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SourceTable (Dimension Interface)


  Esse recurso será removido na próxima versão do Microsoft SQL Server. Não utilize esse recurso em desenvolvimentos novos e modifique, assim que possível, os aplicativos que atualmente o utilizam.

The SourceTable property of the Dimension interface contains the name of a dimension object's primary source table.

Applies To:clsCubeDimension, clsDatabaseDimension, clsPartitionDimension

Data Type





This property returns the name of the source table associated with the lowest level in the dimension. For example, if your cube has a dimension called Product, and the dimension has levels called ProductCategory, ProductSubCategory, and ProductName, with ordinal positions 1, 2, and 3, respectively, the SourceTable property for the Product dimension returns the name of the source table associated with level ProductName.


Use the following code to obtain the name of the source table associated with level ProductName in dimension Product:

'Assume an object (dsoDim) of ClassType clsDimension exists.
If dsoDim.SourceTable = "Product" Then
    'Insert code to handle the dimension.
End If

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