcare | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Social Care is disabled. Display name: Is Social Care disabled
Default options
disablesystemlabelscachesharing | Edm.Boolean |
Disable sharing system labels for the organization. Display name: Disable System Labels Cache Sharing.
Default options
discountcalculationmethod | Edm.Int32 |
Discount calculation method for the QOOI product. Display name: Discount calculation method
Default options
displaynavigationtour | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether or not navigation tour is displayed. Display name: Display Navigation Tour
Default options
emailconnectionchannel | Edm.Int32 |
Select if you want to use the Email Router or server-side synchronization for email processing. Display name: Email Connection Channel
Default options
emailcorrelationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to turn email correlation on or off. Display name: Use Email Correlation
Default options
emailsendpollingperiod | Edm.Int32 |
Normal polling frequency used for sending email in Microsoft Office Outlook. Display name: Email Send Polling Frequency |
enableasyncmergeapiforuci | Edm.Boolean |
Determines whether records merged through the merge dialog in UCI are merged asynchronously Display name: Asynchronous merge enabled for UCI
Default options
enablebingmapsintegration | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Integration with Bing Maps Display name: Enable Integration with Bing Maps
Default options
enablecanvasappsinsolutionsbydefault | Edm.Boolean |
Note: By enabling this feature, you will also enable the automatic creation of enviornment variables when adding data sources for your apps. Display name: Enable the creation of Canvas apps in Dataverse / Solution by default
Default options
enableenvironmentsettingsapp | Edm.Boolean |
Enables the Environment Settings App Display name: Enable Environment Settings App
Default options
enableflowsinsolutionbydefault | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the creation of flows is within a solution by default for this organization. Display name: Enable the creation of flows within a solution by default.
Default options
enableflowsinsolutionbydefaultgraceperiod | Edm.Boolean |
Organizations with this attribute set to true will be granted a grace period and excluded from the initial world wide enablement of 'creation of flows within a solution by default' functionality. Once the grace period expires, the functionality will be enabled in your organization. Display name: Indicates whether the organization is opted into a grace period for auto-enablement of 'creation of flows within a solution by default' functionality.
Default options
enableimmersiveskypeintegration | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Integration with Immersive Skype Display name: Enable Integration with Immersive Skype
Default options
enableipbasedcookiebinding | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether IP based cookie binding is enabled Display name: Enable IP Address Based Cookie Binding
Default options
enableipbasedfirewallrule | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether IP based firewall rule is enabled Display name: Enable IP Range based Firewall
Default options
enableipbasedfirewallruleinauditmode | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether IP based firewall rule is enabled in Audit Only Mode Display name: Enable IP Range based Firewall In Audit Only Mode
Default options
enableipbasedstorageaccesssignaturerule | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether IP based SAS URI generation rule is enabled Display name: Enable IP SAS URI generation rule
Default options
enablelivepersonacarduci | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the user has enabled or disabled Live Persona Card feature in UCI. Display name: Indicates whether the user has enabled or disabled Live Persona Card feature in UCI.
Default options
enablelivepersoncardintegrationinoffice | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the user has enabled or disabled LivePersonCardIntegration in Office. Display name: Indicates whether the user has enabled or disabled LivePersonCardIntegration in Office.
Default options
enablelpauthoring | Edm.Boolean |
Select to enable learning path auhtoring. Display name: Enable Learning Path Authoring
Default options
enablemakerswitchtoclassic | Edm.Boolean |
Control whether the organization Switch Maker Portal to Classic Display name: Switch Maker Portal to Classic
Default options
enablemicrosoftflowintegration | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Integration with Microsoft Flow Display name: Enable Integration with Microsoft Flow
Default options
enablepricingoncreate | Edm.Boolean |
Enable pricing calculations on a Create call. Display name: Enable Pricing On Create
Default options
enablesmartmatching | Edm.Boolean |
Use Smart Matching. Display name: Enable Smart Matching
Default options
enableunifiedclientcdn | Edm.Boolean |
Leave empty to use default setting. Set to on/off to enable/disable CDN for UCI. Display name: Enable UCI CDN for organization
Default options
enableunifiedinterfaceshellrefresh | Edm.Boolean |
Enable site map and commanding update Display name: Enable site map and commanding update
Default options
enforcereadonlyplugins | Edm.Boolean |
Organization setting to enforce read only plugins. Display name: Organization setting to enforce read only plugins.
Default options
entityimage | Edm.Binary |
The default image for the entity. Display name: Entity Image |
entityimage_timestamp | Edm.Int64 |
Read only
entityimage_url | Edm.String |
Read only
entityimageid | Edm.Guid |
For internal use only. Display name: Entity Image Id Read only
expirechangetrackingindays | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of days to keep change tracking deleted records Display name: Days to Expire Change Tracking Deleted Records |
expiresubscriptionsindays | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions. Display name: Days to Expire Subscriptions |
externalbaseurl | Edm.String |
Specify the base URL to use to look for external document suggestions. Display name: External Base URL |
externalpartycorrelationkeys | Edm.String |
XML string containing the ExternalPartyEnabled entities correlation keys for association of existing External Party instance entities to newly created IsExternalPartyEnabled entities.For internal use only Display name: ExternalPartyEnabled Entities correlation Keys |
externalpartyentitysettings | Edm.String |
XML string containing the ExternalPartyEnabled entities settings. Display name: ExternalPartyEnabled Entities Settings.For internal use only |
featureset | Edm.String |
Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB. Display name: Feature Set |
fiscalcalendarstart | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Start date for the fiscal period that is to be used throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Fiscal Calendar Start |
fiscalperiodformat | Edm.String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal period is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Fiscal Period Format |
fiscalperiodformatperiod | Edm.Int32 |
Format in which the fiscal period will be displayed. Display name: Format for Fiscal Period
Default options
fiscalperiodtype | Edm.Int32 |
Type of fiscal period used throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Fiscal Period Type |
fiscalyeardisplaycode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies whether the fiscal year should be displayed based on the start date or the end date of the fiscal year. Display name: Fiscal Year Display |
fiscalyearformat | Edm.String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal year is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Fiscal Year Format |
fiscalyearformatprefix | Edm.Int32 |
Prefix for the display of the fiscal year. Display name: Prefix for Fiscal Year
Default options
fiscalyearformatsuffix | Edm.Int32 |
Suffix for the display of the fiscal year. Display name: Suffix for Fiscal Year
Default options
fiscalyearformatyear | Edm.Int32 |
Format for the year. Display name: Fiscal Year Format Year
Default options
fiscalyearperiodconnect | Edm.String |
Information that specifies how the names of the fiscal year and the fiscal period should be connected when displayed together. Display name: Fiscal Year Period Connector |
flowlogsttlinminutes | Edm.Int32 |
Default time to live in minutes for new records in the Flow Logs entity. Display name: The TTL for records in the Flow Logs Entity. |
flowruntimetoliveinseconds | Edm.Int32 |
Time to live (in seconds) for flow run Display name: Time to live (in seconds) for flow run |
fullnameconventioncode | Edm.Int32 |
Order in which names are to be displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Full Name Display Order
Default options
futureexpansionwindow | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the maximum number of months in future for which the recurring activities can be created. Display name: Future Expansion Window |
generatealertsforerrors | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for errors. Display name: Generate Alerts For Errors
Default options
generatealertsforinformation | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for information. Display name: Generate Alerts For Information
Default options
generatealertsforwarnings | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for warnings. Display name: Generate Alerts For Warnings
Default options
getstartedpanecontentenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Get Started content is enabled for this organization. Display name: Is Get Started Pane Content Enabled
Default options
globalappendurlparametersenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the append URL parameters is enabled. Display name: Is AppendUrl Parameters enabled
Default options
globalhelpurl | Edm.String |
URL for the web page global help. Display name: Global Help URL. |
globalhelpurlenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the customizable global help is enabled. Display name: Is Customizable Global Help enabled
Default options
goalrollupexpirytime | Edm.Int32 |
Number of days after the goal's end date after which the rollup of the goal stops automatically. Display name: Rollup Expiration Time for Goal |
goalrollupfrequency | Edm.Int32 |
Number of hours between automatic rollup jobs . Display name: Automatic Rollup Frequency for Goal |
grantaccesstonetworkservice | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Display name: Grant Access To Network Service
Default options
hashdeltasubjectcount | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords count of the email messaged to be correlated Display name: Hash Delta Subject Count |
hashfilterkeywords | Edm.String |
Filter Subject Keywords Display name: Hash Filter Keywords |
hashmaxcount | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients used for correlation Display name: Hash Max Count |
hashminaddresscount | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum number of recipients required to match for email messaged to be correlated Display name: Hash Min Address Count |
highcontrastthemedata | Edm.String |
High contrast theme data for the organization. Display name: High contrast Theme Data |
ignoreinternalemail | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether incoming email sent by internal Microsoft Dynamics 365 users or queues should be tracked. Display name: Ignore Internal Email
Default options
improvesearchloggingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether an organization has consented to sharing search query data to help improve search results Display name: Share search query data
Default options
inactivitytimeoutenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether Inactivity timeout is enabled Display name: Inactivity timeout enabled
Default options
inactivitytimeoutinmins | Edm.Int32 |
Inactivity timeout in minutes Display name: Inactivity timeout in minutes |
inactivitytimeoutreminderinmins | Edm.Int32 |
Inactivity timeout reminder in minutes Display name: Inactivity timeout reminder in minutes |
incomingemailexchangeemailretrievalbatchsize | Edm.Int32 |
Setting for the Async Service Mailbox Queue. Defines the retrieval batch size of exchange server. Display name: Exchange Email Retrieval Batch Size |
initialversion | Edm.String |
Initial version of the organization. Display name: Initial Version |
integrationuserid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the integration user for the organization. Display name: Integration User |
invoiceprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Invoice Prefix |
ipbasedstorageaccesssignaturemode | Edm.Int32 |
IP Based SAS mode. Display name: IP Based SAS mode
Default options
isactioncardenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Action Card should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Action Card for this Organization
Default options
isactionsupportfeatureenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether Action Support Feature is enabled Display name: Action Support Feature enabled
Default options
isactivityanalysisenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Relationship Analytics should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Relationship Analytics for this Organization
Default options
isallmoneydecimal | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether all money attributes are converted to decimal. Display name: Set if all money attributes are converted to decimal Read only
Default options
isappmode | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. Display name: Is Application Mode Enabled
Default options
isappointmentattachmentsyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable attachments sync for outlook and exchange. Display name: Is Attachment Sync Enabled
Default options
isassignedtaskssyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable assigned tasks sync for outlook and exchange. Display name: Is Assigned Tasks Sync Enabled
Default options
isauditenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable auditing of changes. Display name: Is Auditing Enabled
Default options
isautodatacaptureenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Auto Capture should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Auto Capture for this Organization
Default options
isautodatacapturev2enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the V2 feature of Auto Capture should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Auto Capture V2 for this Organization
Default options
isautoinstallappford365inteamsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: IsAutoInstallAppForD365InTeamsEnabled
Default options
isautosaveenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether auto save is enabled. Display name: Auto Save Enabled
Default options
isbasecardstaticfielddataenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: IsBaseCardStaticFieldDataEnabled
Default options
isbasicgeospatialintegrationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Determines whether users can make use of basic Geospatial featuers in Canvas apps. Display name: Enable the basic Geospatial features in Canvas Apps
Default options
isbpfentitycustomizationfeatureenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether BPF Entity Customization Feature is enabled Display name: BPF Entity Customization Feature enabled
Default options
iscollaborationexperienceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: IsCollaborationExperienceEnabled
Default options
isconflictdetectionenabledformobileclient | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether conflict detection for mobile client is enabled. Display name: Is Conflict Detection for Mobile Client enabled
Default options
iscontactmailingaddresssyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable mailing address sync for outlook and exchange. Display name: Is Mailing Address Sync Enabled
Default options
iscontentsecuritypolicyenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Content Security Policy has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Content Security Policy for this organization
Default options
iscontentsecuritypolicyenabledforcanvas | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Content Security Policy has been enabled for this organization's Canvas apps. Display name: Enable Content Security Policy for this organization's Canvas apps
Default options
iscontextualemailenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Contextual email experience is enabled on this organization Display name: Indicates whether Contextual email experience is enabled on this organization
Default options
iscontextualhelpenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select to enable Contextual Help in UCI. Display name: Enables Contextual Help in UCI
Default options
iscopilotfeedbackenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Determines whether users can provide feedback Copilot experiences. Display name: Allow users to provide feedback to improve Copilot experiences
Default options
iscustomcontrolsincanvasappsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Custom Controls in canvas PowerApps feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Custom Controls in canvas PowerApps feature for this organization
Default options
isdefaultcountrycodecheckenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable country code selection. Display name: Enable or disable country code selection
Default options
isdelegateaccessenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Delegation Access content Display name: Is Delegation Access Enabled
Default options
isdelveactionhubintegrationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Action Hub should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Action Hub for this Organization
Default options
isdesktopflowconnectionembeddingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether connection embedding in Desktop Flows is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable connection embedding in Desktop Flows for this organization
Default options
isdesktopflowruntimerepairattendedenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Desktop Flows UI Automation Runtime Repair for Attended feature for this organization. Display name: Enable the Desktop Flows UI Automation Runtime Repair for Attended feature for this organization
Default options
isdesktopflowruntimerepairunattendedenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Desktop Flows UI Automation Runtime Repair for Unattended feature for this organization. Display name: Enable the Desktop Flows UI Automation Runtime Repair for Unattended feature for this organization
Default options
isdesktopflowschemav2enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether v2 schema for Desktop Flows is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable v2 schema for Desktop Flows in this organization.
Default options
isdesktopflowvanillaimagesharingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Windows Vanilla Image will be readly available for Desktop Flow users in this organization. Display name: Enable Sharing the Windows Vanilla Image with every Desktop Flow user in this organization.
Default options
isdisabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether the organization is disabled. Display name: Is Organization Disabled Read only
Default options
isduplicatedetectionenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled. Display name: Is Duplicate Detection Enabled
Default options
isduplicatedetectionenabledforimport | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled. Display name: Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Import
Default options
isduplicatedetectionenabledforofflinesync | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled. Display name: Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Offline Synchronization
Default options
isduplicatedetectionenabledforonlinecreateupdate | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled. Display name: Is Duplicate Detection Enabled for Online Create/Update
Default options
isemailaddressvalidationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether Smart Email Address Validation is enabled. Display name: Enable Smart Email Address Validation.
Default options
isemailmonitoringallowed | Edm.Boolean |
Allow tracking recipient activity on sent emails. Display name: Allow tracking recipient activity on sent emails
Default options
isemailserverprofilecontentfilteringenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Email Server Profile content filtering Display name: Is Email Server Profile Content Filtering Enabled
Default options
isenabledforallroles | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether appmodule is enabled for all roles Display name: option set values for isenabledforallroles
Default options
isexternalfilestorageenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization's files are being stored in Azure. Display name: Enable external file storage
Default options
isexternalsearchindexenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether data can be synchronized with an external search index. Display name: Enable external search data syncing
Default options
isfiscalperiodmonthbased | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the fiscal period is displayed as the month number. Display name: Is Fiscal Period Monthly
Default options
isfolderautocreatedonsp | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether folders should be automatically created on SharePoint. Display name: Automatically create folders
Default options
isfolderbasedtrackingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable folder based tracking for Server Side Sync. Display name: Is Folder Based Tracking Enabled
Default options
isfulltextsearchenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether full-text search for Quick Find entities should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Full-text search for Quick Find
Default options
isgeospatialazuremapsintegrationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether geospatial capabilities leveraging Azure Maps are enabled. Display name: Enable geospatial Azure Maps integration.
Default options
ishierarchicalsecuritymodelenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable Hierarchical Security Model Display name: Enable Hierarchical Security Model
Default options
isideasdatacollectionenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether data collection for ideas in canvas PowerApps has been enabled. Display name: Enable Ideas data collection.
Default options
isluisenabledford365bot | Edm.Boolean |
Give Consent to use LUIS in Dynamics 365 Bot Display name: LUIS Consent for Dynamics 365 Bot
Default options
ismailboxforcedunlockingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable forced unlocking for Server Side Sync mailboxes. Display name: Is Mailbox Forced Unlocking Enabled
Default options
ismailboxinactivebackoffenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable mailbox keep alive for Server Side Sync. Display name: Is Mailbox Keep Alive Enabled
Default options
ismanualsalesforecastingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Manual Sales Forecasting feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Manual Sales Forecasting feature for this organization
Default options
ismobileclientondemandsyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether mobile client on demand sync is enabled. Display name: Is Mobile Client On Demand Sync enabled
Default options
ismobileofflineenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature MobileOffline should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable MobileOffline for this Organization
Default options
ismodeldrivenappsinmsteamsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Model Apps can be embedded within Microsoft Teams. This is a tenant admin controlled preview/experimental feature. Display name: Enable embedding Model Apps in Microsoft Teams
Default options
ismsteamscollaborationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Microsoft Teams Collaboration feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Microsoft Teams Collaboration for this organization
Default options
ismsteamsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Microsoft Teams integration has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Microsoft Teams integration
Default options
ismsteamssettingchangedbyuser | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the user has enabled or disabled Microsoft Teams integration. Display name: Microsoft Teams integration changed by user
Default options
ismsteamsusersyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Microsoft Teams User Sync feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Microsoft Teams User Sync for this organization
Default options
isnewaddproductexperienceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether new add product experience is enabled. Display name: Indicates whether new add product experience is enabled in opportunity form
Default options
isnotesanalysisenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Notes Analysis should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Notes Analysis for this Organization
Default options
isnotificationford365inteamsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: IsNotificationForD365InTeamsEnabled
Default options
isofficegraphenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature OfficeGraph should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable OfficeGraph for this Organization
Default options
isonedriveenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature One Drive should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable One Drive for this Organization
Default options
ispaienabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether PAI feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable PAI feature for this organization
Default options
ispdfgenerationenabled | Edm.String |
Indicates whether PDF Generation feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable PDF Generation feature for this organization |
isperprocesscapacityoverageenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Per Process overage feature is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable the Per Process overage feature for this organization
Default options
isplaybookenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether playbook feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable playbook feature for this organization
Default options
ispresenceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether IM presence is enabled. Display name: Presence Enabled
Default options
ispreviewenabledforactioncard | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Preview feature for Action Card should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Preview Action Card feature for this Organization
Default options
ispreviewforautocaptureenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Auto Capture should be enabled for the organization at Preview Settings. Display name: Enable Auto Capture for this Organization at Preview Settings
Default options
ispreviewforemailmonitoringallowed | Edm.Boolean |
Is Preview For Email Monitoring Allowed. Display name: Allows Preview For Email Monitoring
Default options
ispricelistmandatory | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether PriceList is mandatory for adding existing products to sales entities. Display name: Indicates whether PriceList is mandatory for adding existing products to sales entities
Default options
isprocesscapacityautoclaimenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Process capacity auto-claim feature is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable the Process capacity auto-claim feature for this organization
Default options
isquickcreateenabledforopportunityclose | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to use the standard Out-of-box Opportunity Close experience or opt to for a customized experience. Display name: Enable quick create form for opportunity close feature for this organization
Default options
isreadauditenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable auditing of read operations. Display name: Is Read Auditing Enabled
Default options
isrelationshipinsightsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the feature Relationship Insights should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Relationship Insights for this Organization
Default options
isresourcebookingexchangesyncenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates if the synchronization of user resource booking with Exchange is enabled at organization level. Display name: Resource booking synchronization enabled
Default options
isrichtextnotesenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether rich text editor for notes experience is enabled on this organization Display name: Indicates whether rich text editor for notes experience is enabled on this organization
Default options
isrpaautoscaleaadjoinenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether AAD Join for RPA Autoscale is enabled in this organization.. Display name: Enable AAD Join for RPA Autoscale feature for this organization.
Default options
isrpaautoscaleenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Autoscale feature for RPA is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable RPA Autoscale feature for this organization
Default options
isrpaboxcrossgeoenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether RPA Box feature is enabled in this organization in locations outside the tenant's geographical location. Display name: Enable RPA Box cross geo feature for this organization
Default options
isrpaboxenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether RPA Box feature is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable RPA Box feature for this organization
Default options
isrpaunattendedenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Unattended runs feature for RPA is enabled in this organization. Display name: Enable RPA Unattended feature for this organization
Default options
issalesassistantenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Sales Assistant mobile app has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Sales Assistant mobile app
Default options
issharinginorgallowed | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: IsSharingInOrgAllowed
Default options
issopintegrationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable sales order processing integration. Display name: Is Sales Order Integration Enabled
Default options
istextwrapenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether text wrap is enabled. Display name: Enable Text Wrap
Default options
isuseraccessauditenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable or disable auditing of user access. Display name: Is User Access Auditing Enabled
Default options
iswriteinproductsallowed | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Write-in Products can be added to Opportunity/Quote/Order/Invoice or not. Display name: Indicates whether Write-in Products can be added to Opportunity/Quote/Order/Invoice or not
Default options
kaprefix | Edm.String |
Type the prefix to use for all knowledge articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Knowledge Article Prefix |
kbprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Article Prefix |
kmsettings | Edm.String |
XML string containing the Knowledge Management settings that are applied in Knowledge Management Wizard. Display name: Knowledge Management Settings |
languagecode | Edm.Int32 |
Preferred language for the organization. Display name: Language |
legacyapptoggle | Edm.Int32 |
Show legacy app for admins Display name: Show legacy app for admins
Default options
localeid | Edm.Int32 |
Unique identifier of the locale of the organization. Display name: Locale |
longdateformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies how the Long Date format is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Long Date Format |
lookupcharactercountbeforeresolve | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum number of characters that should be entered in the lookup control before resolving for suggestions Display name: Minimum number of characters before resolving suggestions in lookup |
lookupresolvedelayms | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum delay (in milliseconds) between consecutive inputs in a lookup control that will trigger a search for suggestions Display name: Minimum delay (in milliseconds) for debouncing lookup control input |
mailboxintermittentissueminrange | Edm.Int32 |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue. Display name: Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue |
mailboxpermanentissueminrange | Edm.Int32 |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. Display name: Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. |
maxactionstepsinbpf | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of actionsteps allowed in a BPF Display name: Maximum number of actionsteps allowed in a BPF |
maxallowedpendingrollupjobcount | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum Allowed Pending Rollup Job Count Display name: MaxAllowedPendingRollupJobCount |
maxallowedpendingrollupjobpercentage | Edm.Int32 |
Percentage Of Entity Table Size For Kicking Off Bootstrap Job Display name: MaxAllowedPendingRollupJobPercentage |
maxappointmentdurationdays | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of days an appointment can last. Display name: Max Appointment Duration |
maxconditionsformobileofflinefilters | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of conditions allowed for mobile offline filters Display name: Maximum number of conditions allowed for mobile offline filters |
maxdepthforhierarchicalsecuritymodel | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. Display name: Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. |
maxfolderbasedtrackingmappings | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of Folder Based Tracking mappings user can add Display name: Max Folder Based Tracking Mappings |
maximumactivebusinessprocessflowsallowedperentity | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of active business process flows allowed per entity Display name: Maximum active business process flows per entity |
maximumdynamicpropertiesallowed | Edm.Int32 |
Restrict the maximum number of product properties for a product family/bundle Display name: Product Properties Item Limit |
maximumentitieswithactivesla | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of active SLA allowed per entity in online Display name: Maximum number of active SLA allowed per entity in online |
maximumslakpiperentitywithactivesla | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of SLA KPI per active SLA allowed for entity in online Display name: Maximum number of active SLA KPI allowed per entity in online |
maximumtrackingnumber | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum tracking number before recycling takes place. Display name: Max Tracking Number |
maxproductsinbundle | Edm.Int32 |
Restrict the maximum no of items in a bundle Display name: Bundle Item Limit |
maxrecordsforexporttoexcel | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid. Display name: Max Records For Excel Export |
maxrecordsforlookupfilters | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering. Display name: Max Records Filter Selection |
maxrollupfieldsperentity | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum Rollup Fields Per Entity Display name: MaxRollupFieldsPerEntity |
maxrollupfieldsperorg | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum Rollup Fields Per Organization Display name: MaxRollupFieldsPerOrg |
maxslaitemspersla | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Max SLA Items Per SLA |
maxsupportedinternetexplorerversion | Edm.Int32 |
The maximum version of IE to run browser emulation for in Outlook client Display name: Max supported IE version Read only
maxuploadfilesize | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum allowed size of an attachment. Display name: Max Upload File Size |
maxverboseloggingmailbox | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of mailboxes that can be toggled for verbose logging Display name: Max No Of Mailboxes To Enable For Verbose Logging Read only
maxverboseloggingsynccycles | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of sync cycles for which verbose logging will be enabled by default Display name: Maximum number of sync cycles for which verbose logging will be enabled by default Read only
microsoftflowenvironment | Edm.String |
(Deprecated) Environment selected for Integration with Microsoft Flow Display name: (Deprecated) Environment selected for Integration with Microsoft Flow |
minaddressbooksyncinterval | Edm.Int32 |
Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. Display name: Min Address Synchronization Frequency |
minofflinesyncinterval | Edm.Int32 |
Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. Display name: Min Offline Synchronization Frequency |
minoutlooksyncinterval | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum allowed time between scheduled Outlook synchronizations. Display name: Min Synchronization Frequency |
mobileofflineminlicenseprod | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum number of user license required for mobile offline service by production/preview organization Display name: Minimum number of user license required for mobile offline service by production/preview organization Read only
mobileofflineminlicensetrial | Edm.Int32 |
Minimum number of user license required for mobile offline service by trial organization Display name: Minimum number of user license required for mobile offline service by trial organization Read only
mobileofflinesyncinterval | Edm.Int32 |
Sync interval for mobile offline. Display name: Sync interval for mobile offline. |
modernadvancedfindfiltering | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the modern advanced find filtering on all tables in a model-driven app is enabled Display name: Modern advanced find filtering
Default options
modernappdesignercoauthoringenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether coauthoring is enabled in modern app designer Display name: Coauthoring in Modern App Designer Enabled
Default options
modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the organization was last modified. Display name: Modified On Read only
multicolumnsortenabled | Edm.Int32 |
Show the sort by button on views Display name: Enable Multi Column Sort Editor In Views |
name | Edm.String |
Name of the organization. The name is set when Microsoft CRM is installed and should not be changed. Display name: Organization Name |
naturallanguageassistfilter | Edm.Boolean |
Enables Natural Language Assist Filter. Display name: Natural Language Assist
Default options
negativecurrencyformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Negative Currency Format |
negativeformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Negative Format
Default options
newsearchexperienceenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether an organization has enabled the new Relevance search experience (released in Oct 2020) for the organization Display name: Oct 2020 Search enabled
Default options
nexttrackingnumber | Edm.Int32 |
Next token to be placed on the subject line of an email message. Display name: Next Tracking Number |
notifymailboxownerofemailserverlevelalerts | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether mailbox owners will be notified of email server profile level alerts. Display name: Notify Mailbox Owner Of Email Server Level Alerts
Default options
numberformat | Edm.String |
Specification of how numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Number Format |
numbergroupformat | Edm.String |
Specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Number Grouping Format |
numberseparator | Edm.String |
Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Number Separator |
officeappsautodeploymentenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Office Apps auto deployment is enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Office Apps Auto Deployment for this Organization
Default options
officegraphdelveurl | Edm.String |
The url to open the Delve for the organization. Display name: The url to open the Delve |
oobpricecalculationenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable OOB pricing calculation logic for Opportunity, Quote, Order and Invoice entities. Display name: Enable OOB Price calculation
Default options
optoutschemav2enabledbydefault | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates if this organization will opt-out from automatically enabling schema v2 on the organization. Display name: Opt-out of schema v2 being automatically enabled for this organization.
Default options
orderprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Order Prefix |
organizationid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the organization. Display name: Organization Read only
organizationstate | Edm.Int32 |
Indicates the organization lifecycle state Display name: Organization State Read only
Default options
orgdborgsettings | Edm.String |
Organization settings stored in Organization Database. Display name: Organization Database Organization Settings |
orginsightsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to turn on OrgInsights for the organization. Display name: Enable OrgInsights for this Organization
Default options
paipreviewscenarioenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Preview feature has been enabled for the organization. Display name: Display Preview Feature for this organization
Default options
parsedtablecolumnprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix used for parsed table columns. Display name: Parsed Table Column Prefix Read only
parsedtableprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix used for parsed tables. Display name: Parsed Table Prefix Read only
pastexpansionwindow | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the maximum number of months in past for which the recurring activities can be created. Display name: Past Expansion Window |
pcfdatasetgridenabled | Edm.String |
Leave empty to use default setting. Set to on/off to enable/disable replacement of default grids with modern ones in model-driven apps. Display name: Enable modern grids in model-driven apps |
performactsyncafter | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
This setting contains the date time before an ACT sync can execute. Display name: PerformACTSyncAfter |
picture | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: Picture |
pinpointlanguagecode | Edm.Int32 | |||||||||||||||||||
plugintracelogsetting | Edm.Int32 |
Plug-in Trace Log Setting for the Organization. Display name: Plug-in Trace Log Setting
Default options
pmdesignator | Edm.String |
PM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: PM Designator |
postmessagewhitelistdomains | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: For internal use only. |
powerappsmakerbotenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether bot for makers is enabled. Display name: Enable bot for makers.
Default options
powerbiallowcrossregionoperations | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether cross region operations are allowed for the organization Display name: Power BI allow cross region operations
Default options
powerbiautomaticpermissionsassignment | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic permissions assignment to Power BI has been enabled for the organization Display name: Power BI automatic permissions assignment
Default options
powerbicomponentscreate | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether creation of Power BI components has been enabled for the organization Display name: Power BI components creation
Default options
powerbifeatureenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the Power BI feature should be enabled for the organization. Display name: Enable Power BI feature for this Organization
Default options
pricingdecimalprecision | Edm.Int32 |
Number of decimal places that can be used for prices. Display name: Pricing Decimal Precision |
privacystatementurl | Edm.String |
Privacy Statement URL Display name: Privacy Statement URL |
privilegeusergroupid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the default privilege for users in the organization. Display name: Privilege User Group |
privreportinggroupid | Edm.Guid |
For internal use only. Display name: Privilege Reporting Group |
privreportinggroupname | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: Privilege Reporting Group Name |
productrecommendationsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to turn on product recommendations for the organization. Display name: Enable Product Recommendations for this Organization
Default options
qualifyleadadditionaloptions | Edm.String |
Indicates whether prompt should be shown for new Qualify Lead Experience Display name: Enable New Qualify Lead Experience with configuration MDD |
quickactiontoopenrecordsinsidepaneenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the feature to use quick action to open records in search side pane is enabled Display name: Enable quick actions to open records in search side pane
Default options
quickfindrecordlimitenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether a quick find record limit should be enabled for this organization (allows for faster Quick Find queries but prevents overly broad searches). Display name: Quick Find Record Limit Enabled
Default options
quoteprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Quote Prefix |
recalculatesla | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether SLA Recalculation has been enabled for the organization Display name: Indicates whether SLA Recalculation has been enabled for the organization
Default options
recurrencedefaultnumberofoccurrences | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the default value for number of occurrences field in the recurrence dialog. Display name: Recurrence Default Number of Occurrences |
recurrenceexpansionjobbatchinterval | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the interval (in seconds) for pausing expansion job. Display name: Recurrence Expansion Job Batch Interval |
recurrenceexpansionjobbatchsize | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the value for number of instances created in on demand job in one shot. Display name: Recurrence Expansion On Demand Job Batch Size |
recurrenceexpansionsynchcreatemax | Edm.Int32 |
Specifies the maximum number of instances to be created synchronously after creating a recurring appointment. Display name: Recurrence Expansion Synchronization Create Maximum |
releasecadence | Edm.Int32 |
Current orgnization release cadence value Display name: Current orgnization release cadence value |
releasechannel | Edm.Int32 |
Model app refresh channel Display name: Model app refresh channel
Default options
releasewavename | Edm.String |
Release Wave Applied to Environment. Display name: Release Wave |
relevancesearchenabledbyplatform | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether relevance search was enabled for the environment as part of Dataverse's relevance search on-by-default sweep Display name: Relevance search enabled automatically by Dataverse
Default options
relevancesearchmodifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
This setting contains the last modified date for relevance search setting that appears as a toggle in PPAC. Display name: RelevanceSearchModifiedOnDate |
rendersecureiframeforemail | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to render the body of email in the Web form in an IFRAME with the security='restricted' attribute set. This is additional security but can cause a credentials prompt. Display name: Render Secure Frame For Email
Default options
reportinggroupid | Edm.Guid |
For internal use only. Display name: Reporting Group |
reportinggroupname | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: Reporting Group Name |
reportscripterrors | Edm.Int32 |
Picklist for selecting the organization preference for reporting scripting errors. Display name: Report Script Errors
Default options
requireapprovalforqueueemail | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. Display name: Is Approval For Queue Email Required
Default options
requireapprovalforuseremail | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. Display name: Is Approval For User Email Required
Default options
resolvesimilarunresolvedemailaddress | Edm.Boolean |
Apply same email address to all unresolved matches when you manually resolve it for one Display name: Apply same email address to all unresolved matches when you manually resolve it for one
Default options
restrictGuestUserAccess | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether guest user restriction is enabled Display name: Restrict guest users access to the organization
Default options
restrictstatusupdate | Edm.Boolean |
Flag to restrict Update on incident. Display name: Restrict Status Update
Default options
reverseproxyipaddresses | Edm.String |
Information that specifies Reverse Proxy IP addresses from which requests have to be allowed. Display name: List of reverse proxy IP addresses to be allowed. |
rierrorstatus | Edm.Int32 |
Error status of Relationship Insights provisioning. Display name: Error status of Relationship Insights provisioning. |
samesitemodeforsessioncookie | Edm.Int32 |
Samesite mode for Session Cookie 0 is Default, 1 is None, 2 is Lax , 3 is Strict Display name: Samesite mode for Session Cookie
Default options
sampledataimportid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the sample data import job. Display name: Sample Data Import |
schemanameprefix | Edm.String |
Prefix used for custom entities and attributes. Display name: Customization Name Prefix |
sendbulkemailinuci | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether Send Bulk Email in UCI is enabled for the org. Display name: Send Bulk Email in UCI
Default options
servestaticresourcesfromazurecdn | Edm.Boolean |
Serve Static Content From CDN Display name: Serve Static Content From CDN
Default options
sessionrecordingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable the session recording feature to record user sessions in UCI Display name: Enable the session recording feature
Default options
sessiontimeoutenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether session timeout is enabled Display name: Session timeout enabled
Default options
sessiontimeoutinmins | Edm.Int32 |
Session timeout in minutes Display name: Session timeout in minutes |
sessiontimeoutreminderinmins | Edm.Int32 |
Session timeout reminder in minutes Display name: Session timeout reminder in minutes |
sharepointdeploymenttype | Edm.Int32 |
Indicates which SharePoint deployment type is configured for Server to Server. (Online or On-Premises) Display name: Choose SharePoint Deployment Type
Default options
sharetopreviousowneronassign | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to share to previous owner on assign. Display name: Share To Previous Owner On Assign
Default options
showkbarticledeprecationnotification | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to display a KB article deprecation notification to the user. Display name: Show KBArticle deprecation message to user
Default options
showweeknumber | Edm.Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Show Week Number
Default options
signupoutlookdownloadfwlink | Edm.String |
CRM for Outlook Download URL Display name: CRMForOutlookDownloadURL |
slapausestates | Edm.String |
Contains the on hold case status values. Display name: SLA pause states |
socialinsightsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Flag for whether the organization is using Social Insights. Display name: Social Insights Enabled
Default options
socialinsightsinstance | Edm.String |
Identifier for the Social Insights instance for the organization. Display name: Social Insights instance identifier |
socialinsightstermsaccepted | Edm.Boolean |
Flag for whether the organization has accepted the Social Insights terms of use. Display name: Social Insights Terms of Use
Default options
sortid | Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. Display name: Sort |
sqlaccessgroupid | Edm.Guid |
For internal use only. Display name: SQL Access Group |
sqlaccessgroupname | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: SQL Access Group Name |
sqmenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Setting for SQM data collection, 0 no, 1 yes enabled Display name: Is SQM Enabled
Default options
supportuserid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the support user for the organization. Display name: Support User |
suppresssla | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether SLA is suppressed. Display name: Is SLA suppressed
Default options
suppressvalidationemails | Edm.Boolean |
Leave empty to use default setting. Set to on/off to enable/disable Admin emails when Solution Checker validation fails. Display name: Whether Admin emails are sent when Solution Checker validation fails
Default options
syncbulkoperationbatchsize | Edm.Int32 |
Number of records to update per operation in Sync Bulk Pause/Resume/Cancel Display name: Number of records to update per operation in Sync Bulk Pause/Resume/Cancel |
syncbulkoperationmaxlimit | Edm.Int32 |
Max total number of records to update in database for Sync Bulk Pause/Resume/Cancel Display name: Max total number of records to update in database for Sync Bulk Pause/Resume/Cancel |
syncoptinselection | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates the selection to use the dynamics 365 azure sync framework or server side sync. Display name: Enable dynamics 365 azure sync framework for this organization.
Default options
syncoptinselectionstatus | Edm.Int32 |
Indicates the status of the opt-in or opt-out operation for dynamics 365 azure sync. Display name: Status of opt-in or opt-out operation for dynamics 365 azure sync.
Default options
systemuserid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the system user for the organization. Display name: System User |
tablescopeddvsearchinapps | Edm.Boolean |
Controls the appearance of option to search over a single DV search indexed table in model-driven apps’ global search in the header. Display name: Table Scoped Dataverse Search In Apps
Default options
tagmaxaggressivecycles | Edm.Int32 |
Maximum number of aggressive polling cycles executed for email auto-tagging when a new email is received. Display name: Auto-Tag Max Cycles |
tagpollingperiod | Edm.Int32 |
Normal polling frequency used for email receive auto-tagging in outlook. Display name: Auto-Tag Interval |
taskbasedflowenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to turn on task flows for the organization. Display name: Enable Task Flow processes for this Organization
Default options
teamschatdatasync | Edm.Boolean |
Information on whether Teams Chat Data Sync is enabled. Display name: Enable Teams Chat Data Sync.
Default options
telemetryinstrumentationkey | Edm.String |
Instrumentation key for Application Insights used to log plugins telemetry. Display name: Telemetry Instrumentation Key |
textanalyticsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to turn on text analytics for the organization. Display name: Enable Text Analytics for this Organization
Default options
timeformatcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies how the time is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. Display name: Time Format Code |
timeformatstring | Edm.String |
Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Time Format String |
timeseparator | Edm.String |
Text for how the time separator is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Time Separator |
timezoneruleversionnumber | Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. Display name: Time Zone Rule Version Number |
tokenexpiry | Edm.Int32 |
Duration used for token expiration. Display name: Token Expiration Duration |
tokenkey | Edm.String |
Token key. Display name: Token Key |
tracelogmaximumageindays | Edm.Int32 |
Tracelog record maximum age in days Display name: Tracelog record maximum age in days |
trackingprefix | Edm.String |
History list of tracking token prefixes. Display name: Tracking Prefix |
trackingtokenidbase | Edm.Int32 |
Base number used to provide separate tracking token identifiers to users belonging to different deployments. Display name: Tracking Token Base |
trackingtokeniddigits | Edm.Int32 |
Number of digits used to represent a tracking token identifier. Display name: Tracking Token Digits |
uniquespecifierlength | Edm.Int32 |
Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers. Display name: Unique String Length |
unresolveemailaddressifmultiplematch | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether email address should be unresolved if multiple matches are found Display name: Set To,cc,bcc fields as unresolved if multiple matches are found
Default options
useinbuiltrulefordefaultpricelistselection | Edm.Boolean |
Flag indicates whether to Use Inbuilt Rule For DefaultPricelist. Display name: Use Inbuilt Rule For Default Pricelist Selection
Default options
uselegacyrendering | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether to use legacy form rendering. Display name: Legacy Form Rendering
Default options
usepositionhierarchy | Edm.Boolean |
Use position hierarchy Display name: Use position hierarchy
Default options
usequickfindviewforgridsearch | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether searching in a grid should use the Quick Find view for the entity. Display name: Use Quick Find view when searching in grids
Default options
useraccessauditinginterval | Edm.Int32 |
The interval at which user access is checked for auditing. Display name: User Authentication Auditing Interval |
usereadform | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the read-optimized form should be enabled for this organization. Display name: Use Read-Optimized Form
Default options
usergroupid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the default group of users in the organization. Display name: User Group |
userratingenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Enable the user rating feature to show the NSAT score and comment to maker Display name: Enable the user rating feature
Default options
useskypeprotocol | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates default protocol selected for organization. Display name: User Skype Protocol
Default options
utcconversiontimezonecode | Edm.Int32 |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Display name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
v3calloutconfighash | Edm.String |
Hash of the V3 callout configuration file. Display name: V3 Callout Hash Read only
validationmode | Edm.Int32 |
Validation mode for apps in this environment Display name: Validation mode for apps in this environment
Default options
versionnumber | Edm.Int64 |
Version number of the organization. Display name: Version Number Read only
webresourcehash | Edm.String |
Hash value of web resources. Display name: Web resource hash |
weekstartdaycode | Edm.Int32 |
Designated first day of the week throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Week Start Day Code |
widgetproperties | Edm.String |
For Internal use only. Display name: For Internal use only. |
yammergroupid | Edm.Int32 |
Denotes the Yammer group ID Display name: Yammer Group Id |
yammernetworkpermalink | Edm.String |
Denotes the Yammer network permalink Display name: Yammer Network Permalink |
yammeroauthaccesstokenexpired | Edm.Boolean |
Denotes whether the OAuth access token for Yammer network has expired Display name: Yammer OAuth Access Token Expired
Default options
yammerpostmethod | Edm.Int32 |
Internal Use Only Display name: Internal Use Only
Default options
yearstartweekcode | Edm.Int32 |
Information that specifies how the first week of the year is specified in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Display name: Year Start Week Code |
Lookup properties
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_acknowledgementtemplateid_value | acknowledgementtemplateid |
Unique identifier of the template to be used for acknowledgement when a user unsubscribes. |
_basecurrencyid_value | basecurrencyid |
Unique identifier of the base currency of the organization. |
_createdby_value | createdby |
Unique identifier of the user who created the organization. |
_createdonbehalfby_value | createdonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the organization. |
_defaultemailserverprofileid_value | defaultemailserverprofileid |
Unique identifier of the default email server profile. |
_defaultmobileofflineprofileid_value | defaultmobileofflineprofileid |
Unique identifier of the default mobile offline profile. |
_modifiedby_value | modifiedby |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the organization. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value | modifiedonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the organization. |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
acknowledgementtemplateid | template | Template_Organization |
basecurrencyid | transactioncurrency | basecurrency_organization |
businessclosurecalendarid_calendar | calendar | calendar_organization |
createdby | systemuser | lk_organizationbase_createdby |
createdonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_organization_createdonbehalfby |
defaultemailserverprofileid | emailserverprofile | EmailServerProfile_Organization |
defaultmobileofflineprofileid | mobileofflineprofile | DefaultMobileOfflineProfile_Organization |
modifiedby | systemuser | lk_organizationbase_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_organization_modifiedonbehalfby |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
customcontrol_organization | customcontrol | organizationid |
customcontroldefaultconfig_organization | customcontroldefaultconfig | organizationid |
customcontrolresource_organization | customcontrolresource | organizationid |
languagelocale_organization | languagelocale | organizationid |
lk_dataperformance_organizationid | dataperformance | organizationid |
lk_documenttemplatebase_organization | documenttemplate | organizationid |
lk_fieldsecurityprofile_organizationid | fieldsecurityprofile | organizationid |
lk_principalobjectattributeaccess_organizationid | principalobjectattributeaccess | organizationid |
MobileOfflineProfile_organization | mobileofflineprofile | organizationid |
MobileOfflineProfileItem_organization | mobileofflineprofileitem | organizationid |
MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation_organization | mobileofflineprofileitemassociation | organizationid |
organization_aciviewmapper | aciviewmapper | organizationid |
organization_adx_externalidentity | adx_externalidentity | organizationid |
organization_adx_webformsession | adx_webformsession | organizationid |
organization_aicopilot | aicopilot | organizationid |
organization_aiplugintitle | aiplugintitle | organizationid |
organization_appaction | appaction | organizationid |
organization_appactionmigration | appactionmigration | organizationid |
organization_appactionrule | appactionrule | organizationid |
organization_appconfig | appconfig | organization_appconfig |
organization_appconfiginstance | appconfiginstance | organization_appconfiginstance_appconfiginstance |
organization_appconfigmaster | appconfigmaster | organization_appconfigmaster_appconfigmaster |
organization_application | application | organizationid |
organization_appmodule | appmodule | organization_appmodule_appmodule |
Organization_AsyncOperations | asyncoperation | regardingobjectid_organization |
Organization_BulkDeleteFailures | bulkdeletefailure | regardingobjectid_organization |
organization_business_unit_news_articles | businessunitnewsarticle | organizationid |
organization_business_units | businessunit | organizationid |
organization_calendars | calendar | organizationid |
organization_catalog | catalog | organizationid |
organization_catalogassignment | catalogassignment | organizationid |
organization_complexcontrols | complexcontrol | organizationid |
organization_connection_roles | connectionrole | organizationid |
organization_copilotexamplequestion | copilotexamplequestion | organizationid |
organization_custom_displaystrings | displaystring | organizationid |
organization_datalakeworkspace | datalakeworkspace | organizationid |
organization_datalakeworkspacepermission | datalakeworkspacepermission | organizationid |
organization_dataprocessingconfiguration | dataprocessingconfiguration | organizationid |
organization_delegatedauthorization | delegatedauthorization | organizationid |
organization_emailserverprofile | emailserverprofile | organizationid |
organization_entityanalyticsconfig | entityanalyticsconfig | organizationid |
organization_entityrecordfilter | entityrecordfilter | organizationid |
organization_expiredprocess | expiredprocess | organizationid |
organization_importjob | importjob | organizationid |
organization_kb_article_templates | kbarticletemplate | organizationid |
organization_kb_articles | kbarticle | organizationid |
organization_KnowledgeBaseRecord | knowledgebaserecord | organizationid |
organization_mailbox | mailbox | organizationid |
Organization_MailboxTrackingFolder | mailboxtrackingfolder | organizationid |
organization_mainfewshot | mainfewshot | organizationid |
organization_makerfewshot | makerfewshot | organizationid |
organization_maskingrule | maskingrule | organizationid |
organization_metadataforarchival | metadataforarchival | organizationid |
organization_metric | metric | organizationid |
organization_mobileofflineprofileextension | mobileofflineprofileextension | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_appinsightsmetadata | msdyn_appinsightsmetadata | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_federatedarticleincident | msdyn_federatedarticleincident | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_helppage | msdyn_helppage | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity | msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_kmpersonalizationsetting | msdyn_kmpersonalizationsetting | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_knowledgeconfiguration | msdyn_knowledgeconfiguration | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_modulerundetail | msdyn_modulerundetail | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_solutionhealthruleset | msdyn_solutionhealthruleset | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_tour | msdyn_tour | organizationid |
organization_msdyn_workflowactionstatus | msdyn_workflowactionstatus | organizationid |
organization_navigationsetting | navigationsetting | organization_navigationsetting_navigationsetting |
organization_newprocess | newprocess | organizationid |
organization_officegraphdocument | officegraphdocument | organizationid |
organization_organizationdatasyncfnostate | organizationdatasyncfnostate | organizationid |
organization_organizationdatasyncstate | organizationdatasyncstate | organizationid |
organization_organizationdatasyncsubscription | organizationdatasyncsubscription | organizationid |
organization_organizationdatasyncsubscriptionentity | organizationdatasyncsubscriptionentity | organizationid |
organization_organizationdatasyncsubscriptionfnotable | organizationdatasyncsubscriptionfnotable | organizationid |
organization_package | package | organizationid |
organization_packagehistory | packagehistory | organizationid |
organization_pluginassembly | pluginassembly | organizationid |
organization_pluginpackage | pluginpackage | organizationid |
organization_plugintype | plugintype | organizationid |
organization_plugintypestatistic | plugintypestatistic | organizationid |
organization_position | position | organizationid |
organization_post | post | organizationid |
organization_PostComment | postcomment | organizationid |
organization_postlike | postlike | organizationid |
organization_privilegesremovalsetting | privilegesremovalsetting | organizationid |
organization_publisher | publisher | organizationid |
organization_queueitems | queueitem | organizationid |
organization_queues | queue | organizationid |
organization_recommendeddocument | recommendeddocument | organizationid |
organization_recordfilter | recordfilter | organizationid |
organization_recyclebinconfig | recyclebinconfig | organizationid |
organization_relationshipattribute | relationshipattribute | organizationid |
organization_retentionoperationdetail | retentionoperationdetail | organizationid |
organization_roleeditorlayout | roleeditorlayout | organizationid |
organization_roles | role | organizationid_organization |
organization_saved_queries | savedquery | organizationid |
organization_saved_query_visualizations | savedqueryvisualization | organizationid |
organization_sdkmessage | sdkmessage | organizationid |
organization_sdkmessagefilter | sdkmessagefilter | organizationid |
organization_sdkmessageprocessingstep | sdkmessageprocessingstep | organizationid |
organization_sdkmessageprocessingstepimage | sdkmessageprocessingstepimage | organizationid |
organization_sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig | sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig | organizationid |
organization_searchattributesettings | searchattributesettings | organizationid |
organization_searchcustomanalyzer | searchcustomanalyzer | organizationid |
organization_searchrelationshipsettings | searchrelationshipsettings | organizationid |
organization_serviceendpoint | serviceendpoint | organizationid |
organization_sharedlinksetting | sharedlinksetting | organizationid |
organization_similarityrule | similarityrule | organizationid |
organization_sitemap | sitemap | organizationid |
organization_solution | solution | organizationid |
organization_solutioncomponentattributeconfiguration | solutioncomponentattributeconfiguration | organizationid |
organization_solutioncomponentconfiguration | solutioncomponentconfiguration | organizationid |
organization_solutioncomponentrelationshipconfiguration | solutioncomponentrelationshipconfiguration | organizationid |
organization_subjects | subject | organizationid |
organization_supportusertable | supportusertable | organizationid |
organization_synapselinkexternaltablestate | synapselinkexternaltablestate | organizationid |
organization_synapselinkprofile | synapselinkprofile | organizationid |
organization_synapselinkprofileentity | synapselinkprofileentity | organizationid |
organization_synapselinkprofileentitystate | synapselinkprofileentitystate | organizationid |
organization_synapselinkschedule | synapselinkschedule | organizationid |
Organization_SyncErrors | syncerror | regardingobjectid_organization_syncerror |
organization_system_users | systemuser | organizationid_organization |
organization_systemforms | systemform | organizationid |
organization_teammobileofflineprofilemembership | teammobileofflineprofilemembership | organizationid |
organization_teams | team | organizationid_organization |
organization_territories | territory | organizationid |
organization_textanalyticsentitymapping | textanalyticsentitymapping | organizationid |
organization_theme | theme | organizationid |
organization_tracelog | tracelog | organizationid |
organization_transactioncurrencies | transactioncurrency | organizationid |
organization_translationprocess | translationprocess | organizationid |
organization_UserMapping | usermapping | organizationid |
organization_usermobileofflineprofilemembership | usermobileofflineprofilemembership | organizationid |
organization_userrating | userrating | organizationid |
organization_viewasexamplequestion | viewasexamplequestion | organizationid |
organization_virtualentitymetadata | virtualentitymetadata | organizationid |
organization_webwizard | webwizard | organizationid |
webresource_organization | webresource | organizationid |