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Exemplo de coleções Views e Fields (VB)

O código a seguir demonstra como usar a propriedade Command e o objeto Recordset para recuperar as informações de campo da exibição.

' BeginViewFieldsVB  
Sub ViewFields()  
    On Error GoTo ViewFieldsError  
    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection  
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset  
    Dim fld As ADODB.Field  
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog  
    ' Open the Connection  
    cnn.Open _  
        "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _  
        "Data Source='Northwind.mdb';"  
    ' Open the catalog  
    Set cat.ActiveConnection = cnn  
    ' Set the Source for the Recordset  
    Set rst.Source = cat.Views("AllCustomers").Command  
    ' Retrieve Field information  
    For Each fld In rst.Fields  
        Debug.Print fld.Name & ":" & fld.Type  
    'Clean up  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set rst = Nothing  
    Set cnn = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    If Not cnn Is Nothing Then  
        If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then cnn.Close  
    End If  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set rst = Nothing  
    Set cnn = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  
' EndViewFieldsVB  

Consulte Também

Propriedade ActiveConnection (ADOX)
Objeto Catalog (ADOX)
Propriedade Command (ADOX)
Objeto View (ADOX)
Coleção Views (ADOX)