Referência do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010
Aplica-se a: Office 2010
Tópico modificado em: 2015-03-09
The articles that are listed in the OMPM References table contain reference information about the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) for O Microsoft Office 2010.
OMPM References
Article | Description |
Describes two Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) tools that help you manage binary Office files during a migration to O Microsoft Office 2010: the Office File Converter (OFC) and the Version Extraction Tool (VET) |
Schema for the Office Migration Planning Manager database in Office 2010 |
Describes the schema for the OMPM database for imported .cab files that contain scan data. Provides information about how to troubleshoot import issues and how to create a customer report. |
Provides a sample script code that can be used to run the OMPM File Scanner from a central file share. |
Configurações de Offscan.ini do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010 |
Describes the settings and values that are available in Offscan.ini, which OMPM File Scanner reads to perform its scan. |
Describes how to create a distribution package for OMPM File Scanner by using IExpress 2.0. |
Referência de filtragem de relatórios do Office Migration Planning Manager 2010 para o Office 2010 |
Provides a table that lists the filtering criteria that you can select on the 2010 Office Release Compatibility page in OMPM reports. |