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IAdminIndexServer interface

[Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.]

Manages the indexing service itself, including the collection of catalogs that identify the documents to be indexed. This object also provides methods to detect whether the indexing service is currently running and to start and stop it programmatically.


The IAdminIndexServer interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IAdminIndexServer also has these types of members:


The IAdminIndexServer interface has these methods.

Method Description
AddCatalog Creates a new catalog.
Continue Continues Indexing Service.
EnableCI Enables Indexing Service to start automatically.
FindFirstCatalog Initializes a catalog enumeration.
FindNextCatalog Enumerates the next catalog.
GetCatalog Retrieves the current catalog during an enumeration.
GetCatalogByName Retrieves a catalog object by name.
GetLongProperty Retrieves a content index registry value of type REG_DWORD, as described in Registry Entries.
GetSZProperty Retrieves a content index registry value of type REG_SZ, as described in Registry Entries.
IsPaused Determines whether Indexing Service is paused.
IsRunning Determines whether Indexing Service is running.
Pause Pauses Indexing Service.
RemoveCatalog Removes an existing catalog.
SetLongProperty Sets a content index registry value of type REG_DWORD, as described in Registry Entries.
SetSZProperty Sets a content index registry value of type REG_SZ, as described in Registry Entries.
Start Starts Indexing Service.
Stop Stops Indexing Service.



The IAdminIndexServer interface has these properties.

Property Access type Description
The name of Indexing Service computer.



Although you can manage many aspects of Indexing Service while it is running, you must stop the service to create catalogs with the AddCatalog method or delete catalogs with RemoveCatalog. To determine whether Indexing Service is running, use IsRunning. To stop the service, use the Stop method, make any additions or deletions necessary, and begin the service again using the Start method. Additional information about configuring catalogs can be found through the Help command on the Start menu.

If multiple instances of the AdminIndexServer object are created, changes made to one instance do not propagate to the other running instances. For example, if you have two instances of the AdminIndexServer object running and invoke the AddCatalog method of one object, the other AdminIndexServer object doesn't know about the newly added catalog. New instances of this object are created with the most current information.

The programmatic identifier (ProgID) in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes for the administration object in Ciodm.dll is Microsoft.ISAdm.1. The version-independent ProgID is Microsoft.ISAdm. The Indexing Service administration object implementation is enabled for apartment and free threading.

This object supports IErrorInfo to report errors.

Registry entries currently in use by Indexing Service can be found under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/ContentIndex.


Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows 7
End of server support
Windows Server 2008 R2