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ConsoleParentNode Members

Serves as the base class for all scope node classes in Configuration Manager 2007 that use XML to build node structures.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ConsoleParentNode type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ConsoleParentNode Overloaded.  


Protected Fields

  Name Description
protected field static consoleDescriptionIdle  Indicates an NodesRootDescription object for the consoleDescriptionIdle XML element that is used for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected field dialogData  Indicates an SmsDialogData object for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property ActionsPaneHelpItems  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property ActionsPaneItems  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property ActiveFolderDescription Gets the active folder description for the console parent node.
public property Children  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property ConsoleNodeDescription Gets or sets the root node description for the console parent node.
public property DefaultDragAndDropVerb  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property DisplayName  (inherited from Node)
public property EnabledStandardVerbs  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property HelpTopic  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property ImageIndex  (inherited from Node)
public property Item Gets a query processor that has been initialized to process queries for the console parent node.
public property LanguageIndependentName  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property NodeType  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property ObjectsReadyForDisposal  Gets the result object base items that are ready for disposal. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public property Parent  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property QueryErrorIsDisplayed Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the console parent node displays query errors.
public property ResultObject Gets or sets the result object base that is used to create the console parent node.
public property ResultObjects Gets the collection of result object base items that the console parent node is hosting.
public property ResultQueryDictionary Gets a dictionary that contains a map between all query identifiers in the results pane and the corresponding query descriptions.
public property ResultsQueryList Gets the results query list.
public property RootClass Gets the name of the root class for the console parent node.
public property RootConnectionNode Gets or sets the site connection node that owns the connection for the console parent node.
public property ScopeQueryDictionary Gets a dictionary that contains a map between all query identifiers in the scope pane and the corresponding query descriptions.
public property ScopeQueryList Gets a list of completed queries for the console parent node.
public property SecurityVerbs Gets or sets the security verbs for the selected console parent node item.
public property SelectedImageIndex  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property SharedData  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public property SmsNodeDescription Gets or sets the active node description.
public property SmsNodeDescriptions Gets a list of active node description items.
public property SnapIn  (inherited from Node)
public property StandardActionsDictionary  Gets the standard actions dictionary for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public property StructureDeserialized Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the XML for the children of the console parent node has been loaded and deserialized.
public property SubItemDisplayNames  (inherited from Node)
public property Tag  (inherited from Node)
public property ViewDescriptions  (inherited from ScopeNode)


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property ConsoleRootObject Gets or sets the console root description for the console snap-in, which has no directly associated objects or query results.
protected property Id  (inherited from Node)
protected property ProgressCounter  Gets or sets the progress counter value. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected property ProgressStatusManager  Gets or sets the progress status manager. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected property ProgressTimerString  Gets or sets the progress timer string. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected property StructureCreated Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the console parent node structure has been created.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public methodstatic ContainsActiveQueries Determines whether the specified list contains queries that are active.
public method CreateNodeStructure Creates the node structure that is defined in the XML for the console parent node.
public method DeleteResultItems Deletes result objects for the console parent node.
public method Dispose Overloaded.  
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
public method GetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public methodstatic GetFolderIcon Gets the folder icon for the console parent node.
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method OnFireRefreshViewDescriptionEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public method OnFirstExpand Handles a notification that the console parent node is expanded for the first time, and loads appropriate child XML information.
public method PathFromScope  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public method ProcessScopeNodeImagesDescription Overloaded.  
public method PropertyDataUpdated  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public method PublicOnExpand Overridden. Publishes information that the console parent node is expanded.
public method QueueQueryItems Overloaded.  
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method RefreshDeleteItemForChildren Refreshes a deleted item for children of the console parent node.
public method RefreshResults Refreshes query results for the console parent node.
public method SetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public method ShowDialogResource Displays the specified Configuration Manager console dialog box to the user.
public method ShowPropertySheet  Overloaded. (inherited from ScopeNode)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method AddFolderActionsForScopePaneFolders Adds actions to the folder for an object on the scope pane.
protected method AddResultObject Adds a result object to the scope pane, and fires the ResultPaneObjectReadyEvent to the views to display the object.
protected method AddResultObjects Adds result objects to the list of result objects for the scope node, and fires the ResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent to the views to display the objects.
protected method AddRootActionsForFolders Adds root actions for folders that are associated with the supplied root node description.
protected method AddRootNodeFolderActions Adds actions and a root query to support folder functionality in the Configuration Manager console.
protected method static AddRootNodeSearchFolderActions Adds actions and a root query to support search folder functionality in the Configuration Manager console.
protected method AttachQueryDelegates Attaches the query delegates for the console parent node.
protected method AttachRootDelegates Attaches the root delegates for the console parent node.
protected method BuildActionsListForNode Builds an action list for the console parent node.
protected method CanAddQuery Determines whether a query can be submitted to the query engine for processing.
protected method CanScopeNodeContainChildren Determines whether the console parent node can contain child nodes.
protected method CreateFolderActions Overloaded.  
protected method DetachQueryDelegates Detaches the query delegates for the console parent node.
protected method DetachRootDelegates Detaches the root delegates for the console parent node.
protected method Dispose Overloaded. Overridden.  
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method IsResultPaneQueryPresent Determines whether a results pane query is present for the console parent node.
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method OnAction Overridden. Handles a notification that an action is triggered for the console parent node.
protected method OnAddPropertyPages Overridden. Handles a notification that property pages are added for the console parent node.
protected method OnCut Overridden. Handles a notification that a cut operation has been completed.
protected method OnDelete Overridden. Handles a notification that the standard verb Delete is triggered.
protected method OnExpand Overridden. Handles a notification that the console parent node is expanded.
protected method OnExpandFromLoad Overridden. Handles a notification that the node has been expanded after loading.
protected method OnFireRefreshAddItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireRefreshDeleteItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireRefreshDisposeItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireRefreshMoveItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateAllEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireResultPaneObjectReadyEvent Handles a notification that a results pane object is available, and fires ResultPaneObjectReadyEvent.
protected method OnFireResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent Handles a notification that results pane objects are available, and fires ResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent.
protected method OnFireResultPaneQueryCompletedEvent Handles a notification that a results pane query is complete, and fires ResultPaneQueryCompletedEvent.
protected method OnFireResultPaneQuerySetupEvent Handles a notification that a results pane query has been set up, and fires ResultPaneQuerySetupEvent.
protected method OnFireResultPaneRefreshEvent Handles a notification that the results pane needs to be refreshed, and fires ResultPaneRefreshEvent.
protected method OnFireResultUpdateEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnFireScopePaneObjectReadyEvent Handles a notification that a scope pane object is available, and fires ScopePaneObjectReadyEvent.
protected method OnFireScopePaneObjectsReadyEvent Handles a notification that scope pane objects are available, and fires ScopePaneObjectsReadyEvent.
protected method OnFireScopePaneQueryCompletedEvent Handles a notification that a scope pane query is complete, and fires ScopePaneQueryCompletedEvent.
protected method OnFireScopePaneQuerySetupEvent Handles a notification that a scope pane query has been set up, and fires ScopePaneQuerySetupEvent.
protected method OnGetSharedData  (inherited from ScopeNode)
protected method OnPaste Overridden. Handles a notification that data is pasted onto the console parent node.
protected method OnPrint Overridden. Handles a notification that the Print standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnRefresh Overridden. Handles a notification that the Refresh standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnRefreshAddItem Overridden. Handles a notification that items are added, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRefreshDeleteItem Overridden. Handles a notification that items are removed or deleted, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRefreshDisposeItem  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnRefreshMoveItem Overridden. Handles a notification that items are moved to another location in the console and should not be disposed of.
protected method OnRefreshUpdateAll  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method OnRefreshUpdateItem Overridden. Handles a notification that items are updated, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRename Overridden. Handles a notification that the Rename standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnSharedDataChangeRequested  (inherited from ScopeNode)
protected method OnSyncAction Overridden. Handles a notification of an action for the Configuration Manager console that runs synchronously with the Microsoft Management Console.
protected method ProcessFolderQuery Processes queries that needed to support folder functionality in the console parent node.
protected method ProcessPriorityQueries Processes queries, in priority order, that are defined to run for the console parent node.
protected method ProcessViewDescription  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method RefreshActionItems Updates the action list for the console parent node.
protected method RefreshClipboardActionItems Updates all standard actions that use the clipboard.
protected method SetClipboardFormats Sets the clipboard formats for items that are pasted onto the console parent node.
protected method StartProgressTimer  Starts the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar until instructed to stop by a call to StopProgressTimer. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
protected method StopProgressTimer  Stops the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)


Public Events

  Name Description
public event ActionsActivated  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public event ActionsDeactivated  (inherited from ScopeNode)
public event RefreshViewDescriptionEvent  Notifies that the view description is refreshed for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public event ResultPaneObjectReadyEvent Notifies that a single object is available for display in the results pane.
public event ResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent Notifies that multiple objects are available for display in the results pane.
public event ResultPaneQueryCompletedEvent Notifies that a query operation has completed for the results pane.
public event ResultPaneQuerySetupEvent Notifies that the console parent node has set up the results pane for a query.
public event ResultPaneRefreshEvent Notifies that the console parent node has initiated a refresh standard action
public event ResultUpdateEvent  Notifies that a result object has been updated for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase)
public event ScopePaneObjectReadyEvent Notifies that a single object is available for display in the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneObjectsReadyEvent Notifies that multiple objects are available for display in the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneQueryCompletedEvent Notifies that a query operation has completed for the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneQuerySetupEvent Notifies that the console parent node has set up the scope pane for a query.


See Also


ConsoleParentNode Class
Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole Namespace

Other Resources

Configuration Manager Console Nodes