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Exchange Server 2016 protocol updates have arrived!

Last week, we released major updates to the Open Specifications technical documents to include support for Exchange Server 2016 and Windows 10. The 129 documents listed below were previously released, and many also include minor corrections and bug fixes made since the last time they were published.

For convenience, documents that have undergone the most substantial changes are indicated in bold in the list below. As always, specific changes to the technical content are indicated in the Change Tracking section at the end of each document.

Exchange Server Protocols
[MS-ASAIRS]: Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol
[MS-ASCAL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol
[MS-ASCMD]: Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol
[MS-ASCNTC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol
[MS-ASCON]: Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol
[MS-ASDOC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Document Class Protocol
[MS-ASDTYPE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Data Types
[MS-ASEMAIL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol
[MS-ASHTTP]: Exchange ActiveSync: HTTP Protocol
[MS-ASMS]: Exchange ActiveSync: Short Message Service (SMS) Protocol
[MS-ASNOTE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Notes Class Protocol
[MS-ASPROV]: Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol
[MS-ASRM]: Exchange ActiveSync: Rights Management Protocol
[MS-ASTASK]: Exchange ActiveSync: Tasks Class Protocol
[MS-ASWBXML]: Exchange ActiveSync: WAP Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm
[MS-OXABREF]: Address Book Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Referral Protocol
[MS-OXBBODY]: Best Body Retrieval Algorithm
[MS-OXCDATA]: Data Structures
[MS-OXCEXT]: Client Extension Message Object Protocol
[MS-OXCFOLD]: Folder Object Protocol
[MS-OXCFXICS]: Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
[MS-OXCICAL]: iCalendar to Appointment Object Conversion Algorithm
[MS-OXCMAIL]: RFC 2822 and MIME to Email Object Conversion Algorithm
[MS-OXCMAPIHTTP]: Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) Extensions for HTTP
[MS-OXCMSG]: Message and Attachment Object Protocol
[MS-OXCNOTIF]: Core Notifications Protocol
[MS-OXCPERM]: Exchange Access and Operation Permissions Protocol
[MS-OXCPRPT]: Property and Stream Object Protocol
[MS-OXCROPS]: Remote Operations (ROP) List and Encoding Protocol
[MS-OXCRPC]: Wire Format Protocol
[MS-OXCSPAM]: Spam Confidence Level Protocol
[MS-OXCSTOR]: Store Object Protocol
[MS-OXCTABL]: Table Object Protocol
[MS-OXDISCO]: Autodiscover HTTP Service Protocol
[MS-OXDSCLI]: Autodiscover Publishing and Lookup Protocol
[MS-OXIMAP4]: Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4 (IMAP4) Extensions
[MS-OXLDAP]: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Version 3 Extensions
[MS-OXMSG]: Outlook Item (.msg) File Format
[MS-OXNSPI]: Exchange Server Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol
[MS-OXOABKT]: Address Book User Interface Templates Protocol
[MS-OXOABK]: Address Book Object Protocol
[MS-OXOAB]: Offline Address Book (OAB) File Format and Schema
[MS-OXOCAL]: Appointment and Meeting Object Protocol
[MS-OXOCFG]: Configuration Information Protocol
[MS-OXOCNTC]: Contact Object Protocol
[MS-OXODLGT]: Delegate Access Configuration Protocol
[MS-OXODOC]: Document Object Protocol
[MS-OXOFLAG]: Informational Flagging Protocol
[MS-OXOJRNL]: Journal Object Protocol
[MS-OXOMSG]: Email Object Protocol
[MS-OXONOTE]: Note Object Protocol
[MS-OXOPOST]: Post Object Protocol
[MS-OXORMDR]: Reminder Settings Protocol
[MS-OXORMMS]: Rights-Managed Email Object Protocol
[MS-OXORSS]: RSS Object Protocol
[MS-OXORULE]: Email Rules Protocol
[MS-OXOSFLD]: Special Folders Protocol
[MS-OXOSMIME]: S/MIME Email Object Algorithm
[MS-OXOSRCH]: Search Folder List Configuration Protocol
[MS-OXOTASK]: Task-Related Objects Protocol
[MS-OXOUM]: Voice Mail and Fax Objects Protocol
[MS-OXPHISH]: Phishing Warning Protocol
[MS-OXPOP3]: Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Extensions
[MS-OXPROPS]: Exchange Server Protocols Master Property List
[MS-OXPROTO]: Exchange Server Protocols System Overview
[MS-OXPSVAL]: Email Postmark Validation Algorithm
[MS-OXRTFCP]: Rich Text Format (RTF) Compression Algorithm
[MS-OXRTFEX]: Rich Text Format (RTF) Extensions Algorithm
[MS-OXSHARE]: Sharing Message Object Protocol
[MS-OXSHRMSG]: Sharing Message Attachment Schema
[MS-OXSMTP]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extensions
[MS-OXTNEF]: Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) Data Algorithm
[MS-OXVCARD]: vCard to Contact Object Conversion Algorithm
[MS-OXWAVLS]: Availability Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWCONFIG]: Web Service Configuration Protocol
[MS-OXWMT]: Mail Tips Web Service Extensions
[MS-OXWOAB]: Offline Address Book (OAB) Retrieval File Format
[MS-OXWOOF]: Out of Office (OOF) Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSADISC]: Autodiscover Publishing and Lookup SOAP-Based Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSARCH]: Archiving Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSATT]: Attachment Handling Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSBTRF]: Bulk Transfer Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCDATA]: Common Web Service Data Types
[MS-OXWSCEXT]: Client Extension Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCONT]: Contacts Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCONV]: Conversations Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCORE]: Core Items Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCOS]: Unified Contact Store Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSCVTID]: Convert Item Identifier Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSDLGM]: Delegate Access Management Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSDLIST]: Distribution List Creation and Usage Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSEDISC]: Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSFOLD]: Folders and Folder Permissions Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSGNI]: Nonindexable Item Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSGTRM]: Get Rooms List Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSGTZ]: Get Server Time Zone Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSITEMID]: Web Service Item ID Algorithm
[MS-OXWSLVID]: Federated Internet Authentication Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSMSG]: Email Message Types Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSMSHR]: Folder Sharing Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSMTGS]: Calendaring Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSMTRK]: Message Tracking Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSNTIF]: Notifications Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSOLPS]: Online Personal Search Web Service Protocol* (previously “[MS-OLPS]: Online Personal Search Protocol” - see Note below)
[MS-OXWSPED]: Password Expiration Date Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSPERS]: Persona Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSPHOTO]: Photo Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSPOST]: Post Items Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSPSNTIF]: Push Notifications Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSRSLNM]: Resolve Recipient Names Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSRULES]: Inbox Rules Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSSMBX]: Site Mailbox Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSSRCH]: Mailbox Search Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSSYNC]: Mailbox Contents Synchronization Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSTASK]: Tasks Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSURPT]: Retention Tag Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSUSRCFG]: User Configuration Web Service Protocol
[MS-OXWSXPROP]: Extended Properties Structure
[MS-OXWUMS]: Voice Mail Settings Web Service Protocol
[MS-PATCH]: LZX DELTA Compression and Decompression
[MS-STANOICAL]: Outlook iCalendar Standards Support Version 2
[MS-STANOIMAP]: Outlook Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Standards Support
[MS-STANOPOP3]: Outlook Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Standards Support
[MS-STANXICAL]: Exchange iCalendar Standards Support Version 2
[MS-STANXIMAP]: Exchange Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Standards Support
[MS-STANXPOP3]: Exchange Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Standards Support
[MS-XJRNL]: Journal Record Message File Format
[MS-XLOGIN]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) AUTH LOGIN Extension
[MS-XOAUTH]: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions

*Note: [MS-OXWSOLPS] has had its short name and title revised to align with the naming convention used with other Exchange Protocols (as outlined in [MS-OXPROTO]). This document was previously published as “[MS-OLPS]: Online Personal Search Protocol” for the Exchange Server 2016 Preview in May 2015. The title and short name published with the current release are now final and should be used exclusively to refer to this document from now on.