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NewFile Object (Office)

Represents items listed on the New Item task pane available in several Microsoft Office applications.


The use of CommandBars in some Microsoft Office applications has been superseded by the new ribbon component of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface. For more information, search Help for the keyword "ribbon."


The following table shows the property to use to access the NewFile object in each of the applications.


Use the Add method to add a new item to the NewItem task pane. The following example adds an item to Word's New Document task pane.

Sub AddNewDocToTaskPane() 
    Application.NewDocument.Add FileName:="C:\NewDocument.doc", _ 
        Section:=msoNew, DisplayName:="New Document" 
    CommandBars("Task Pane").Visible = True  
End Sub

Use the Remove method to remove an item from the NewItem task pane. The following example removes the document added in the above example from Word's New Document task pane.

Sub RemoveDocFromTaskPane() 
    Application.NewDocument.Remove FileName:="C:\NewDocument.doc", _ 
        Section:=msoNew, DisplayName:="New Document" 
    CommandBars("Task Pane").Visible = True  
End Sub



The examples below are for Word, but you can change the NewDocument property for any of the properties listed above and use the code in the corresponding application.

See Also


Object Model Reference

NewFile Object Members