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CursorButton.State Property

CursorButton.State Property

Gets the state of the CursorButton object.


Visual Basic .NET Public ReadOnly Property State As CursorButtonState
C# public CursorButtonState State { get; }
Managed C++ public: __property CursorButtonState* get_State();

Property Value

Microsoft.Ink.CursorButtonState. The state of the CursorButton object.

This property is read-only. This property has no default value.

Unavailable0 Shows that the cursor button is unavailable. A cursor button may become unavailable, for example, when a cursor leaves the range of the Tablet PC.
Up1 Shows that the cursor button is up. A button on a pen tip is up when the pen is not pressed against the digitizer. A button on a pen barrel is up when the button is not depressed.
Down2 Shows that the cursor button is down. A button on a pen tip is down when the user lowers the pen to the digitizer and draws a stroke. For a button on a barrel, the button is down when the button is depressed.


The State property contains information about the CursorButton object, such as whether the button is unavailable, up, or down.

For a detailed list of state values that you can use, see the CursorButtonState enumeration type.



This C# example returns a report on the attributes of all of the cursors that were encountered by the InkCollector object passed in as a parameter, including the State property.

using Microsoft.Ink;
//. . .
public string CursorReport(InkCollector theInkCollector)
    string theReport = "The InkCollector has encountered the following cursors so far:" + Environment.NewLine;
    // Get the Cursors collection from the InkCollector
    Microsoft.Ink.Cursors theCursors = theInkCollector.Cursors;
    // Prevent changes to the collection while we iterate over it.
    lock( theCursors.SyncRoot )
        theReport += "Count of cursors: " + theCursors.Count + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        foreach (Microsoft.Ink.Cursor cursor in theCursors)
            theReport += "Cursor Name: " + cursor.Name + Environment.NewLine;
            theReport += "Cursor ToString: " + cursor.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
            theReport += "Tablet Name: " + cursor.Tablet.Name  + Environment.NewLine;
            theReport += "Cursor Id: " + cursor.Id.ToString()  + Environment.NewLine;
            theReport += "Cursor is inverted: " + cursor.Inverted.ToString()  + Environment.NewLine;
            theReport += "Cursor Buttons:" + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (CursorButton button in cursor.Buttons)
                CursorButtonState theState = button.State;
                theReport += "    Button Name: " + button.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                theReport += "    State: " + button.State.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                theReport += "    Id: " + button.Id.ToString()  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
    return theReport;


This Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET xample returns a report on the attributes of all of the cursors that were encountered by the InkCollector object passed in as a parameter, including the State property.

Imports Microsoft.Ink
'. . .
Public Function CursorReport(ByVal theInkCollector As InkCollector) _
    As String
    Dim theReport As String = "The InkCollector has encountered " & _
        "the following cursors so far:" & vbCrLf
    ' Get the Cursors collection from the InkCollector
    Dim theCursors As Cursors = theInkCollector.Cursors
    ' Prevent changes to the collection while we iterate over it.
    SyncLock theCursors.SyncRoot
        theReport &= "Count of cursors: " & theCursors.Count & vbCrLf
        Dim theCursor As Cursor
        For Each theCursor In theCursors
            theReport &= "Cursor Name: " & theCursor.Name & vbCrLf
            theReport &= "Cursor ToString: " & theCursor.ToString() & _
            theReport &= "Tablet Name: " & theCursor.Tablet.Name & vbCrLf
            theReport &= "Cursor Id: " & theCursor.Id.ToString() & vbCrLf
            theReport &= "Cursor is inverted: " & _
                theCursor.Inverted.ToString() & vbCrLf
            theReport &= "Cursor Buttons:" & vbCrLf
            Dim theButton As CursorButton
            For Each theButton In theCursor.Buttons
                Dim theState As CursorButtonState = theButton.State
                theReport &= "    Button Name: " & theButton.Name & vbCrLf
                theReport &= "    State: " & _
                    theButton.State.ToString() & vbCrLf
                theReport &= "    Id: " & theButton.Id.ToString() & _
                    vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    End SyncLock
    Return theReport
End Function