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Style.Visibility Property (Word)

True if the specified style should be hidden in the Styles gallery and in the Styles task pane. Read/write.

Version Information

Version Added: Word 2010


expression .Visibility

expression An expression that returns a Style object.


To determine the final state of the style, combine the state of this property with that of the UnhideWhenUsed property, as shown in the following table.

.Visibility = True

.Visibilty = False

.UnhideWhenUsed = True

Style is hidden until used.

Style is visible (but marked as hidden until used).

.UnhideWhenUsed = False

Style is always hidden.

Style is visible.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code example creates a new style called “MyStyle” and marks it as always hidden.

Dim wrdStyle As Style
Set wrdStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add("MyStyle", wdStyleTypeParagraph)

With wrdStyle

    .Visibility = True
    .UnhideWhenUsed = False

End With

See Also


Style Object

Style Object Members