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Definindo dados grandes

Aplica-se a: SQL Server Banco de Dados SQL do Azure Instância Gerenciada de SQL do Azure Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Baixar o driver do OLE DB

Com o Driver do OLE DB para SQL Server, você pode definir dados de BLOB transmitindo um ponteiro a um objeto de armazenamento de consumidor.

O consumidor cria um objeto de armazenamento que contém os dados e transmite um ponteiro a este objeto de armazenamento para o provedor. Em seguida, o provedor lê dados do objeto de armazenamento do consumidor e grava-os na coluna de BLOB.

Para transmitir um ponteiro a seu próprio objeto de armazenamento, o consumidor cria um acessador que associa o valor da coluna de BLOB. Em seguida, o consumidor chama o método IRowsetChange::SetData ou IRowsetChange::InsertRow com o acessador que associa a coluna BLOB. Transmite um ponteiro a uma interface de armazenamento no objeto de armazenamento do consumidor.

Este tópico aborda a funcionalidade disponível nas funções a seguir:

  • IRowset:SetData

  • ICommand::Execute

  • IRowsetUpdate::Update

Como definir dados grandes

Para transmitir um ponteiro para seu próprio objeto de armazenamento, o consumidor cria um acessador que associa o valor da coluna BLOB e chama os métodos IRowsetChange::SetData ou IRowsetChange::InsertRow . Para definir dados de BLOB:

  1. Crie uma estrutura DBOBJECT que descreva como a coluna BLOB deve ser acessada. Defina o elemento dwFlag da estrutura DBOBJECT como STGM_READ e defina o elemento iid como IID_ISequentialStream (a interface a ser exposta).

  2. Defina as propriedades no grupo de propriedades DBPROPSET_ROWSET para que o conjunto de linhas seja atualizável.

  3. Crie um conjunto de associações (uma de cada coluna) usando uma matriz de estruturas DBBINDING. Defina o elemento wType na estrutura DBBINDING como DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN e o elemento pObject para que ele aponte para a estrutura DBOBJECT criada.

  4. Crie um acessador que usa as informações de associação na matriz de estruturas DBBINDINGS.

  5. Chame GetNextRows para buscar as linhas seguintes no conjunto de linhas. Chame GetData para ler os dados do conjunto de linhas.

  6. Crie um objeto de armazenamento que contém os dados (e também o indicador de tamanho) e, em seguida, chame IRowsetChange::SetData (ou IRowsetChange::InsertRow) com o acessador que associa a coluna BLOB para definir os dados.


Este exemplo mostra como definir dados de BLOB. O exemplo cria uma tabela, adiciona um registro de exemplo, busca esse registro no conjunto de linhas e define o valor do campo de BLOB:

#define UNICODE  
#define INITGID  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stddef.h>  
#include <iostream.h>  
#include <oledb.h>  
#include <oledberr.h>  
#include <msoledbsql.h>  
#define SAFE_RELEASE(pIUnknown) if(pIUnknown) (pIUnknown)->Release();  
HRESULT GetCommandObject(REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppIUnknown);  
HRESULT CreateTable(ICommandText* pICommandText);  
class CSeqStream : public ISequentialStream  
    virtual ~CSeqStream();  
    virtual BOOL Seek(ULONG iPos);  
    virtual BOOL Clear();  
    virtual BOOL CompareData(void* pBuffer);  
    virtual ULONG Length()  { return m_cBufSize; };  
    virtual operator void* const() { return m_pBuffer; };  
    STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)    AddRef(void);  
    STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)    Release(void);  
    STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);  
            /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *pv,  
            /* [in]  */ ULONG cb,  
            /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbRead);  
    STDMETHODIMP Write(   
            /* [in] */ const void __RPC_FAR *pv,  
            /* [in] */ ULONG cb,  
            /* [out]*/ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWritten);  
    ULONG       m_cRef;         // reference count  
    void*       m_pBuffer;      // buffer  
    ULONG       m_cBufSize;     // buffer size  
    ULONG       m_iPos;         // current index position in the buffer  
//class implementation  
    m_iPos         = 0;  
    m_cRef         = 0;  
    m_pBuffer      = NULL;  
    m_cBufSize     = 0;  
    //The constructor AddRef's  
    //Shouldn't have any references left  
//    ASSERT(m_cRef == 0);  
ULONG    CSeqStream::AddRef(void)  
    return ++m_cRef;  
ULONG    CSeqStream::Release(void)  
//    ASSERT(m_cRef);  
        return m_cRef;  
    delete this;  
    return 0;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)  
//    ASSERT(ppv);  
    *ppv = NULL;  
    if (riid == IID_IUnknown)  
        *ppv = this;  
    if (riid == IID_ISequentialStream)  
        *ppv = this;  
        return S_OK;  
    return E_NOINTERFACE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::Seek(ULONG iPos)  
    // Make sure the desired position is within the buffer.  
//    ASSERT(iPos == 0 || iPos < m_cBufSize);  
    // Reset the current buffer position.  
    m_iPos = iPos;  
    return TRUE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::Clear()  
    //Frees the buffer  
    m_iPos         = 0;  
    m_cBufSize     = 0;  
    m_pBuffer = NULL;  
    return TRUE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::CompareData(void* pBuffer)  
//    ASSERT(pBuffer);  
    // Quick and easy way to compare user buffer with the stream.  
    return memcmp(pBuffer, m_pBuffer, m_cBufSize)==0;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::Read(void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead)  
    //Parameter checking  
        *pcbRead = 0;  
        return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;  
    if(cb == 0)  
        return S_OK;  
    // Actual code.  
    ULONG cBytesLeft = m_cBufSize - m_iPos;  
    ULONG cBytesRead = cb > cBytesLeft ? cBytesLeft : cb;  
    // If no more bytes to retrieve return.  
    if(cBytesLeft == 0)  
        return S_FALSE;   
    // Copy to users buffer the number of bytes requested or remaining.  
    memcpy_s(pv, sizeof(pv), (void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), cBytesRead);  
    m_iPos += cBytesRead;  
        *pcbRead = cBytesRead;  
    if(cb != cBytesRead)  
        return S_FALSE;   
    return S_OK;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::Write(const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten)  
    // Parameter checking.  
        return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;  
        *pcbWritten = 0;  
    if(cb == 0)  
        return S_OK;  
    // Enlarge the current buffer.  
    m_cBufSize += cb;  
    // Need to append to the end of the stream.  
    m_pBuffer = CoTaskMemRealloc(m_pBuffer, m_cBufSize);  
    memcpy_s((void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), sizeof((void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos)), pv, cb);  
    // m_iPos += cb;  
        *pcbWritten = cb;  
    return S_OK;  
void main()  
    DBOBJECT ObjectStruct;  
    ObjectStruct.dwFlags = STGM_READ;  
    ObjectStruct.iid     = IID_ISequentialStream;  
    struct BLOBDATA  
        DBSTATUS            dwStatus;     
        DWORD               dwLength;   
        ISequentialStream*  pISeqStream;  
    const ULONG cBindings = 1;  
    DBBINDING rgBindings[cBindings];   
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
    IAccessor*          pIAccessor          = NULL;  
    ICommandText*       pICommandText       = NULL;  
    ICommandProperties* pICommandProperties = NULL;  
    IRowsetChange*      pIRowsetChange      = NULL;  
    IRowset*            pIRowset            = NULL;  
    CSeqStream*         pMySeqStream        = NULL;  
    ULONG cRowsObtained = 0;  
    DBBINDSTATUS rgBindStatus[cBindings];  
    HROW* rghRows = NULL;  
    const ULONG cPropSets = 1;  
    DBPROPSET   rgPropSets[cPropSets];  
    const ULONG cProperties = 1;  
    DBPROP      rgProperties[cProperties];  
    const ULONG cBytes = 10;  
    BYTE        pBuffer[cBytes];  
    ULONG       cBytesRead = 0;  
    BYTE pReadData[cBytes];  //read BLOB data in this array  
    memset(pReadData, 0xAA, cBytes);  
    BYTE pWriteData[cBytes];  //write BLOB data from this array  
    memset(pWriteData, 'D', cBytes);  
    // Get the Command object.  
    hr = GetCommandObject(IID_ICommandText,   
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to get ICommandText interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    // Create table with image column and index.  
    hr = CreateTable(pICommandText);  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to create table.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    Set the DBPROPSET structure.  It is used to pass an array   
    of DBPROP structures to SetProperties().  
    rgPropSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;  
    rgPropSets[0].cProperties = cProperties;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties = rgProperties;  
    // Now set properties in the property group (DBPROPSET_ROWSET).  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_UPDATABILITY;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwStatus = DBPROPSTATUS_OK;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].colid = DB_NULLID;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue.vt = VT_I4;  
    V_I4(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue) = DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE;  
    // Set the rowset properties.  
    hr = pICommandText->QueryInterface(IID_ICommandProperties,  
                            (void **)&pICommandProperties);  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to get ICommandProperties to set rowset properties.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pICommandProperties->SetProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Execute failed to set rowset properties.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    // Execute a command (SELECT * FROM TestISeqStream).  
    hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL,  
                                       L"SELECT * FROM TestISeqStream");  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to set command text SELECT * FROM.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_IRowsetChange, NULL, NULL,  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to execute the command SELECT * FROM.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    // Fill the DBBINDINGS array.  
    rgBindings[0].iOrdinal = 2; //ordinal position  
    rgBindings[0].obValue = offsetof(BLOBDATA, pISeqStream);  
    rgBindings[0].obLength = offsetof(BLOBDATA, dwLength);  
    rgBindings[0].obStatus = offsetof(BLOBDATA, dwStatus);  
    rgBindings[0].pTypeInfo = NULL;  
    rgBindings[0].pObject = &ObjectStruct;  
    rgBindings[0].pBindExt = NULL;  
    rgBindings[0].dwPart =  DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_STATUS | DBPART_LENGTH;  
    rgBindings[0].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;  
    rgBindings[0].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM;  
    rgBindings[0].cbMaxLen = 0;   
    rgBindings[0].dwFlags = 0;  
    rgBindings[0].wType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN;  
    rgBindings[0].bPrecision = 0;  
    rgBindings[0].bScale = 0;  
    // Create an accessor using the binding information.  
    hr = pIRowsetChange->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor,   
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to get IAccessor interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA,  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to create an accessor.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if   
    // Now get the first row.  
    hr = pIRowsetChange->QueryInterface(IID_IRowset,   
                                        (void **)&pIRowset);  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to get IRowset interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows(NULL,   
    hr = pIRowset->GetData(rghRows[0],   
    // Verify the retrieved data, only if data is not null.  
    if (BLOBGetData.dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL)  
        // Process null data.  
        cout << "Provider returned a null value.\n";  
    } else if(BLOBGetData.dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK)   
      // Provider returned a nonNULL value.  
        if(memcmp(pBuffer, pReadData, cBytes) != 0)  
    // Set up data for SetData.  
    pMySeqStream = new CSeqStream();  
    Put data in to the ISequentialStream object   
    for the provider to write.  
    BLOBSetData.pISeqStream = (ISequentialStream*)pMySeqStream;  
    BLOBSetData.dwStatus    = DBSTATUS_S_OK;  
    BLOBSetData.dwLength    = pMySeqStream->Length();  
    // Set the data.  
    hr = pIRowsetChange->SetData(rghRows[0],   
        if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to set data.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL);  
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to release accessor.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pIRowset->ReleaseRows(cRowsObtained,   
    if (FAILED(hr))  
        cout << "Failed to release rows.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    // Free up all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
} //end main.  
HRESULT GetCommandObject(REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppIUnknown)  
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
    // Local interface pointers, until a connection is made.  
    IDBInitialize* pIDBInitialize = NULL;  
    IDBProperties*  pIDBProperties = NULL;  
    IDBCreateSession* pIDBCreateSession = NULL;  
    IDBCreateCommand* pIDBCreateCommand = NULL;  
    const ULONG cPropSets = 1;  
    DBPROPSET rgPropSets[cPropSets];  
    const ULONG cProperties = 4;  
    DBPROP rgProperties[cProperties];  
    Initialize the property values needed to   
    establish the connection.  
    for(ULONG i = 0; i < 4; i++)  
    // Server name.  
    rgProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;  
    rgProperties[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
    rgProperties[0].vValue.bstrVal =   
    rgProperties[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
    rgProperties[0].colid = DB_NULLID;  
    // Database.  
    rgProperties[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG;  
    rgProperties[1].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
    rgProperties[1].vValue.bstrVal =   
    rgProperties[1].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
    rgProperties[1].colid = DB_NULLID;  
    // Username (login).  
    rgProperties[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_USERID;  
    rgProperties[2].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
    rgProperties[2].vValue.bstrVal =   
    rgProperties[2].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
    rgProperties[2].colid = DB_NULLID;  
    // Password.  
    rgProperties[3].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD;  
    rgProperties[3].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
    rgProperties[3].vValue.bstrVal =   
    rgProperties[3].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
    rgProperties[3].colid = DB_NULLID;  
    Now that the properties are set, construct the DBPROPSET   
    structure (rgInitPropSet).  The DBPROPSET structure is used   
    to pass an array of DBPROP structures (InitProperties) to the   
    SetProperties method.  
    rgPropSets[0].guidPropertySet   = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;  
    rgPropSets[0].cProperties       = cProperties;  
    rgPropSets[0].rgProperties      = rgProperties;  
    // Get the IDBInitialize interface.  
    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSOLEDBSQL,   
        cout << "Failed to get IDBInitialize interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    // Set initialization properties.  
    hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties,  
                                        (void **)&pIDBProperties);  
        cout << "Failed to get IDBProperties interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pIDBProperties->SetProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);  
        cout << "Failed to set properties for DBPROPSET_DBINIT.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
     hr = pIDBInitialize->Initialize();  
        cout << "Failed to initialize.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    //Create a session object.  
      hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(  
                                (void **)&pIDBCreateSession);  
        cout << "Failed to get pIDBCreateSession interface.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
       hr = pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession(  
        cout << "Failed to create session object.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
     // Get the CommandText object.  
     hr = pIDBCreateCommand->CreateCommand(  
        cout << "Failed to create CommandText object.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
     return hr;  
    // Free up all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
     return hr;  
} //end function  
HRESULT CreateTable(ICommandText* pICommandText)  
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
    // Drop the xisting table.  
    hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(  
                            L"DROP TABLE TestISeqStream");  
        cout << "Failed to set command text DROP TABLE.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } //end if  
    hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
        cout << "Failed to drop the table.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    // Create a new table.  
    hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL,  
         L"CREATE TABLE TestISeqStream (col1 int,col2 image)");  
        cout << "Failed to set command text CREATE TABLE.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
        cout << "Failed to create new table.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    // Insert one row into table.  
    hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL,  
    L"INSERT INTO TestISeqStream(col1,col2) VALUES (1,0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)");  
        cout << "Failed to set command text INSERT INTO.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
        cout << "Failed to insert record in the table.\n";  
        // Release any references and return.  
        goto Exit;  
    } // end if  
    // Free up all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
     return hr;  
} //end function  

Consulte Também

BLOBs e objetos OLE
Usando tipos de valor grande