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How to: Create a Presentation Document by Providing a Filename

Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | PowerPoint 2010 | Word 2010

This topic shows how to use the classes in the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office to create a presentation document programmatically.

To use the sample code in this topic, you must install the Open XML SDK 2.0. You must explicitly reference the following assemblies in your project:

  • WindowsBase

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml (Installed by the Open XML SDK)

You must also use the following using directives or Imports statements to compile the code in this topic.

using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation;
using P = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation;
using D = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXML.Drawing 
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation
Imports P = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation
Imports D = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing

Create a Presentation

A presentation file, like all files defined by the Open XML standard, consists of a package file container. This is the file that users see in their file explorer; it usually has a .pptx extension. The package file is represented in the Open XML SDK 2.0 by the PresentationDocument class. The presentation document contains, among other parts, a presentation part. The presentation part, represented in the Open XML SDK 2.0 by the PresentationPart class, contains the basic PresentationML definition for the slide presentation. PresentationML is the markup language used for creating presentations. Each package can contain only one presentation part, and its root element must be <presentation>.

The API calls used to create a new presentation document package are relatively simple. The first step is to call the static Create(String, PresentationDocumentType) method of the PresentationDocument class, as shown here in the CreatePresentation procedure, which is the first part of the complete code sample presented later in the article. The CreatePresentation code calls the override of the Create method that takes as arguments the path to the new document and the type of presentation document to be created. The types of presentation documents available in that argument are defined by a PresentationDocumentType enumerated value.

Next, the code calls AddPresentationPart(), which creates and returns a PresentationPart. After the PresentationPart class instance is created, a new root element for the presentation is added by setting the Presentation property equal to the instance of the Presentation class returned from a call to the Presentation class constructor.

In order to create a complete, useable, and valid presentation, the code must also add a number of other parts to the presentation package. In the example code, this is taken care of by a call to a utility function named CreatePresentationsParts. That function then calls a number of other utility functions that, taken together, create all the presentation parts needed for a basic presentation, including slide, slide layout, slide master, and theme parts.

public static void CreatePresentation(string filepath)
    // Create a presentation at a specified file path. The presentation document type is pptx, by default.
    PresentationDocument presentationDoc = PresentationDocument.Create(filepath, PresentationDocumentType.Presentation);
    PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDoc.AddPresentationPart();
    presentationPart.Presentation = new Presentation();


    // Close the presentation handle

Using the Open XML SDK 2.0, you can create presentation structure and content by using strongly-typed classes that correspond to PresentationML elements. You can find these classes in the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation namespace. The following table lists the names of the classes that correspond to the presentation, slide, slide master, slide layout, and theme elements. The class that corresponds to the theme element is actually part of the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing namespace. Themes are common to all Open XML markup languages.

PresentationML Element

Open XML SDK 2.0 Class











The PresentationML code that follows is the XML in the presentation part (in the file presentation.xml) for a simple presentation that contains two slides.

<p:presentation xmlns:p="…" … >
    <p:sldMasterId xmlns:rel="http://…/relationships" rel:id="rId1"/>
    <p:notesMasterId xmlns:rel="http://…/relationships" rel:id="rId4"/>
    <p:handoutMasterId xmlns:rel="http://…/relationships" rel:id="rId5"/>
    <p:sldId id="267" xmlns:rel="http://…/relationships" rel:id="rId2"/>
    <p:sldId id="256" xmlns:rel="http://…/relationships" rel:id="rId3"/>
  <p:sldSz cx="9144000" cy="6858000"/>
  <p:notesSz cx="6858000" cy="9144000"/>

Sample Code

Following is the complete sample C# and VB code to create a presentation, given a file path.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation;
using P = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation;
using D = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;

namespace CreatePresentationDocument
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string filepath = @"C:\Users\username\Documents\PresentationFromFilename.pptx";

        public static void CreatePresentation(string filepath)
            // Create a presentation at a specified file path. The presentation document type is pptx, by default.
            PresentationDocument presentationDoc = PresentationDocument.Create(filepath, PresentationDocumentType.Presentation);
            PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDoc.AddPresentationPart();
            presentationPart.Presentation = new Presentation();


            //Close the presentation handle

        private static void CreatePresentationParts(PresentationPart presentationPart)
            SlideMasterIdList slideMasterIdList1 = new SlideMasterIdList(new SlideMasterId() { Id = (UInt32Value)2147483648U, RelationshipId = "rId1" });
            SlideIdList slideIdList1 = new SlideIdList(new SlideId() { Id = (UInt32Value)256U, RelationshipId = "rId2" });
            SlideSize slideSize1 = new SlideSize() { Cx = 9144000, Cy = 6858000, Type = SlideSizeValues.Screen4x3 };
            NotesSize notesSize1 = new NotesSize() { Cx = 6858000, Cy = 9144000 };
            DefaultTextStyle defaultTextStyle1 = new DefaultTextStyle();

           presentationPart.Presentation.Append(slideMasterIdList1, slideIdList1, slideSize1, notesSize1, defaultTextStyle1);

           SlidePart slidePart1;
           SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1;
           SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1;
           ThemePart themePart1;

            slidePart1 = CreateSlidePart(presentationPart);
            slideLayoutPart1 = CreateSlideLayoutPart(slidePart1);
            slideMasterPart1 = CreateSlideMasterPart(slideLayoutPart1);
            themePart1 = CreateTheme(slideMasterPart1); 
            slideMasterPart1.AddPart(slideLayoutPart1, "rId1");
            presentationPart.AddPart(slideMasterPart1, "rId1");
            presentationPart.AddPart(themePart1, "rId5");            

    private static SlidePart CreateSlidePart(PresentationPart presentationPart)        
            SlidePart slidePart1 = presentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>("rId2");
                slidePart1.Slide = new Slide(
                        new CommonSlideData(
                            new ShapeTree(
                                new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(
                                    new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },
                                    new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),
                                    new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),
                                new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),
                                new P.Shape(
                                    new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(
                                        new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "Title 1" },
                                        new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),
                                        new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape())),
                                    new P.ShapeProperties(),
                                    new P.TextBody(
                                        new BodyProperties(),
                                        new ListStyle(),
                                        new Paragraph(new EndParagraphRunProperties() { Language = "en-US" }))))),
                        new ColorMapOverride(new MasterColorMapping()));
                return slidePart1;
      private static SlideLayoutPart CreateSlideLayoutPart(SlidePart slidePart1)
            SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1 = slidePart1.AddNewPart<SlideLayoutPart>("rId1");
            SlideLayout slideLayout = new SlideLayout(
            new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree(
              new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(
              new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },
              new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),
              new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),
              new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),
              new P.Shape(
              new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(
                new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "" },
                new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),
                new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape())),
              new P.ShapeProperties(),
              new P.TextBody(
                new BodyProperties(),
                new ListStyle(),
                new Paragraph(new EndParagraphRunProperties()))))),
            new ColorMapOverride(new MasterColorMapping()));
            slideLayoutPart1.SlideLayout = slideLayout;
            return slideLayoutPart1;

   private static SlideMasterPart CreateSlideMasterPart(SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1)
       SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1 = slideLayoutPart1.AddNewPart<SlideMasterPart>("rId1");
       SlideMaster slideMaster = new SlideMaster(
       new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree(
         new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(
         new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },
         new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),
         new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),
         new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),
         new P.Shape(
         new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(
           new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "Title Placeholder 1" },
           new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),
           new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape() { Type = PlaceholderValues.Title })),
         new P.ShapeProperties(),
         new P.TextBody(
           new BodyProperties(),
           new ListStyle(),
           new Paragraph())))),
       new P.ColorMap() { Background1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink },
       new SlideLayoutIdList(new SlideLayoutId() { Id = (UInt32Value)2147483649U, RelationshipId = "rId1" }),
       new TextStyles(new TitleStyle(), new BodyStyle(), new OtherStyle()));
       slideMasterPart1.SlideMaster = slideMaster;

       return slideMasterPart1;

   private static ThemePart CreateTheme(SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1)
       ThemePart themePart1 = slideMasterPart1.AddNewPart<ThemePart>("rId5");
       D.Theme theme1 = new D.Theme() { Name = "Office Theme" };

       D.ThemeElements themeElements1 = new D.ThemeElements(
       new D.ColorScheme(
         new D.Dark1Color(new D.SystemColor() { Val = D.SystemColorValues.WindowText, LastColor = "000000" }),
         new D.Light1Color(new D.SystemColor() { Val = D.SystemColorValues.Window, LastColor = "FFFFFF" }),
         new D.Dark2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "1F497D" }),
         new D.Light2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "EEECE1" }),
         new D.Accent1Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "4F81BD" }),
         new D.Accent2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "C0504D" }),
         new D.Accent3Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "9BBB59" }),
         new D.Accent4Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "8064A2" }),
         new D.Accent5Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "4BACC6" }),
         new D.Accent6Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "F79646" }),
         new D.Hyperlink(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "0000FF" }),
         new D.FollowedHyperlinkColor(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "800080" })) { Name = "Office" },
         new D.FontScheme(
         new D.MajorFont(
         new D.LatinFont() { Typeface = "Calibri" },
         new D.EastAsianFont() { Typeface = "" },
         new D.ComplexScriptFont() { Typeface = "" }),
         new D.MinorFont(
         new D.LatinFont() { Typeface = "Calibri" },
         new D.EastAsianFont() { Typeface = "" },
         new D.ComplexScriptFont() { Typeface = "" })) { Name = "Office" },
         new D.FormatScheme(
         new D.FillStyleList(
         new D.SolidFill(new D.SchemeColor() { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),
         new D.GradientFill(
           new D.GradientStopList(
           new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
             new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },
           new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 37000 },
            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 35000 },
           new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 15000 },
            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 350000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 100000 }
           new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }),
         new D.NoFill(),
         new D.PatternFill(),
         new D.GroupFill()),
         new D.LineStyleList(
         new D.Outline(
           new D.SolidFill(
           new D.SchemeColor(
             new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },
             new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),
           new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })
             Width = 9525,
             CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,
             CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,
             Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center
         new D.Outline(
           new D.SolidFill(
           new D.SchemeColor(
             new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },
             new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),
           new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })
             Width = 9525,
             CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,
             CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,
             Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center
         new D.Outline(
           new D.SolidFill(
           new D.SchemeColor(
             new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },
             new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),
           new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })
             Width = 9525,
             CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,
             CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,
             Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center
         new D.EffectStyleList(
         new D.EffectStyle(
           new D.EffectList(
           new D.OuterShadow(
             new D.RgbColorModelHex(
             new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false })),
         new D.EffectStyle(
           new D.EffectList(
           new D.OuterShadow(
             new D.RgbColorModelHex(
             new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false })),
         new D.EffectStyle(
           new D.EffectList(
           new D.OuterShadow(
             new D.RgbColorModelHex(
             new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false }))),
         new D.BackgroundFillStyleList(
         new D.SolidFill(new D.SchemeColor() { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),
         new D.GradientFill(
           new D.GradientStopList(
           new D.GradientStop(
             new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
               new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },
           new D.GradientStop(
             new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
               new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },
           new D.GradientStop(
             new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
               new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 }),
           new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }),
         new D.GradientFill(
           new D.GradientStopList(
           new D.GradientStop(
             new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
               new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },
           new D.GradientStop(
             new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },
               new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 }),
           new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }))) { Name = "Office" });

       theme1.Append(new D.ObjectDefaults());
       theme1.Append(new D.ExtraColorSchemeList());

       themePart1.Theme = theme1;
       return themePart1;

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation
Imports P = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation
Imports D = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing

Namespace CreatePresentationDocument
    Class Program
        Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

            Dim filepath As String = "C:\Users\username\Documents\PresentationFromFilename.pptx"

        End Sub

        Public Shared Sub CreatePresentation(ByVal filepath As String)
            ' Create a presentation at a specified file path. The presentation document type is pptx, by default.
            Dim presentationDoc As PresentationDocument = PresentationDocument.Create(filepath, PresentationDocumentType.Presentation)
            Dim presentationPart As PresentationPart = presentationDoc.AddPresentationPart()
            presentationPart.Presentation = New Presentation()


            'Close the presentation handle
        End Sub

        Private Shared Sub CreatePresentationParts(ByVal presentationPart As PresentationPart)
            Dim slideMasterIdList1 As New SlideMasterIdList(New SlideMasterId() With { _
             .Id = CType(2147483648UI, UInt32Value), _
             .RelationshipId = "rId1" _
            Dim slideIdList1 As New SlideIdList(New SlideId() With { _
             .Id = CType(256UI, UInt32Value), .RelationshipId = "rId2" _
            Dim slideSize1 As New SlideSize() With { _
             .Cx = 9144000, _
             .Cy = 6858000, _
             .Type = SlideSizeValues.Screen4x3 _
            Dim notesSize1 As New NotesSize() With { _
             .Cx = 6858000, _
             .Cy = 9144000 _
            Dim defaultTextStyle1 As New DefaultTextStyle()

            Dim slidePart1 As SlidePart
            Dim slideLayoutPart1 As SlideLayoutPart
            Dim slideMasterPart1 As SlideMasterPart
            Dim themePart1 As ThemePart

            presentationPart.Presentation.Append(slideMasterIdList1, slideIdList1, slideSize1, notesSize1, defaultTextStyle1)

            slidePart1 = CreateSlidePart(presentationPart)
            slideLayoutPart1 = CreateSlideLayoutPart(slidePart1)
            slideMasterPart1 = CreateSlideMasterPart(slideLayoutPart1)
            themePart1 = CreateTheme(slideMasterPart1)

            slideMasterPart1.AddPart(slideLayoutPart1, "rId1")
            presentationPart.AddPart(slideMasterPart1, "rId1")
            presentationPart.AddPart(themePart1, "rId5")
        End Sub

        Private Shared Function CreateSlidePart(ByVal presentationPart As PresentationPart) As SlidePart
            Dim slidePart1 As SlidePart = presentationPart.AddNewPart(Of SlidePart)("rId2")
            slidePart1.Slide = New Slide(New CommonSlideData(New ShapeTree(New P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
             .Id = CType(1UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "" _
            }, New P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()), New GroupShapeProperties(New TransformGroup()), New P.Shape(New P.NonVisualShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
              .Id = CType(2UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "Title 1" _
            }, New P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(New ShapeLocks() With { _
              .NoGrouping = True _
            }), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(New PlaceholderShape())), New P.ShapeProperties(), New P.TextBody(New BodyProperties(), New ListStyle(), New Paragraph(New EndParagraphRunProperties() With { _
              .Language = "en-US" _
            }))))), New ColorMapOverride(New MasterColorMapping()))
            Return slidePart1
        End Function

        Private Shared Function CreateSlideLayoutPart(ByVal slidePart1 As SlidePart) As SlideLayoutPart
            Dim slideLayoutPart1 As SlideLayoutPart = slidePart1.AddNewPart(Of SlideLayoutPart)("rId1")
            Dim slideLayout As New SlideLayout(New CommonSlideData(New ShapeTree(New P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
              .Id = CType(1UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "" _
            }, New P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()), _
                New GroupShapeProperties(New TransformGroup()), New P.Shape(New P.NonVisualShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
              .Id = CType(2UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "" _
            }, New P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(New ShapeLocks() With { _
              .NoGrouping = True _
            }), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(New PlaceholderShape())), New P.ShapeProperties(), New P.TextBody(New BodyProperties(), _
                New ListStyle(), New Paragraph(New EndParagraphRunProperties()))))), New ColorMapOverride(New MasterColorMapping()))
            slideLayoutPart1.SlideLayout = slideLayout
            Return slideLayoutPart1
        End Function

        Private Shared Function CreateSlideMasterPart(ByVal slideLayoutPart1 As SlideLayoutPart) As SlideMasterPart
            Dim slideMasterPart1 As SlideMasterPart = slideLayoutPart1.AddNewPart(Of SlideMasterPart)("rId1")
            Dim slideMaster As New SlideMaster(New CommonSlideData(New ShapeTree(New P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
              .Id = CType(1UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "" _
            }, New P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()), _
                New GroupShapeProperties(New TransformGroup()), New P.Shape(New P.NonVisualShapeProperties(New P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() With { _
              .Id = CType(2UI, UInt32Value), _
              .Name = "Title Placeholder 1" _
            }, New P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(New ShapeLocks() With { _
              .NoGrouping = True _
            }), New ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(New PlaceholderShape() With { _
              .Type = PlaceholderValues.Title _
            })), New P.ShapeProperties(), New P.TextBody(New BodyProperties(), New ListStyle(), New Paragraph())))), New P.ColorMap() With { _
              .Background1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, _
              .Text1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, _
              .Background2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, _
              .Text2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, _
              .Accent1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, _
              .Accent2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, _
              .Accent3 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, _
              .Accent4 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, _
              .Accent5 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, _
              .Accent6 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, _
              .Hyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, _
              .FollowedHyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink _
            }, New SlideLayoutIdList(New SlideLayoutId() With { _
              .Id = CType(2147483649UI, UInt32Value), _
              .RelationshipId = "rId1" _
            }), New TextStyles(New TitleStyle(), New BodyStyle(), New OtherStyle()))
            slideMasterPart1.SlideMaster = slideMaster

            Return slideMasterPart1
        End Function

        Private Shared Function CreateTheme(ByVal slideMasterPart1 As SlideMasterPart) As ThemePart
            Dim themePart1 As ThemePart = slideMasterPart1.AddNewPart(Of ThemePart)("rId5")
            Dim theme1 As New D.Theme() With { _
              .Name = "Office Theme" _

            Dim themeElements1 As New D.ThemeElements(New D.ColorScheme(New D.Dark1Color(New D.SystemColor() With { _
              .Val = D.SystemColorValues.WindowText, _
              .LastColor = "000000" _
            }), New D.Light1Color(New D.SystemColor() With { _
              .Val = D.SystemColorValues.Window, _
              .LastColor = "FFFFFF" _
            }), New D.Dark2Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "1F497D" _
            }), New D.Light2Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "EEECE1" _
            }), New D.Accent1Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "4F81BD" _
            }), New D.Accent2Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "C0504D" _
            }), _
             New D.Accent3Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "9BBB59" _
            }), New D.Accent4Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "8064A2" _
            }), New D.Accent5Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "4BACC6" _
            }), New D.Accent6Color(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "F79646" _
            }), New D.Hyperlink(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "0000FF" _
            }), New D.FollowedHyperlinkColor(New D.RgbColorModelHex() With { _
              .Val = "800080" _
            })) With { _
              .Name = "Office" _
            }, New D.FontScheme(New D.MajorFont(New D.LatinFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "Calibri" _
            }, New D.EastAsianFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "" _
            }, New D.ComplexScriptFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "" _
            }), New D.MinorFont(New D.LatinFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "Calibri" _
            }, New D.EastAsianFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "" _
            }, New D.ComplexScriptFont() With { _
              .Typeface = "" _
            })) With { _
              .Name = "Office" _
            }, New D.FormatScheme(New D.FillStyleList(New D.SolidFill(New D.SchemeColor() With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }), New D.GradientFill(New D.GradientStopList(New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }, New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 37000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 35000 _
            }, New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 15000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 350000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 100000 _
            }), New D.LinearGradientFill() With { _
              .Angle = 16200000, _
              .Scaled = True _
            }), New D.NoFill(), New D.PatternFill(), New D.GroupFill()), New D.LineStyleList(New D.Outline(New D.SolidFill(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Shade() With { _
              .Val = 95000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 105000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }), New D.PresetDash() With { _
              .Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid _
            }) With { _
              .Width = 9525, _
              .CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat, _
              .CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.[Single], _
              .Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center _
            }, New D.Outline(New D.SolidFill(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Shade() With { _
              .Val = 95000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 105000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }), New D.PresetDash() With { _
              .Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid _
            }) With { _
              .Width = 9525, _
              .CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat, _
              .CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.[Single], _
              .Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center _
            }, New D.Outline(New D.SolidFill(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Shade() With { _
              .Val = 95000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 105000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }), New D.PresetDash() With { _
              .Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid _
            }) With { _
              .Width = 9525, _
              .CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat, _
              .CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.[Single], _
              .Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center _
            }), New D.EffectStyleList(New D.EffectStyle(New D.EffectList(New D.OuterShadow(New D.RgbColorModelHex(New D.Alpha() With { _
              .Val = 38000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = "000000" _
            }) With { _
              .BlurRadius = 40000L, _
              .Distance = 20000L, _
              .Direction = 5400000, _
              .RotateWithShape = False _
            })), New D.EffectStyle(New D.EffectList(New D.OuterShadow(New D.RgbColorModelHex(New D.Alpha() With { _
              .Val = 38000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = "000000" _
            }) With { _
              .BlurRadius = 40000L, _
              .Distance = 20000L, _
              .Direction = 5400000, _
              .RotateWithShape = False _
            })), New D.EffectStyle(New D.EffectList(New D.OuterShadow(New D.RgbColorModelHex(New D.Alpha() With { _
              .Val = 38000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = "000000" _
            }) With { _
              .BlurRadius = 40000L, _
              .Distance = 20000L, _
              .Direction = 5400000, _
              .RotateWithShape = False _
            }))), New D.BackgroundFillStyleList(New D.SolidFill(New D.SchemeColor() With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }), New D.GradientFill(New D.GradientStopList(New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }, New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }, New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }), New D.LinearGradientFill() With { _
              .Angle = 16200000, _
              .Scaled = True _
            }), New D.GradientFill(New D.GradientStopList(New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }, New D.GradientStop(New D.SchemeColor(New D.Tint() With { _
              .Val = 50000 _
            }, New D.SaturationModulation() With { _
              .Val = 300000 _
            }) With { _
              .Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor _
            }) With { _
              .Position = 0 _
            }), New D.LinearGradientFill() With { _
              .Angle = 16200000, _
              .Scaled = True _
            }))) With { _
              .Name = "Office" _

            theme1.Append(New D.ObjectDefaults())
            theme1.Append(New D.ExtraColorSchemeList())

            themePart1.Theme = theme1
            Return themePart1

        End Function

    End Class

End Namespace

See Also


Class Library Reference


About the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office

Structure of a PresentationML Document

How to: Insert a New Slide into a Presentation

How to: Delete a Slide from a Presentation

How to: Retrieve the Number of Slides in a Presentation Document

How to: Apply a Theme to a Presentation