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GIS Cloud (Preview)

This connector allows users to use any valid authorization key generated in GIS Cloud to access a list of their Map Projects, the Layers defined within and the Features contained on those layers. To accommodate the dynamic nature of Feature schema, the connector will dynamically query the service for the feature schema of a given layer.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name GIS Cloud Premium Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher HandyGeo Solutions
Privacy policy
Categories Data; Business Intelligence

GIS Cloud is a SaaS platform that provides best in class web and mobile map rendering coupled with a powerful forms engine to facilitate all your collaborative mapping needs. The GIS Cloud connector provides a subset of the extensive and powerful REST API that allows automations to drive most of the common use cases for a Map project. This connector will aloow you to list, update and interogate GIS Cloud Maps, Layers, Users and to also create Features and Files. With this subset a user can automate many data driven activities such as creating new features for inspection, creating reports, exporting data for dashboarding etc...


To use the GIS Cloud connector, you must have a GIS Cloud user account with a Map Editor subscription otherwise many Actions will not function.

How to get credentials

The GIS Cloud REST API is secured via an API key. Most REST endpoints will not function without a valid API key.

To obtain a valid API key navigate to and log in with your GIS Cloud account.

In the top right, click on your user name and select "My Account" from the dropdown menu.

In the popup modal, select the "API Access" tab. Enter a descriptive name for the key in "New API key description" box and click "Add key". A new modal will present your new API Key which you must copy and store securely as it will never be shown again.

For additional reference please see:

After that is completed, you can create and test the connector.

Get started with your connector

When first seting up the connector, testing via the GetCurrentUser action will confirm that your API key is valid and will return the account details associated with the API key.

Most users will utilize the GetFeatures, CreateFeature, UpdateFeature and DeleteFeature actions in their automations. The other included actions will mainly be used for situation specific coordination of a given automation scenario.

A typical automation scenario is to sync GIS Cloud features from the SaaS database into a Dataverse table or Excel sheet for the purposes of creating a Power BI dashboard. Depending on your data structure you may need to create custom Dataverse entities. It is recommended that an automation takes advantage of the where parameter on the GetFeatures action to limit to features modified in the last few days and only sync those. This will optimize the performance of your automation.

Another typical automation scenario is to create new GIS Cloud features automatically based on a secondary data source such as Dynamics, SalesForce, HTTP requests or even GIS Cloud itself. To achieve this it is recommended that users carefully consider how to filter their secondary data source to trigger the feature creation and have finalized their GIS Cloud destination layer schema before creating the automation as this will simplify development.

A final typical automation scenario is to automatically "archive" GIS Cloud features by copying those that meet certain criteria (i.e. a specific status set on a column) to another Layer, then on success deleting the original GIS Cloud feature. This allows an active Map project to be kept visually clean without any loss of critical data.

Known issues and limitations

Authentication compatibility for PowerApps

To aid compatability with the PCF map component published by HandyGeo Services and to avoid prompting PowerApps users for API keys which is not user friendly we have created the connector to require the API key to be specified with every request.

Dynamic data schema for Feature endpoints

Due to geographic features in GIS Cloud originating from user uploaded data the schema is always dataset specific. As such the schema for payloads and responses from all Feature endpoints are always dynamic and require support for dynamic schemas in the Office 365 product being used. This is generally well supported by PowerAutomate but can present challenges in PowerApps.

Common errors and remedies

Endpoint Pagination

GIS Cloud endpoints are limited to a maximum of 5,000 records being returned from a single request. While the REST API supports pagination, currently there is no way to automatically include this in the connector behaviour.

REST API Rate Limiting for Service Protection

As should be expected with any production REST API service, if an excessive number of requests to the GIS Cloud API are made in a short amount of time the response will be a 5xx code. While a specific rate limit is not explicitly defined, the REST API will support a limited parallel loop rate (i.e. approx 20) but high rates are likely to result in significant failures. Failed responses can be managed with a retry policy but excessive rates will cause issues.

Dynamic Feature data schema missing

Due to the connector needing to lookup the schema definition, if the Layer ID and/or API Key parameters are passed dynamically the Action will not be able to cache the layers schema which will require users to manually manage the returned JSON. Replace the dynamic parameter with a static value by typing it into the parameter box and the schema will be appropriately cached.


The GetFeatures Action returns too many features, how can I get just the ones I want?

It is recommended where possible that users take advantage of the where clause available on the GetFeatures action. This can accomodate most SQL compliant WHERE clauses. For fields such as the record modified date managed by the platform, it is recommended that users test on the GetColumns action to view the true logical name of the system columns.

How do I upload a file to the Map project owners storage, not my own storage?

For the action, UploadFileToPath, it is essential that if the API key is not for the Map project owners account that the Destination Map ID (destination_map) parameter is filled. This signals to the GIS Cloud REST API that the uploaded file is not for the authenticated user, but for the owner of the specified Map project. If the user doesn't have permissions to access the Map then the upload will not be routed to the map oweners account.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create new Feature on a Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Feature Objects on a Layer Object.

Delete Feature

Deletes the specified GIS Cloud feature object from the layer.

Delete Map Cache

Deletes the map tile cache to reflect changes made via the API.

Delete one Layer

Delete one GIS Cloud Layer Object.

Delete one Map

Delete one GIS Cloud Map Project

Get a Media Filed from Feature field

Get one Media File from a GIS Cloud Feature Object field on a Layer Object.

Get all Layers

Get all GIS Cloud Layer Objects.

Get all Layers on a Map

Get all the Layer Objects for a single GIS Cloud Map Object.

Get all Maps

Get all GIS Cloud Map Objects.

Get Columns for Layer

Get a list of columns for a layer

Get current User Object

Get current GIS Cloud User Object.

Get Feature

Get one GIS Cloud Feature Object on a Layer Object.

Get Features on a Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Feature Objects on a Layer Object.

Get one File

Download one file from GIS Cloud storage.

Get one Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Layer Object.

Get one Map

Get one GIS Cloud Map Object.

Get User Object by ID

Get GIS Cloud User Object by the user ID.

Remove one File

Removes a file in GIS Cloud storage.

Render one Map

Render image of one GIS Cloud Map Object.

Update Feature

Update one GIS Cloud Feature Object on a Layer Object.

Update one Layer

Update one GIS Cloud Layer Object.

Update one Map

Update one GIS Cloud Map Project

Upload one File

Uploads a file to GIS Cloud storage.

Create new Feature on a Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Feature Objects on a Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

payload dynamic

Data to create a new feature from, anything left blank will be created as null.


Name Path Type Description
location string

Delete Feature

Deletes the specified GIS Cloud feature object from the layer.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Feature Id
feature_id True integer

The internal Feature Id used to identify a specific feature

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Delete Map Cache

Deletes the map tile cache to reflect changes made via the API.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

Reinitialize Trigger
init_trigger True integer

Should the map be reinitialized before performing the operation

Layer List
layers string

CSV list of Layer Ids to include

Delete one Layer

Delete one GIS Cloud Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Delete one Map

Delete one GIS Cloud Map Project


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

Get a Media Filed from Feature field

Get one Media File from a GIS Cloud Feature Object field on a Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Download File
download boolean

Should a retrieved media file be downloaded directly

Path to File
path_to_a_file True string

The relative path to a specific file

Field Name
field_name True string

Name of a feature field on a given layer

Feature Id
feature_id True integer

The internal Feature Id used to identify a specific feature

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer



Get all Layers

Get all GIS Cloud Layer Objects.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options

Visibility Type
type string

Filter by visibility: 'public', 'private', 'shared' or 'private,shared'

Order By
order_by string

This must reference columns that exist in the target GIS Cloud object. By default the column is sorted Acending but including :desc reverses the order. Order by, format "{created|modified|created}:[asc|desc]" E.g. order_by=accessed:desc

Items Per-Page
perpage integer

Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 5000)

Page No
page integer

Page number for the response

No Total
nototal True integer

Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster



Get all Layers on a Map

Get all the Layer Objects for a single GIS Cloud Map Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options

Order By
order_by string

This must reference columns that exist in the target GIS Cloud object. By default the column is sorted Acending but including :desc reverses the order. Order by, format "{created|modified|created}:[asc|desc]" E.g. order_by=accessed:desc

Items Per-Page
perpage integer

Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 5000)

Page No
page integer

Page number for the response

No Total
nototal integer

Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster



Get all Maps

Get all GIS Cloud Map Objects.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Visibility Type
type string

Filter by visibility: 'public', 'private', 'shared' or 'private,shared'

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options

Order By
order_by string

This must reference columns that exist in the target GIS Cloud object. By default the column is sorted Acending but including :desc reverses the order. Order by, format "{created|modified|created}:[asc|desc]" E.g. order_by=accessed:desc

Items Per-Page
perpage integer

Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 5000)

Page No
page integer

Page number for the response

No Total
nototal integer

Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster



Get Columns for Layer

Get a list of columns for a layer


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Get current User Object

Get current GIS Cloud User Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options



Get Feature

Get one GIS Cloud Feature Object on a Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Feature Id
feature_id True integer

The internal Feature Id used to identify a specific feature

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Include Geometry
geometry string

Format in which geometry will be packed. Possible values: 'wkt', 'kml' and 'gml'

EPSG Projection
epsg integer

EPSG code for the output projection. if not specified default map projection is used


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get Features on a Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Feature Objects on a Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Include Geometry
geometry string

Format in which geometry will be packed. Possible values: 'wkt', 'kml' and 'gml'

EPSG Projection
epsg integer

EPSG code for the output projection. if not specified default map projection is used

Spatial Bounds
bounds string

Bounding box used for spatial filtering

SQL Where
where string

SQL type where clause, used for attribute filtering

Order By
order_by string

This must reference columns that exist in the target GIS Cloud object. By default the column is sorted Acending but including :desc reverses the order. Order by, format "{created|modified|created}:[asc|desc]" E.g. order_by=accessed:desc

Items Per-Page
perpage integer

Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 5000)

Page No
page integer

Page number for the response

No Total
nototal integer

Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get one File

Download one file from GIS Cloud storage.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Path to File
path_to_a_file True string

The relative path to a specific file

File Name
file_name True string

Name of a specific media file hosed on the SaaS storage



Get one Layer

Get all GIS Cloud Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options



Get one Map

Get one GIS Cloud Map Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options



Get User Object by ID

Get GIS Cloud User Object by the user ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

User Id
user_id True integer

The internal User Id used to identify a specific user

Expand Attributes
expand string

Expand response by one of the Enum options



Remove one File

Removes a file in GIS Cloud storage.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

File Name
file_name True string

Name of a specific media file hosed on the SaaS storage

Path to File
path_to_a_file True string

The relative path to a specific file


Render one Map

Render image of one GIS Cloud Map Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

Image Width
width number

Image width in pixels

Image Height
height number

Image height in pixels

Invalidate Cache
invalidate number

Invalidate cache

Show Layer List
layerlist number

Set layerlist to visible in image

Image Saved
justgenerate number

Just generate the image without saving



Update Feature

Update one GIS Cloud Feature Object on a Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Feature Id
feature_id True integer

The internal Feature Id used to identify a specific feature

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

payload dynamic

The new feature data to be updated

Update one Layer

Update one GIS Cloud Layer Object.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Layer Id
layer_id True integer

The internal Layer Id used to identify a specific layer

name string

Layer Name

Update one Map

Update one GIS Cloud Map Project


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

Map Id
map_id True integer

The internal Map Id used to identify a specific map

name string

Map Name

Upload one File

Uploads a file to GIS Cloud storage.


Name Key Required Type Description
API-Key True password

GIS Cloud API Key used to Authorize the Operation

File Data
filedata True file

The file to upload.

Destination Map ID
destination_map integer

The Map ID of the shared map. If set, uploads file to map owners storage.

Path to File
path_to_a_file True string

The relative path to a specific file


Name Path Type Description
location string



Name Path Type Description
Total Records
total integer

Total count of records that could be retrieved

Current Page
page integer

The number of the page that is returned

Map Objects
data array of Map

Array of map objects returned


Name Path Type Description
Map ID
id integer

Internal ID of this Map

name string

Map Name

Owner Object
owner array of string

Map owner object. This value only appears if the expand parameter contains the key 'owner'

active string

Is the map active

copyright string

Copyright statement string

proj4 string

Proj4 map projection

Proj4 Units
units_proj4 string

Units of the Proj4 definition

epsg string

EPSG map projection code

Map Units
units string

Map units (meter, foot or foot_us)

Max Zoom
maxzoom string

Maximum zoom

Background Color
bgcolor string

Map background color

Modified At
modified integer

Last time map was modified (UNIX timestamp)

Accessed At
accessed integer

Last time map was accessed (UNIX timestamp)

Created At
created integer

Time when map was created (UNIX timestamp)

View Count
visited string

Number of map views

archived string

Is map archived

Resource ID
resource_id string


Measure Unit
measure_unit string


visible string


Resource Object
resource Resource

Map resource object

description string

Map description

mobileacess string


wmsaccess string


maptype string


assets string


rating string


share string


Bounds xMin
bounds.xmin float


Bounds xMax
bounds.xmax float


Bounds yMin
bounds.ymin float


Bounds yMax
bounds.ymax float


bound string



Map resource object

Name Path Type Description
Resource ID
id integer

Internal ID of this Resource

Resource Type
type string

Enumerated type of Resource

Resource Location
location string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource ID
target_resource_id string


Resource Owner Id
owner_id string

User Id of the User owning this Resource

Resource Parent ID
parent_id string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource Payment Subscription ID
payment_subscription_id string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource Payment ID
payment_id string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource Payment ID Obs
payment_id_obs string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource Archived
archived string

Indicates if the Resource has been archived

Resource Disabled
disabled string

TBC with potentially null values

Resource Access Time
access_time object

Time resource was last accessed

Modified At
modified integer

Last time resource was modified (UNIX timestamp)

Created At
created integer

Time when resource was created (UNIX timestamp)


Name Path Type Description
Total Records
total integer

Total count of records that could be retrieved

Current Page
page integer

The number of the page that is returned

Layer Objects
data array of Layer

Array of layer objects returned


Name Path Type Description
Layer Id
id integer

The internal ID of the layer

Layer Name
name string

User defined layer name

Owner Object
owner array of string

Layer owner object, EXPANDABLE

Layer Source Type
source.type string

Type of data supplied

Layer Source URI
source.src string

URI string defining where the data is

onscale string

Set scale on which layer is visible

offscale string

Set scale on which layer is hidden

Layer Label
label string

Attribute name of the datasource to use for a line label

x Min
x_min string

Layer bound X min coordinate

x Max
x_max string

Layer bound X max coordinate

y Min
y_min string

Layer bound Y min coordinate

y Max
y_max string

Layer bound Y max coordinate

Layer Text Field
textfield string

Attribute name of the datasource to use as a text field

Modified At
modified integer

Last time map was modified (UNIX timestamp)

Created At
created integer

Time when map was created (UNIX timestamp)

Layer Styles
styles string

Complex layer style object for layer styling

Layer Alpha
alpha string

Layer transparency

Layer Datasource Encoding
encoding string

Layer datasource encoding

Layer Text Margin
margin string

Text field margin

Layer Visibility
visible string

Controls layer visibility, 't' or 'f'

Layer Locked
lock string

Controls layer interactivity, 't' or 'f'

Raster Layer
raster string

Layer is a Raster data source, 't' or 'f'

Layer Exportable
exportable string

Set if the layer can be exported, 't' or 'f'

Merged Layer
merged string

Layer is merged

Layer Parent Folder
parent string

Parent folder layer ID

Layer Tooltip
tooltip string

Tooltip that appears on the layer features mouse hover

Hide Geometry
hidegeometry string

Hide layer geometry. Can be useful if we want to show only labels, 't' or 'f'

Use Info Popup
use_info_window string

Show layer features info in a map popup, 't' or 'f'

Layer Datasource Id
datasource_id string

Datasource ID of the layer data source

Layer EPSG
epsg string

Datasource EPSG code

Layer Opened
opened string

For folder layer open/close boolean value, 't' or 'f'

Layer Resource Id
resource_id string

Resource ID of the layer

Layer Map Id
map_id string

Map ID that layer belongs to

Layer Geom Type
type string

Layer geometry type. Possible values are 'point', 'line', 'polygon', 'tile' and 'wms'.

Layer Order
order integer

Layer Z index

Layer Options Object
options object

List of options tied to this resource. This value only appears if the expand parameter contains the key 'options'

Form Name string

User defined name of the attached form

Layer Form Definition
form.definition string

Definition of the form attached to the layer

Datasource Resource Id
datasource.resource_id string

Resource Id of the datasource

Datasource Type
datasource.type string

Datasource Type for the layer

Datasource Owner Id
datasource.owner_id string


datasource.permissions array of string


Layer Column Schema
columns object

Show layer datasource columns, EXPANDABLE

sublayers array of Layer

Array of Layer objects nested within this Layer


Name Path Type Description
User Id
id integer

Unique User Id

User Type
type string

Specified type of User

User Active
active string

Is the user active, 't' or 'f'

username string

Users Username

User First Name
firstname string

Users First Name

User Last Name
lastname string

Users Last Name

User Owner Id
owner_id string

User Id of the User owning this User

User Phone
phone string

Users Phone Number

User Mobile
mobile string

Users Mobile Number

Created At
created integer

Time when map was created (UNIX timestamp)

Last Login
lastlog integer

Time when map was created (UNIX timestamp)

User Company
company string

Users Company Name

User Web URL
web string

User Profile Website

User Email
email string

Users email address

User Avatar
avatar string

URL to retrieve users avatar

User Language
language string

Users selected language

File Feature Count
file_feature_count string

Geographic Feature count on the File System

DB Feature Count
db_feature_count string

Geographic Feature count in the Database

User Raster Stored
storage_raster string

File Storage Consumed by Raster Tiles

User Storage Capcity
storage_total string

Total File Storage Consumed

User Feature Limit
feature_count_limit string

Licenced Max Feature Count

User Raster Limit
storage_raster_limit string

Licenced Max Storage Capacity

Subscription Begins
subscription_begins string

When the users subscription begins

Subscription Expires
subscription_expires string

When the users subscription ends

User Resource Id
resource_id string

Internal Resource Id for this User

User last modified
modified integer

Last modified date time (UNIX format)

Users Organization
organization_id string

Organization Id for this User

oidc string

OpenID Connect

User Options
options string

List of options tied to the user. This value only appears if the 'expand' parameter contains the key 'options'

consents array of object

User consent agreements Object

Consent Purpose
consents.purpose string

The purpose of the consent requested

Consent Version
consents.version string

The version of the consent granted

Consent Agreed
consents.agreed string

Was the consent granted


This is the basic data type 'file'.