Azure Stack Technical Preview Announced!
Hello Readers and Viewers!
It is almost here! What we have all been waiting for…The Technical Preview of Azure Stack!
Announced yesterday by Mike Neil on the Microsoft Azure Blog, “Announcing the first Technical Preview of Microsoft Azure Stack” was the first of many, [I mean many] posts, reposts, tweets, retweets, and overall positive social sentiment around the excitement of this amazing new offering from Microsoft.
I feel honored to have been working on this project for about a year now…and I am very pleased that I get to start sharing in all YOUR #AzureStack experiences with the release of its Technical Preview starting Friday, January 29th.
Some of you have noticed that I have been pretty silent on Twitter, Blogs, Videos, etc. This has been very much on purpose. As I look back on the past year, I have only really tweeted a handful of times, more teasers than anything…and since I am reminiscing, I will highlight one of my favorites…
…an image that I had to intentionally blur at the time. But now, things are starting to get much more clear. No more intentional blurring - I mean just look at the photos posted to Twitter with the #AzureStack hashtag…
How Exciting!
So, what is next?
A few things, coming soon…
- I will be re-homing the URL, to something much more official (in case you didn’t know, it currently redirects to a blog post I published on May 6th: #AzureStack @ #MSIgnite
- I will be tweeting and interacting on social media more, with more information, tips, tricks, etc.
- I will be blogging to help increase awareness of all the great stuff going on in the #AzureStack space – so much stuff coming
- And, one of the more exciting things for me – I will be bringing new life to my old YouTube Channel:!
Until then, as a reference, here are some of the most recent #AzureStack resources:
- Microsoft Azure Stack: Hardware requirements (published December 21, 2015)
- Announcing the first Technical Preview of Microsoft Azure Stack (published January 26, 2016)
- Microsoft Azure Stack, landing Page (currently “Coming Soon, Get Notified”; soon THE destination for #AzureStack!)
- Introducing Microsoft Azure Stack (save the date page for the upcoming Webcast with Mark Russinovich and Jeffrey Snover)
- Twitter Accounts to Follow/Watch: @Azure, @MShybridCloud, @jsnover, @markrussinovich
- And of course all the previous reference links: #AzureStack @ #MSIgnite