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Predefined Alert Templates

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

Microsoft SharePoint Foundation alert templates define the content and appearance of alerts. Templates for e-mail alerts are defined in AlertTemplates.xml and templates for SMS alerts are defined in AlertTemplates_SMS.xml. Both files are located in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\XML folder. A template specifies the content and formatting of a message for each of several types of events, such as the item changed event or item deleted event.


Do not modify AlertTemplates.xml or AlertTemplates_SMS.xml. To make changes, make a copy of one or both files, edit the copy, and then make one or two calls of the stsadm -o updatealerttemplates command to override the original templates with your changes. Your changes are stored in the SharePoint Foundation configuration database. For details, see Alerts Overview and AlertTemplates Schema.

Predefined Alert Templates

SharePoint Foundation ships with the e-mail templates shown in Table 1 defined in AlertTemplates.xml. An identical list of SMS templates is defined in AlertTemplates_SMS.xml. The names of the SMS templates are the same as their e-mail counterparts, except that "Sms" is inserted between the "SP" and the "Alert". For example, SPSmsAlertTemplateType.GenericList is the SMS counterpart to the e-mail template SPAlertTemplateType.GenericList.

A particular alert template is defined with an AlertTemplate element. The SMS templates are identical to the e-mail templates in their AlertTemplate markup except for the child Format element.


If you make a change to a given SPAlertTemplateType.* template outside of the Format element, you must make the same change to the corresponding SPSmsAlertTemplateType.* template.

The primary way that the Format element in an SPSmsAlertTemplateType.* template differs from the Format element in the corresponding SPAlertTemplateType.* template is that the style and rendering information is not included in the SMS template because SMS messages are sent as unformatted text. Moreover, SMS messages do not have a subject line and they have only a message body with no message header or message footer.

Table 1. Predefined alert templates

Alert Template Name



The first alert template in AlertTemplates.xml. GenericList is used unless there is a match to one of other list types.


Notification of changes in document libraries.


Notification of changes in Web page libraries.


Notification of changes in surveys.


Notification of changes in links.


Notification of changes in announcements.


Notification of changes in contacts.


Notification of changes in events.


Notification of changes in tasks.


Notification of changes in discussion boards.


Notification of changes in picture libraries.


Notification of changes in XML form.


Notification of changes in data connection libraries.


Assigned to task list and issue list notifications.

See Also


Alerts in SharePoint Foundation

AlertTemplates Schema