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Preenchendo condições de filtro

O código de exemplo a seguir demonstra como preencher as condições de filtro usadas por um aplicativo de servidor para localizar filtros e eventos que o afetam.


Essas condições são iguais às compatíveis com a API IsPortAllowed de nível inferior.


DWORD InitFilterConditions(
         __in_opt PCWSTR appPath,
         __in_opt const SOCKADDR* localAddr,
         __in_opt UINT8 ipProtocol,
         __in UINT32 numCondsIn,
         __out_ecount_part(numCondsIn, *numCondsOut)
            FWPM_FILTER_CONDITION0* conds,
         __out UINT32* numCondsOut,
         __deref_out FWP_BYTE_BLOB** appId
   DWORD result = NO_ERROR;
   UINT32 numConds = 0;
   UINT16 port;
   void* addr;

   *numCondsOut = 0;

   if (localAddr != NULL)
      port = INETADDR_PORT(localAddr);
      if (port != 0)
         if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
            result = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
            goto CLEANUP;

         conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_PORT;
         conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
         conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT16;
         // The SOCKADDR struct has the port in network order, but the
         // filtering engine expects it in host order.
         conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint16 = ntohs(port);

      if (!INETADDR_ISANY(localAddr))
         if (numConds > numCondsIn)
            result = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
            goto CLEANUP;

         addr = INETADDR_ADDRESS(localAddr);

         conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS;
         conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;

         if (localAddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT32;
            // The SOCKADDR struct has the port in network order, but the
            // filtering engine expects it in host order.
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint32 = ntohl(*(ULONG*)addr);
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_BYTE_ARRAY16_TYPE;
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.byteArray16 =


   if (ipProtocol != 0)
      if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
         goto CLEANUP;

      conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PROTOCOL;
      conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT8;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint8 = ipProtocol;

   if (appPath != NULL)
      if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
         goto CLEANUP;

      // appPath must be a fully-qualified file name, and the file must
      // exist on the local machine.
      result = FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName0(appPath, appId);

      conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_APP_ID;
      conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_BYTE_BLOB_TYPE;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.byteBlob = *appId;

   *numCondsOut = numConds;

   return result;