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Cluster resource

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Cluster resource

The cluster resource command is used to create a new cluster resource or administer an existing resource. Used without parameters, cluster resource defaults to the /status command-line option and displays the status of a cluster resource.


cluster [[/cluster:]ClusterName] res[ource] ResourceName **/**Option

  • /stat[us]
    Displays the status of a cluster resource (online, offline, or failed).
  • /create /group: GroupName /type: ResourceType [/separate**]**
    Create a new resource in a specified group.
  • /delete
    Deletes a resource.
  • /ren[ame]:NewResourceName
    Renames a resource.
  • ****/addowner:NodeName
    Adds a node name to the list of possible owners.
  • ****/removeowner:NodeName
    Removes a node name from the list of possible owners.
  • /listowners
    Displays a list of possible owners.
  • /move[to]:Group
    Moves the resource to a different group.
  • /prop[erties] [PropertyList]
    Views or sets the resource common properties.
  • /priv[properties] [PropertyList]
    Views or sets the resource private properties.
  • /fail
    Initiates resource failure.
  • /on[line] [/wait**[**:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
    Brings the resource online.
  • /off[line] [/wait**[**:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
    Takes the resource offline.
  • /maint[enancemode][:{on|off}]
    Views or controls maintenance mode (used when running a disk maintenance tool).
  • /listdep[endencies]
    List the dependencies for a resource.
  • /adddep[endency]:Resource
    Adds a dependency for a resource.
  • /removedep[endency]:Resource
    Removes a dependency for a resource.
  • /addcheck[points]:Key[\Subkey ...][,Key[\Subkey ...] ...]
    Adds a registry checkpoint for a resource.
  • /removecheck[points]:Key[\Subkey ...][,Key[\Subkey ...] ...]
    Removes a registry checkpoint for a resource.
  • /check[points]
    Lists registry checkpoints for a resource.
  • /addcryptocheck[points]:Type\Name\Key ... [,Type\Name\Key ...]
    Adds a cryptographic key checkpoint for a resource.
  • /removecryptocheck[points]:Type\Name\Key ... [,Type\Name\Key ...]
    Removes a cryptographic key checkpoint for a resource.
  • /cryptocheck[points]
    Lists the cryptographic key checkpoints for a resource.
  • /?
    Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.
  • Using the cluster res[ource] command

    The cluster name is optional. If the name of your cluster is also a cluster command or its abbreviation, such as "cluster" or "resource," use /cluster: to explicitly specify the cluster name. For a list of all the cluster commands, see Related Topics.

    With /on[line] and /off[line] the command-line option /wait[**:**Timeout_in_Seconds] specifies how long Cluster.exe waits before canceling the command if it does not successfully complete. If you do not use the /wait option, Cluster.exe waits 10 seconds. If no time-out is specified, Cluster.exe waits indefinitely or until the resource state changes.

  • Using the /stat[us] command-line option

    The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, the status of all cluster resources is displayed.

  • Using the /create command-line option

    When you use cluster.exe to create a new File Share resource, permissions for the Everyone group for that file share are automatically set by default to Full Control. In contrast, if you use Cluster Administrator to create a new File Share resource, permissions for the Everyone group are set by default to Read-only. You can change the default permissions by specifying the Security private property as described below.

  • Using the /separate command-line option

    Use /separate to specify that the resource should run in a separate Resource Monitor.

  • Using the /prop[erties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, properties for all resources are displayed. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.

  • Using the /priv[properties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    Resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, private properties for all resources are displayed. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.

  • Using the /maint[enancemode][:{on|off}] command-line option

    Maintenance mode can be run only on a disk resource and only when the resource is online. Maintenance mode allows a disk maintenance tool, such as Chkdsk, to finish running without being interrupted by failover. Maintenance mode will remain on until you turn it off, until the resource goes offline or fails, or until the node on which the resource is running restarts or loses communication with other nodes (which causes failover of all resources on that node). As soon as the maintenance tool has finished running, turn maintenance mode off. Type /maint to check whether maintenance mode is on or off.

  • Using the /check[points] command-line option

    The resource name is optional. Checkpoints for all cluster resources are displayed if you do not provide a resource name.

  • Using the /addcryptocheck[points] or /removecryptocheck[points] command-line options

    The argument for a cryptographic checkpoint is the path to a cryptographic key container (that is, Type**\Name\**Key). Type is a number, Name is the name of the cryptographic provider, and Key is the key container name (usually created by an application).

  • Using the /cryptocheck[points] command-line option

    The resource name is optional. If you do not provide a resource name, checkpoints for all cluster resources are displayed. The argument for a cryptographic checkpoint is the path to a cryptographic key container (that is, Type**\Name\**Key). Type is a number, Name is the name of the cryptographic provider, and Key is the key container name (usually created by an application).

  • Using cluster resource common property names

    The following table describes the common cluster resource property names, their uses, and valid settings.

    Common property names Use


    Name of the cluster resource object.


    Describes a resource.


    Specifies the resource type.


    Specifies the appropriate debugger for the resource. For more information, see the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit.


    Indicates whether or not a resource shares a Resource Monitor. Valid values are True (1) and False (0).


    Describes the last known persistent state of a resource. In order to save the resource's PersistentState property, the resource must be offline.


    Recommended interval in milliseconds that the Cluster service polls a resource to determine if it appears operational. If a value is not specified, a default value is taken from the LooksAlivePollInterval property for the resource type.


    Interval (in milliseconds) that the Cluster service polls a resource to determine if it is operational. If a value is not specified, a default value is taken from the IsAlivePollInterval property for the specific resource type. IsAlivePollInterval cannot be zero.


    Describes the action to perform if the resource fails. The choices are:

    ClusterResourceDontRestart (0): Do not restart following a failure.

    ClusterResourceRestartNoNotify (1): If the resource exceeds its restart threshold within its restart period, the Cluster service does not attempt to failover the group to another node.

    ClusterResourceRestartNotify (2): If the resource exceeds its restart threshold within its restart period, the Cluster service attempts to fail over the group to another node.

    If you do not enter a value, the default allows the resource to affect the group, which can cause the group to fail over to another system.


    Specifies how many times the Cluster service attempts to restart the resource in the RestartPeriod before failing over the group.


    Specifies the amount of time allowed for the restart attempts to reach the RestartThreshold before the Cluster service fails over the group.


    The amount of time that a pending online or pending offline resource has to either resolve its status or report that it is making progress to the Resource Monitor before the Cluster service puts the resource in Failed status. The default value is 3 minutes.


    Specifies the interval of time (in milliseconds) that a resource should remain in a failed state before the Cluster service attempts to restart it.





    These properties are not used at this time by the Cluster service, but are reserved for future use.

  • Using cluster resource private property names

    To view the private properties for a resource, use the /priv[properties] parameter without any options. For example, to see the disk signature and other private properties for the Disk L: resource, type:

    cluster resource "disk l:" /priv

    The following tables describe some important private cluster res[ource] property names for File Share, Physical Disk, Network Name, Local Quorum, and Volume Shadow Copy Service Task resources, their uses, and valid settings.

File Share resource

Private property names Use


Controls client side caching for file shares on a server cluster. Client side caching allows network users to access files on file shares, even when the client computer is disconnected from the network, because the files have been cached on the client computer. The choices are:

CSCCache is set to 0. Changes in only those files specifically identified on the file share will be reconciled between the client and the server cluster.

CSCCache is set to 16. Changes in all files opened on the client will be reconciled between the client and the server cluster.

CSCCache is set to 32. Client side caching is disabled for those files that are only opened, but not modified.

CSCCache is set to 48. Client side caching is disabled for all files on this file share.

For example, to automatically reconcile changes in all files on the shared file resource FLSH1 opened on the client, type:

cluster resource "FLSH1" /priv CSCCache=16


Sets file share-level permissions for file shares on a server cluster.

Usage: Security=Security group or user,access type,access mask:security

Access types are grant, deny, set, or revoke. An access mask is required for the types grant, deny, or set. Access masks are R for read, C for change, and F for full.

For example, to set read-only access to File Share resource FSHR1 for the Everyone group, type:

cluster resource "FSHR1" /priv Security=Everyone,set,R:security

Physical Disk resource

Private property names Use




Displays the disk signature and layout details of the disk resource.



Controls if and how the chkdsk program runs on a corrupt shared cluster disk or inaccessible quorum disk. The choices are:

SkipChkdsk is set to 1. The Cluster service does not run Chkdsk against the drive and mounts the disk for immediate use. This setting overrides any setting for ConditionalMount.

SkipChkdsk set to 0, and ConditionalMount is set to 1. The Cluster service fails the disk resource and leaves it offline.

SkipChkdsk set to 0, and ConditionalMount is set to 1. The Cluster service runs the command chkdsk /f against the disk and then mounts it.

For example, to bypass chkdsk for a corrupt disk resource Disk Q: and mount it directly, type:

cluster resource "Disk Q:" /priv SkipChkdsk=1

Network Name resource

Private property names Use


Controls whether or not the network name must be registered with a DNS server so that the Network Name resource can be brought online. The choices are:

RequireDNS is set to 1. The DNS Host (A) record must be registered in DNS in order for the Network Name resource to be brought online. If the DNS server accepts dynamic updates but the DNS Host (A) record could not be updated, the Network Name resource will fail. If the DNS server does not accept dynamic updates, or if there are no DNS servers associated with the network, the Network Name resource will still come online.

RequireDNS is set to 0. Disables this option. The network name does not have to be registered in DNS in order for the Network Name resource to be brought online.


Controls whether or not the Network Name resource can be brought online without Kerberos authentication. The choices are:

RequireKerberos is set to 1. The next time this resource is brought online, clients using this resource will be authenticated using Kerberos. That is, a computer object for the Network Name resource will be created or updated before that resource comes online.

RequireKerberos is set to 0. Disables this option, that is, no computer object is created for the Network Name resource. This is the default. The Cluster service will try to detect if a computer object already exists for the Network Name resource; if a computer object is present, the resource will fail to come online. If this property were previously set to 1, setting it back to zero will disable the computer object created for this Network Name resource, if any.

Do not rename a Network Name resource and change the Kerberos authentication setting at the same time. Instead, allow time for changes to replicate after performing each action.


Displays the fully qualified DNS name of the domain server on which the computer object for the Network Name resource was created.


Displays the error status when the Network Name resource is registered with the DNS servers. If the value is zero, the action was successful; otherwise the value returned is the error code encountered. To view the text for the error code, ErrorCode, from the command prompt, type, net helpmsg ErrorCode.


Displays the error status when the computer object associated with the Network Name resource is created or updated. If the value is zero, the action was successful; otherwise the value returned is the error code encountered.


Displays the error status when the Network Name resource is registered with NetBIOS. If the value is zero, the action was successful; otherwise the value returned is the error code encountered.

Local Quorum resource

Private property names Use


Displays the default location for the quorum files if the Local Quorum resource is chosen as the quorum resource. You can override the default location of quorum files by explicitly specifying another local file path or a Server Message Block (SMB) path denoting a file share.


If the path is not local, quorum logging is turned off. This can result in an out-of-date cluster database.


Specifies whether or not a server cluster that uses a Local Quorum resource as the quorum resource can have more than one node. The choices are:

Debug is set to 0. This is the default and specifies that the server cluster using a Local Quorum resource as the quorum resource can have only one node.

Debug is set to 1. This specifies that the server cluster using a Local Quorum resource as the quorum resource can have more than one node (that is, it can be a multi-node server cluster).


If you have a multi-node server cluster that uses a Local Quorum resource as the quorum resource, you cannot set the Debug property to 0.

Volume Shadow Copy Service Task resource

Private property names Use


Specifies the name of the task created in the Scheduled Task folder.


If the name you provide for TaskName is the same as an existing scheduled task, that scheduled task will be deleted when the Volume Shadow Copy Service Task resource is brought online.


Specifies the path to the executable program to be run for the scheduled task.


Specifies the parameters for the executable program to be run for the scheduled task. This property is used in combination with the ApplicationName property to create the full command line that will be run. For example, if the ApplicationName property is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\defrag.exe and the ApplicationParams property is -a C:, then the command run when the scheduled task is executed is: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\defrag.exe -a C:.


Displays the schedule information for the scheduled task. This property cannot be specified using cluster.exe, but can be specified using Cluster Administrator or the Cluster APIs. For more information, see Checklist: Installing a Volume Shadow Copy Service Task resource.


To create a Print Spooler resource in the Ops Print Spoolers group, type:

cluster resource /create /group:"Ops Print Spoolers" /Type:"print spooler"

To require that the Network Name resource CLUS N1 be authenticated by Kerberos before being brought online, type:

cluster resource "CLUS N1" /priv RequireKerberos=1

To give user accounts USR1 and USR2 in domain DOMAIN1, read-only access to File Share FSHR1, type:

cluster resource "FSHR1" /priv Security=DOMAIN1\USR1,set,R,DOMAIN1\USR2,set,R:security

Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

See Also


Command-line reference A-Z
Command shell overview
Property lists

Other Resources

Cluster commands overview