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Sequential and Nonsequential Execution


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


A query can be executed sequentially (results fetched as needed) or it can be executed nonsequentially (results cached on the server). A sequential query requires fewer server resources, but also has some limitations. Backward scrolling (CiBookmarkSkipCount < 0) will re-execute the query and scroll forward to the specified position. Sequential queries cannot refer to the following variables: CiMatchedRecordCount, CiRecordsNextPage, and CiTotalNumberPages.

Either of the following actions will force a query to be nonsequential:

  • Referring to the CiMatchedRecordCount, CiRecordsNextPage or CiTotalNumberPages variables in the .htx page.
  • Setting the CiSort parameter to sort of query results other than the native order of the result. CiSort can safely be set to sort ascending on WorkId (CiSort=WorkId[a]) or descending on Rank (CiSort=Rank[d]).