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Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow Namespace

Represents the workflow functionality contained in SharePoint Foundation.


  Class Description
Public class SPActivationEventArgs Represents the event parameters of a workflow instance being initiated.
Public class SPDeclarativeWorkflowProvisioningFeatureReceiver Registers properties of a declarative (no-code) workflow when the workflow is provisioned as a feature to the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 farm and then activated.
Public class SPDeclarativeWorkflowProvisioningFullTrustOnlyFeatureReceiver Registers the properties of a declarative (no-code) workflow when the workflow is provisioned as a full-trust feature to the SharePoint farm and then activated.
Public class SPItemEventArgs Represents the event parameters of an event involving the item on which a workflow instance is running.
Public class SPItemKey Encapsulates information that identifies a list item.
Public class SPListItemServiceEventArgs Represents the event parameters of an event involving a SharePoint item.
Public class SPModificationEventArgs Represents the event parameters of an event involving a workflow modification.
Public class SPTaskServiceEventArgs Represents the event parameters of an event involving a workflow task.
Public class SPWorkflow Represents a workflow instance that has run or is currently running on a site.
Public class SPWorkflowActivationProperties Represents the initial properties of the workflow instance as it starts, such as the user who added the workflow, and the list and item to which the workflow was added.
Public class SPWorkflowActivityDetails Stores status information about an activity in a workflow.
Public class SPWorkflowAssociation Represents the association of a workflow template with a specific list or content type, and contains members that return custom information about that workflow's association with the specific list or content type.
Public class SPWorkflowAssociationCollection Represents the workflow associations on a SharePoint 2010 list.
Public class SPWorkflowCollection Represents a collection of workflow instances.
Public class SPWorkflowEventProperties Provides properties for workflow events.
Public class SPWorkflowEventReceiver This is the base class for Workflow Event Receivers. This class is never instantiated.
Public class SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService Provides an abstract class that derived classes can use to represent a workflow communication service.
Public class SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeServiceCollection Represents a collection of instances of concrete subclasses of the abstract class SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService.
Public class SPWorkflowFilter Represents the filter criteria to apply to a workflow or workflow task collections, such as to whom the workflow is assigned, and the workflow state.
Public class SPWorkflowLibraryEventReceiver Obsolete. An event receiver that is used to capture events that occur to specific workflow library items.
Public class SPWorkflowManager Contains members that enable you to centrally control the workflow templates and instances across a site collection.
Public class SPWorkflowModification Represents a workflow modification.
Public class SPWorkflowModificationCollection Represents the collection of workflow modifications that are currently in scope for the workflow instance.
Public class SPWorkflowTask Represents a single workflow task for a given workflow instance.
Public class SPWorkflowTaskCollection Represents a collection of the workflow tasks for a workflow instance.
Public class SPWorkflowTaskProperties Represents the properties of a workflow task.
Public class SPWorkflowTemplate Represents a workflow template currently deployed on the SharePoint site, and contains members that you can use to get or set information about the template, such as default instantiation data for creating a workflow association from the template.
Public class SPWorkflowTemplateCollection Represents the collection of workflow templates currently deployed on a site.
Public class SPWorkflowWorkflowRoleCreator Creates a WorkflowRole for implementing role-based access to the workflows and their activities.


  Interface Description
Public interface IListItemByKeyService Represents an ExternalDataExchangeService interface that enables workflow activities to request actions concerning list items, outside the workflow instance itself.
Public interface IListItemService Represents an ExternalDataExchangeService interface that enables workflow activities to request actions and handle events concerning SharePoint list items, outside the workflow instance itself.
Public interface ISharePointService Represents an ExternalDataExchangeService interface that enables workflow activities to request actions and handle events outside the workflow instance itself.
Public interface ISPActivityDetailsSerializable Provides extended activity details for GetActivityDetails().
Public interface ISPWorkflowEventReceiver Defines the methods that an event receiver must implement to handle workflow events.
Public interface ITaskService Represents an ExternalDataExchangeService interface that enables workflow activities to request actions and handle events concerning workflow tasks, outside the workflow instance itself.
Public interface IWorkflowModificationService Represents an ExternalDataExchangeService interface that enables workflow activities to request a workflow modification be enabled, and to respond when the workflow is modified, outside the workflow instance itself.
Public interface IWorkflowWebProvider Allows a workflow activity to get the same Web site (SPWeb) that the workflow host uses.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService.BatchOperation


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration SPWorkflowActivityStatus Describes the status of a workflow activity.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowAssignedToFilter Provides values that enable the filtering of workflows or workflow task collections based on who is assigned to those workflows or tasks, or the workflow state.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowAssociationCollection.Configuration Contains configuration properties of the workflow association.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowEventCompletionType Specifies the reason that a workflow ended.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowHistoryEventType Classifies the type of workflow history event.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowPostponedEventType Specifies what type of workflow action was postponed.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowRunOptions Describes options for running a workflow instance.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowState Provides workflow state values to specify for a workflow filter, either as inclusive or exclusive filter criteria.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowStatus The default values for SPWorkflowStatus class workflows.
Public enumeration SPWorkflowUserContext Specifies the user role that the workflow host should use for interactions with the current Web site (SPWeb).