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Soluções de Vários Projetos

A solution can contain multiple projects that you can open, close, and save together. Each project in a solution can contain multiple files or items. The types of items contained within a project vary according to the development language used to create them. Visual Studiofornece pastas de solução para organizar projetos relacionados em grupos e executar ações nesses grupos de projetos.

The logical relationship between a solution and its components does not necessarily mirror the way the solution and its components are stored on disk. If you create an application consisting of multiple projects, you might consider creating a solution directory in storage to contain your local (non-Web) projects, solution files (.sln and .suo), and any shared solution items.

Your Projects in Solution Explorer and Windows Explorer

Estrutura de diretórios no Gerenciador de Soluções

When you create a multi-project solution, the first project created becomes the startup project, by default. The startup project appears in bold font in Solution Explorer and is the project that runs when you click Start on the Debug menu. You can also start debugging all projects in a solution simultaneously or debug one or multiple projects in the solution by selecting the solution as startup project. For more information, see Startup Project, Common Properties, Solution Property Pages Dialog Box.

When you create a multi-project solution, you can build either a single project within the solution or multiple projects in the solution. You can also specify which solution projects you wish to exclude from builds. For more information, see Criando no Visual Studio.

When you build an entire solution, projects are built in the order they were added to the solution. Dependent projects are built after the projects on which they depend. For more information, see Como: Criar e remover dependências de projeto.

Consulte também


Como: Criar soluções multi-projeto

Como: criar pastas para soluções

Como: Projetos de inicialização de conjunto

Como: Criar e remover dependências de projeto


Introdução às Soluções, Projetos e Itens

Pastas de Solução (Solution Folders)

Outros recursos

Startup Project, Common Properties, Solution Property Pages Dialog Box

Solution Explorer

Criando no Visual Studio