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Interfaces (Debug Interface Access SDK)

Methods are listed alphabetically under each interface in the table of contents and on the interface page in Vtable order.

In This Section

  • IDiaAddressMap
    Provides control over how the DIA SDK computes virtual and relative virtual addresses for debug objects.

  • IDiaDataSource
    Initiates access to a source of debugging symbols.

  • IDiaEnumDebugStreamData
    Provides access to the records in a debug data stream.

  • IDiaEnumDebugStreams
    Enumerates the various debug streams contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumFrameData
    Enumerates the various frame data elements contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumInjectedSources
    Enumerate the various injected sources contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumLineNumbers
    Enumerates the various line numbers contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumSectionContribs
    Enumerates the various section contributions contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumSegments
    Enumerates the various segments contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumSourceFiles
    Enumerates the various source files contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumStackFrames
    Enumerates the various stack frames available.

  • IDiaEnumSymbols
    Enumerates the various symbols contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr
    Enumerates by address the various symbols contained in the data source.

  • IDiaEnumTables
    Enumerates the various tables contained in the data source.

  • IDiaFrameData
    Exposes the details of a stack frame.

  • IDiaImageData
    Exposes the details of the base location and memory offsets of the module or image.

  • IDiaInjectedSource
    Accesses the program source code stored in the DIA data source.

  • IDiaLineNumber
    Accesses information that describes the process of mapping from a block of bytes of image text to a source file line number.

  • IDiaLoadCallback
    Receives callbacks from the DIA symbol locating procedure, thus enabling a user interface to report on the progress of the location attempt.

  • IDiaLoadCallback2
    Receives callbacks from the DIA symbol locating procedure, allowing restrictions to be imposed on the locating process.

  • IDiaPropertyStorage
    Allows you to read the persistent properties of a DIA property set.

  • IDiaReadExeAtRVACallback
    Enables a client application to supply bytes of an executable file as specified by file position.

  • IDiaReadExeAtOffsetCallback
    Enables a client application to supply bytes of an executable file as specified by a relative virtual address.

  • IDiaSectionContrib
    Retrieves data describing a section contribution, that is, a contiguous block of memory contributed to the image by a compiland.

  • IDiaSegment
    Maps data from the section number to segments of address space.

  • IDiaSession
    Provides a query context for debug symbols.

  • IDiaSourceFile
    Represents a source file.

  • IDiaStackFrame
    Exposes the properties of a stack frame.

  • IDiaStackWalker
    Provides methods to do a stack walk using the PDB file.

  • IDiaStackWalkFrame
    Maintains stack context between invocations of the IDiaFrameData::execute method.

  • IDiaStackWalkHelper
    Facilitates walking the stack using the program debug database (PDB) file.

  • IDiaSymbol
    Describes the properties of a symbol instance.

  • IDiaTable
    Enumerates a DIA data source table.

See Also

Other Resources

Debug Interface Access SDK Reference