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Combines the color data for the source and destination bitmaps using the specified mask and raster operation.

BOOL MaskBlt(
   HDC hDestDC,
   int xDest,
   int yDest,
   int nDestWidth,
   int nDestHeight,
   int xSrc,
   int ySrc,
   HBITMAP hbmMask,
   int xMask,
   int yMask,
) const throw( );
BOOL MaskBlt(
   HDC hDestDC,
   const RECT& rectDest,
   const POINT& pointSrc,
   HBITMAP hbmMask,
   const POINT& pointMask,
) const throw( );
BOOL MaskBlt(
   HDC hDestDC,
   int xDest,
   int yDest,
   HBITMAP hbmMask,
) const throw( );
BOOL MaskBlt(
   HDC hDestDC,
   const POINT& pointDest,
   HBITMAP hbmMask,
) const throw( );


  • hDestDC
    The handle to the module whose executable contains the resource.

  • xDest
    The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper left corner of the destination rectangle.

  • yDest
    The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper left corner of the destination rectangle.

  • nDestWidth
    The width, in logical units, of the destination rectangle and source bitmap.

  • nDestHeight
    The height, in logical units, of the destination rectangle and source bitmap.

  • xSrc
    The logical x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source bitmap.

  • ySrc
    The logical y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source bitmap.

  • hbmMask
    Handle to the monochrome mask bitmap combined with the color bitmap in the source device context.

  • xMask
    The horizontal pixel offset for the mask bitmap specified by the hbmMask parameter.

  • yMask
    The vertical pixel offset for the mask bitmap specified by the hbmMask parameter.

  • dwROP
    Specifies both foreground and background ternary raster operation codes that the method uses to control the combination of source and destination data. The background raster operation code is stored in the high-order byte of the high-order word of this value; the foreground raster operation code is stored in the low-order byte of the high-order word of this value; the low-order word of this value is ignored, and should be zero. For a discussion of foreground and background in the context of this method, see [MaskBlt] in the Windows SDK. For a list of common raster operation codes, see [BitBlt] in the Windows SDK.

  • rectDest
    A reference to a [RECT] structure, identifying the destination.

  • pointSrc
    A [POINT] structure indicating the upper left corner of the source rectangle.

  • pointMask
    A POINT structure indicating the upper left corner of the mask bitmap.

  • pointDest
    A reference to a POINT structure that identifies the upper left corner of the destination rectangle, in logical units.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful, otherwise 0.


This method applies to Windows NT, versions 4.0 and later only.

See [MaskBlt] in the Windows SDK and CImage Limitations with Earlier Operating Systems for more detailed information.


Header: atlimage.h

See Also


CImage Class




Other Resources

CImage Members