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Device metadata package: resource roadmap

This topic provides a roadmap to the technical white papers, requirements, and tools used to create a device metadata package for Devices and Printers in Windows 7. It provides guidelines for business decision makers to understand the tasks required to create metadata packages that take advantage of the Devices and Printers experience in Windows 7.

How to use this content

This topic is designed to be used in conjunction with the white papers, requirements, and tools that are referenced in this topic. It is recommended that you download the white papers and requirements that are referenced in this topic and then either print this topic or display it on a separate monitor. This will minimize how often you need to switch back and forth between this topic and the referenced white papers and requirements.

This topic first presents a diagram that illustrates the flow of the referenced Devices and Printers documentation and tools. (If you are looking at this diagram on your PC, you might want to increase your zoom level in order to more clearly read the text in the diagram.) This topic then provides a checklist of step-by-step instructions for understanding how to create metadata packages for Devices and Printers.

Roadmap flow diagram

Roadmap checklist

This section provides step-by-step instructions for understanding how to create metadata packages for Devices and Printers. It includes links to white papers and specifications. It also includes references to specific sections within those white papers and requirements.

This section asks you a few key questions and provides a list of steps to perform, depending on how you answer each of the questions.

Are you creating metadata for a PC or a device?


  • On a PC that is running Windows 7, open Devices and Printers and look at your PC.

Are internal devices displayed?


2. Go to Container IDs. Change internal devices to Not Removable.

  1. Return to Devices and Printers to check whether additional internal devices are displayed. If so, repeat these steps.


  1. Create a hardware ID for your PC. To learn how to do this, see Specifying Hardware IDs for a Computer. Note  The Hardware ID for a PC is based on information from the SMBIOS.
  2. Review a sample device metadata package by downloading a sample package from the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). You can find a sample in the src/general/toaster/devicemetadatapackage subdirectory of the Windows 7 WDK.
  3. Create and assemble device metadata components. See Device metadata for more info about the device metadata package components.
    1. Create a Device Icon File (.ico).
    2. Specify HardwareID or Model ID.
    3. Create and assemble XML documents:
      1. DeviceInfo.xml
      2. PackageInfo.xml
      3. WindowsInfo.xml
  4. Validate XML Documents against schemas. For more info, see Device metadata schema reference.
  5. Create your device metadata package. Note  Generate a new GUID and use it to name the package: GUID.devicemetadata-ms.
  6. Build your device metadata package. Note  Use the Cabarc utility.
  7. Open Devices and Printers and check your metadata. (See the section “Device Metadata Package Installation” in Device Metadata Package Pipeline.) Note  You must first copy your metadata package to the local metadata store to see the metadata reflected in Devices and Printers.
  8. Prepare to submit your device metadata package. Follow the instructions at Device Metadata (Dashboard services).
    1. Create PCMetadataSumission.xml file. Note  The PC requires an additional XML document that contains SMBIOS information that must be included with the device metadata package.
    2. Build a PC metadata submission package that contains the PcMetadataSubmission.xml and the device metadata package.
  9. Submit your device metadata package.

Are you creating metadata for a PC or a device?


  • Is your device supported?



    • Your device is unable to take full advantage of Devices and Printers at this time. You do not need to create a metadata package.


    1. Review a sample device metadata package by downloading a sample package from the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). You can find a sample in the src/general/toaster/devicemetadatapackage subdirectory of the Windows 7 WDK.
    2. Connect your device to a PC that is running Windows 7.
    3. Create and assemble device metadata components. See Device metadata for more info about the device metadata package components.
      1. Create a Device Icon File (.ico).
      2. Specify HardwareID or Model ID.
      3. Create and assemble XML documents:
        1. DeviceInfo.xml
        2. PackageInfo.xml
        3. WindowsInfo.xml
    4. Validate XML Documents against schemas. For more info, see Device metadata schema reference.
    5. Create your device metadata package. Note  Generate a new GUID and use it to name the package: GUID.devicemetadata-ms.
    6. Build your device metadata package. Note  Use the Cabarc utility.
    7. Open Devices and Printers and check your metadata. Note  You must first copy your metadata package to the local metadata store to see the metadata reflected in Devices and Printers.
    8. Proceed to Has your device been qualified for a Windows logo? to determine how to submit your device metadata package.



  1. Submit your device for a logo through the Windows Hardware Certification Program.
  2. Follow the instructions at Device Metadata (Dashboard services) to submit your metadata package.

No, but I am referencing a driver that ships with Windows

  1. Sign the .
  2. Follow the instructions at Device Metadata (Dashboard services) to submit your metadata package.



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