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Função UfxDeviceCreate (ufxclient.h)

Cria um objeto de dispositivo UFX, registra rotinas de retorno de chamada de evento e especifica recursos específicos para o controlador.


NTSTATUS UfxDeviceCreate(
                 WDFDEVICE                WdfDevice,
  [in]           PUFX_DEVICE_CALLBACKS    Callbacks,
  [in]           PUFX_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES Capabilities,
  [in, optional] PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES   Attributes,
  [out]          UFXDEVICE                *UfxDevice



Um identificador para um objeto de dispositivo WDF.

[in] Callbacks

Uma estrutura do tipo UFX_DEVICE_CALLBACKS que contém ponteiros para rotinas de retorno de chamada fornecidas pelo driver a serem associadas ao objeto de dispositivo UFX.

[in] Capabilities

Um ponteiro para uma estrutura UFX_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES .

[in, optional] Attributes

Um ponteiro para uma estrutura WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES que contém atributos fornecidos pelo driver para o novo objeto. Esse parâmetro é opcional e pode ser WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.

[out] UfxDevice

Um ponteiro para um local que recebe um identificador para o novo objeto de dispositivo UFX.

Retornar valor

Se a operação for bem-sucedida, o método retornará STATUS_SUCCESS ou outro valor status para o qual NT_SUCCESS(status) é igual a TRUE. Caso contrário, retornará um valor status para o qual NT_SUCCESS(status) é igual a FALSE.


O driver do cliente deve chamar WdfDeviceCreate antes de chamar UfxDeviceCreate. Normalmente, o driver cliente chama UfxDeviceCreate de sua rotina de retorno de chamada EvtDriverDeviceAdd .

O snippet de código a seguir mostra como chamar UfxDeviceCreate.

UfxDevice_DeviceCreate (
    _In_ WDFDEVICE WdfDevice

Routine Description:

    Routine that registers with UFX and creates the UFX device object.


    WdfDevice - Wdf object representing the device.

Return Value:


    NTSTATUS Status;
    PCONTROLLER_CONTEXT ControllerContext;
    UFX_DEVICE_CALLBACKS UfxDeviceCallbacks;
    UFX_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES UfxDeviceCapabilities;
    PUFXDEVICE_CONTEXT UfxDeviceContext;
    UFXDEVICE UfxDevice;



    ControllerContext = DeviceGetControllerContext(WdfDevice);

    UfxDeviceCapabilities.MaxSpeed = UsbSuperSpeed;
    UfxDeviceCapabilities.RemoteWakeSignalDelay = REMOTE_WAKEUP_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_MS;
    // Set bitmasks that define the IN and OUT endpoint numbers that are available on the controller
    // #### TODO: Set the IN endpoint mask here if not all endpoint addresses are supported ####
    // For illustration purposes sample will set default control endpoint 0, 1-4, 8
    UfxDeviceCapabilities.InEndpointBitmap = 0x011F;
    // #### TODO: Set the OUT endpoint mask here if not all endpoint addresses are supported ####
    // For illustration purposes sample will set default control endpoint 0, 2-7
    UfxDeviceCapabilities.OutEndpointBitmap = 0x00FD;

    // Set the event callbacks for the ufxdevice
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceHostConnect = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceHostConnect;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceHostDisconnect = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceHostDisconnect;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceAddressed = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceAddressed;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceEndpointAdd = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceEndpointAdd;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceDefaultEndpointAdd = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceDefaultEndpointAdd;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceUsbStateChange = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceUsbStateChange;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDevicePortChange = UfxDevice_EvtDevicePortChange;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDevicePortDetect = UfxDevice_EvtDevicePortDetect;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceRemoteWakeupSignal = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceRemoteWakeupSignal;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceTestModeSet = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceTestModeSet;
    UfxDeviceCallbacks.EvtDeviceSuperSpeedPowerFeature = UfxDevice_EvtDeviceSuperSpeedPowerFeature;

    // Context associated with UFXDEVICE object
    Attributes.EvtCleanupCallback = UfxDevice_EvtCleanupCallback;

    // Create the UFXDEVICE object
    Status = UfxDeviceCreate(WdfDevice,




Requisito Valor
Cliente mínimo com suporte Windows 10
Plataforma de Destino Windows
Cabeçalho ufxclient.h
Biblioteca ufxstub.lib