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WebMatrix Beta3 - Using Authentication

WebMatrix Beta 3 is released here:

With that said, I'd like to help those out who wish to use WebMatrix to host a site using authentication modes other than "Anonymous."  Recall that in IIS 7+, you can enable Authentication modes by looking at the "Features View" for a website or vdir, and clicking "Authentication."  Depending on what was installed for IIS security components, the list can include: Anonymous, ASP.Net Impersonation, Basic, Digest, Forms, and Windows.  For WebMatrix, in the interest of simplicity, there is no UI for configuring these settings.  But if you still want to modify them, simply open the applicationHost.config file for IISExpress (located in the current user's Documents\IISExpress\Config directory) and find the <security> section containing various authentication modes.  All that is necessary is to set the value of the enabled attribute of each mode.