Compartilhar via

Exemplo dos métodos Groups e Users Append, ChangePassword (VB)

Este exemplo demonstra o método Append de Groups, bem como o método Append de Users com a adição de um novo Group e um novo User ao sistema. O novo Group é acrescentado à coleção Groups do novo User. Consequentemente, o novo User é adicionado ao Group. Além disso, o método ChangePassword é usado para especificar a senha do User.


Se você estiver se conectando a um provedor de fonte de dados que dá suporte a autenticação do Windows, especifique Trusted_Connection=yes ou Segurança Integrada = SSPI em vez das informações de ID de usuário e de senha na cadeia de conexão.

' BeginGroupVB  
Sub Main()  
    On Error GoTo GroupXError  
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog  
    Dim usrNew As ADOX.User  
    Dim usrLoop As ADOX.User  
    Dim grpLoop As ADOX.Group  
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog  
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _  
        "Data Source='Northwind.mdb';" & _  
        "jet oledb:system database=" & _  
    With cat  
        'Create and append new group with a string.  
        .Groups.Append "Accounting"  
        ' Create and append new user with an object.  
        Set usrNew = New ADOX.User  
        usrNew.Name = "Pat Smith"  
        usrNew.ChangePassword "", "Password1"  
        .Users.Append usrNew  
        ' Make the user Pat Smith a member of the  
        ' Accounting group by creating and adding the  
        ' appropriate Group object to the user's Groups  
        ' collection. The same is accomplished if a User  
        ' object representing Pat Smith is created and  
        ' appended to the Accounting group Users collection  
        usrNew.Groups.Append "Accounting"  
        ' Enumerate all User objects in the  
        ' catalog's Users collection.  
        For Each usrLoop In .Users  
            Debug.Print "  " & usrLoop.Name  
            Debug.Print "    Belongs to these groups:"  
            ' Enumerate all Group objects in each User  
            ' object's Groups collection.  
            If usrLoop.Groups.Count <> 0 Then  
                For Each grpLoop In usrLoop.Groups  
                    Debug.Print "    " & grpLoop.Name  
                Next grpLoop  
                Debug.Print "    [None]"  
            End If  
        Next usrLoop  
        ' Enumerate all Group objects in the default  
        ' workspace's Groups collection.  
        For Each grpLoop In .Groups  
            Debug.Print "  " & grpLoop.Name  
            Debug.Print "    Has as its members:"  
            ' Enumerate all User objects in each Group  
            ' object's Users collection.  
            If grpLoop.Users.Count <> 0 Then  
                For Each usrLoop In grpLoop.Users  
                    Debug.Print "    " & usrLoop.Name  
                Next usrLoop  
                Debug.Print "    [None]"  
            End If  
        Next grpLoop  
        ' Delete new User and Group objects because this  
        ' is only a demonstration.  
        ' These two line are commented out because the sub "OwnersX" uses  
        ' the group "Accounting".  
'        .Users.Delete "Pat Smith"  
'        .Groups.Delete "Accounting"  
    End With  
    'Clean up  
    Set cat.ActiveConnection = Nothing  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set usrNew = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set usrNew = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  
' EndGroupVB  

Consulte Também

Método Append (Grupos do ADOX)
Método Append (Usuários do ADOX)
Objeto Catalog (ADOX)
Método ChangePassword (ADOX)
Objeto Group (ADOX)
Coleção Groups (ADOX)
Objeto User (ADOX)
Coleção Users (ADOX)