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Sociabble (Preview)

Sociabble delivers top of the line enterprise social media solutions for employee advocacy, social selling, internal communication and Employee Engagement. Employees are better informed, improve their digital footprint.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Sociabble Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Sociabble
Privacy policy
Categories Website

Sociabble delivers top of the line enterprise social media solutions for employee advocacy, social selling, internal communication and Employee Engagement. Employees are better informed, improve their digital footprint.

Sociabble connector allows you to access data and perform action inside Sociabble. You can easily integrate it inside Power Automate to create content, reward users on the plateform etc.


In order to use the connector, you need to have a subscription to Sociabble to acquire an API Key. See for details.

How to get credentials

Once you have access to your Sociabble plateform, you need to go to the admin part then API. On this page, you can see all the product API keys that you have access to.

Get started with your connector

During a content creation scenario, you should use the content product API key. During a gamification scenario such as assigning a badge or a custom action, you should use the gamification product API key.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring Sociabble Subscription Key True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Assign a badge to a user

Assign a badge to a user - Sociabble Basic

Assign a custom action to a user

Assign a custom action to a user - Sociabble Basic

Create a call to action that informs user for an event

Create a call to action that informs user for an event - Sociabble Basic

Create a call to action that suggests users to create content

Create a call to action that suggests users to create content - Sociabble Basic

Create a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps

Create a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps. - Sociabble Basic

Create a call to action that suggests users to invite other users

Create a call to action that suggests users to invite other users. - Sociabble Basic

Create an external content

Create an external content - Sociabble Basic

Create an internal news

Create an internal news - Sociabble Basic

Get all audiences

Get all audiences - Sociabble Basic

Get all badges

Get all badges - Sociabble Basic

Get all categories

Get all categories - Sociabble Basic

Get badge levels

Get badge levels - Sociabble Basic

Get channels

Get channels - Sociabble Basic

Get Media Drive folders

Get Media Drive folders - Sociabble Standard

Get Media Drive folders (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

Get Media Drive folders (deprecated). - Sociabble Standard

Send an alert to an audience or a user

Send an alert to an audience or a user - Sociabble Standard

Upload a file to a Media Drive folder [DEPRECATED]

Upload a file to a Media Drive folder - Sociabble Standard

Upload a media (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

Upload a media (media or mediaUrl in form-data) to use during the creation of an internal news (deprecated) - Sociabble Basic

Upload a Media From a File

Upload a media from a file to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Basic

Upload a Media From a File Into a Media Drive's folder

Upload a Media From a File Into a Media Drive's folder and to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Standard

Upload a Media From an URL

Upload a media from an URL to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Basic

Upload a Media From an URL Into a Media Drive's folder

Upload a Media From an URL Into a Media Drive's folder and to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Standard

Assign a badge to a user

Assign a badge to a user - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
username True string

The username of the user

badgeId True string

The badge to be assigned

level True integer

The badge level to be assigned

Assign a custom action to a user

Assign a custom action to a user - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
username True string

The username of the user

Is engaging ?
isEngaging boolean

If the custom action should be considered as engaging, choose yes

Is internal ?
isInternal boolean

If the custom action should be considered as an internal action, choose yes

points integer

The number of points earned by the user

language True string

The language of the content.

Is the default language?
isDefault True boolean

If this language is the default, choose yes

title True string

Write a title for the custom action

description string

Write a small description for the custom action

notificationText True string

Write a small text to be sent as a notification to the user

Create a call to action that informs user for an event

Create a call to action that informs user for an event - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

categoryIds array of string
Website link
link string

The link pointing to an external source

Bonus awarded
awardedBonus integer

The number of points that a user can earn by clicking the call to action

language True string

The language of the content.

Is default language?
isDefault True boolean

If the content language should be the default, choose yes

Header text
headerText string

The text of the header of the call to action

title True string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

Button text
buttonText True string

The text of the button

Set your image
mediaId uuid

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

Header foreground color
headerForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the header

Header background color
headerBackgroundColor string

The background color of the header

Title foreground color
titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

Summary foreground color
summaryForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the summary

Background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action

Button background color
buttonForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the button

Button background color
buttonBackgroundColor string

The foreground color of the button

Should display title ?
shouldDisplayTitle boolean

This indicates whether the title should be visible or not

Should display button ?
shouldDisplayButton boolean

This indicates whether the button should be visible or not

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels


Create a call to action that suggests users to create content

Create a call to action that suggests users to create content - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
categoryIds array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels

language True string

The language of the content.

Is default language?
isDefault True boolean

If the content language should be the default, choose yes

title True string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

Set your image
mediaId uuid

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

Title/Summary foreground color
titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

Background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action


Create a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps

Create a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps. - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
categoryIds array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels

language True string

The language of the content.

Is default language?
isDefault True boolean

If the content language should be the default, choose yes

title True string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

Set your image
mediaId uuid

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

Title/Summary foreground color
titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

Background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action


Create a call to action that suggests users to invite other users

Create a call to action that suggests users to invite other users. - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
categoryIds array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels

language True string

The language of the content.

Is default language?
isDefault True boolean

If the content language should be the default, choose yes

title True string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

Set your image
mediaId uuid

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

Title/Summary foreground color
titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

Background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action


Create an external content

Create an external content - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
categoryIds array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels

language True string

The language of the content.

Is the language default ?
isDefault True boolean

If the language should be considered as default, choose yes

title True string

The title

description True string

The content

Proposed comment
proposedCommentForSharing string

A comment that will be proposed to users when sharing

Media Id
mediaId string

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

Content URL
contentUrl True string

The link pointing to an external source

Is content shareable ?
isShareable boolean

If the content can be shared on external networks, choose yes

Is an official content ?
isOfficialContent boolean

If the content should be considered as official, choose yes

Are comments authorized ?
areCommentsAuthorized boolean

If the content can be commented, choose yes

Should notify users ?
shouldNotifyUsers boolean

If a notification should be sent to users when content is available, choose yes

Is a must read content ?
isMustReadContent boolean

If you want users explicitely mark the content as read, choose yes


Create an internal news

Create an internal news - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
channelIds True array of string
categoryIds array of string
Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience

Publication start date
publicationStartDate date-time

The date at which the content should be displayed

Publication end date
publicationEndDate date-time

The date at which the content should not be displayed anymore

My News Display
myNewsDisplay string

Define the behavior regarding the display of a content in "My News"

Should pin at the top of My News ?
shouldPinTopOfMyNews boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News", choose yes

Start date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of "My News"

End date pin at the top of My News
pinOfMyNewsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from "My News"

Should pin at the top of selected channels ?
shouldPinTopOfSelectedChannels boolean

If you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels, choose yes

Start date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsStartDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be pinned at the top of the selected channels

End date pin at the top of selected channels
pinTopOfSelectedChannelsEndDate date-time

The date at which you want the content to be unpinned from selected channels

language True string

The language of the content.

Is the default language?
isDefault True boolean

If the language should be considered as default, choose yes

title True string

The title

summary True string

A short summary of the content

description True string

The content

mediaIds array of string

An array containing the unique identifiers of the previously uploaded medias that are linked to the content

Are comments authorized ?
areCommentsAuthorized boolean

If the content can be commented, choose yes

Should notify users ?
shouldNotifyUsers boolean

If a notification should be sent to users when content is available, choose yes

Is must read ?
isMustReadContent boolean

If you want users explicitely mark the content as read, choose yes


Represents an internal news

Get all audiences

Get all audiences - Sociabble Basic


Name Path Type Description
array of object
id string


name string


Get all badges

Get all badges - Sociabble Basic


Name Path Type Description
array of object
id string


name string


Get all categories

Get all categories - Sociabble Basic


Name Path Type Description
array of object
id string

The unique identifier of the category

name string

The name of the category

Background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the category

Text color
textColor string

The text color of the category

Shoud fill background
shouldFillBackground boolean

If the background color should fill all the background, the value is true. If the background color should be used in border only mode, the value is false

Get badge levels

Get badge levels - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
Badge Id
badgeId True string

A unique identifier of a badge


Name Path Type Description
array of object
Badge Id
badgeId string


level integer


name string


Get channels

Get channels - Sociabble Basic


Name Path Type Description
array of object
id string


name string


Get Media Drive folders

Get Media Drive folders - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
culture string

The language in which the labels are returned


Get Media Drive folders (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

Get Media Drive folders (deprecated). - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
culture string

The culture in which you want the default folders to be returned


Name Path Type Description
folders array of object


Id string

The unique identifier of the folder

Name string

The name of the folder

Send an alert to an audience or a user

Send an alert to an audience or a user - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
Alert Text
alertText True string

The text for the alert

Alert Title
alertTitle True string

The title for the alert

Start date
startDate date-time

The date to which the alert is going to be sent

End date
endDate date-time

The date to which the alert should not be visible anymore

audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience if you wand send the alert to many users

username string

The username of the user if you want send the alert to one user

Is mandatory ?
isMandatory boolean

If you want users confirm that they read the alert

Send SMS ?
sendSMS boolean

If you want send an sms to users.This parameter is optional and only accessible for Premium subscriptions

Upload a file to a Media Drive folder [DEPRECATED]

Upload a file to a Media Drive folder - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
media True file

The media to be uploaded

folderId True string

Choose a folder


Upload a media (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

Upload a media (media or mediaUrl in form-data) to use during the creation of an internal news (deprecated) - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
Media Visibility
mediaVisibility True string

This represents the visibility of a media. If the media is not intended to be publicly visible (for exemple linked to an internal news that can't be shared) the value should be private

Media URL
mediaUrl string

The url of the media to upload. You can either specify media or mediaUrl but not both

Folder Id
folderId string

The unique identifier of the media drive folder in which the media should be uploaded into. This parameter is optional and only accessible for Standard subscriptions

media file

The media to upload. You can either specify media or mediaUrl but not both


Upload a Media From a File

Upload a media from a file to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
Media Visibility
mediaVisibility True string

This represents the visibility of a media. If the media is not intended to be publicly visible (for exemple linked to an internal news that can't be shared) the value should be private

media True file

The media stream to upload.


Upload a Media From a File Into a Media Drive's folder

Upload a Media From a File Into a Media Drive's folder and to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
Media Visibility
mediaVisibility True string

This represents the visibility of a media. If the media is not intended to be publicly visible (for exemple linked to an internal news that can't be shared) the value should be private

Folder Id
folderId True string

The unique identifier of the media drive folder in which the media should be uploaded into. This parameter is optional and only accessible for Standard subscriptions

media True file

The media stream to upload.


Upload a Media From an URL

Upload a media from an URL to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Basic


Name Key Required Type Description
Media Visibility
mediaVisibility True string

This represents the visibility of a media. If the media is not intended to be publicly visible (for exemple linked to an internal news that can't be shared) the value should be private

Media URL
mediaUrl True string

The url of the media to upload.


Upload a Media From an URL Into a Media Drive's folder

Upload a Media From an URL Into a Media Drive's folder and to use during the creation of a content - Sociabble Standard


Name Key Required Type Description
Media Visibility
mediaVisibility True string

This represents the visibility of a media. If the media is not intended to be publicly visible (for exemple linked to an internal news that can't be shared) the value should be private

Folder Id
folderId True string

The unique identifier of the media drive folder in which the media should be uploaded into. This parameter is optional and only accessible for Standard subscriptions

Media URL
mediaUrl True string

The url of the media to upload.




The language of the content.

The language of the content.



Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause


Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)

Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)


Name Path Type Description
Category Id
id string

The unique identifier of the category

Category name
name string

The name of the category

Category background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the category

Category text color
textColor string

The text color of the category

Should fill background
shouldFillBackground boolean

If the background color should fill all the background, the value is true. If the background color should be used in border only mode, the value is false


Represents a channel associated with a content

Name Path Type Description
Channel Id
id string

The unique identifier of the channel

Channel name
name string

The name of the channel

Channel image
image string

The image url of the channel

Channel background color
backgroundColor string

The background color of the channel in case there is no image


Represents an image associated with a content

Name Path Type Description
Content image Id
id string

The unique identifier for the image

Content image short
short string

A short hash that can be used to ask transformation on the image

Content image url
url string

The image url

Content image order
order integer

If there are multiple image associated with the content, an order can be specified


Represents an internal news

Name Path Type Description
discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id string

The unique identifier of the content

Publication date
date date-time

The publication date for the content

Internal URL
internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of string

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears. Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

Like number
likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

Comment number
commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

Click number
clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

Content has been read
hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

contents array of LocalizedInternalContent

An array containing the content in different languages


Name Path Type Description
discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id string

The unique identifier of the content

Publication date
date date-time

The publication date for the content

Internal URL
internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of string

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears. Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

Audience Id
audienceId string

The unique identifier of the audience. Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

Like number
likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

Comment number
commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

Click number
clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

Content has been read
hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

contents array of LocalizedExternalContent

An array containing the content in different languages

Content url
contentUrl string

The link pointing to an external source

Is content shareable ?
isShareable boolean

If the content can be shared on external networks, choose yes

Is content official ?
isOfficialContent boolean

If the content should be considered as official, choose yes

Are comments authorized ?
areCommentsAuthorized boolean

If the content can be commented, choose yes


Name Path Type Description
language LanguageBehavior

The language of the content.

Is the default language?
isDefault boolean

If the language should be considered as default, choose yes

title string

The title

description string

The content

Proposed comment
proposedCommentForSharing string

A comment that will be proposed to users when sharing

Media Id
mediaId string

The unique identifier of the previously uploaded media that should be linked to the content

image ContentImage

Represents an image associated with a content


Name Path Type Description
language string

The language of the content

Is the default language?
isDefault boolean

If the language should be considered as default, choose yes

title string

The title

summary string

A short summary of the content

description string

The content

mediaIds array of string

An array containing the unique identifiers of the previously uploaded medias that are linked to the content. Deprecated: The property Medias should be used instead

medias array of ContentImage

The images of the content


Name Path Type Description
language string

The language of the call to action

isDefault boolean

If the content language is the default, the value is true

title string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

image ContentImage

Represents an image associated with a content

titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action


Name Path Type Description
language string

The language of the call to action

isDefault boolean

If the content language is the default, the value is true

title string

The title of the call to action

summary string

The summary of the call to action

image ContentImage

Represents an image associated with a content

titleForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the title

backgroundColor string

The background color of the call to action

headerText string

The text of the header

buttonText string

The text of the button

headerForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the header

headerBackgroundColor string

The background color of the header

buttonForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the button

buttonBackgroundColor string

The background color of the button

summaryForegroundColor string

The foreground color of the summary


Name Path Type Description
folders array of MediaFolder

An array of media folders


Name Path Type Description
Folder id
id string

The unique identifier of the folder

Folder name
name string

The name of the folder

Can upload into folder
canUploadInto boolean

If you can upload files in this folder, the value is yes

Can Upload into folder
isGeneratedFolder boolean

If the folder is generated by the system, the value is yes


Name Path Type Description
Media Id
mediaId string

The unique identifier of the media

Media url
url string

The media url


Name Path Type Description
ctaDiscriminator CtaContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)

discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id uuid

The unique identifier of the content

date date-time

The publication date for the content

internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of uuid

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears

Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

audienceId uuid

The unique identifier of the audience

Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

contents array of LocalizedBaseCtaContent

An array containing the call to action in different languages


Name Path Type Description
ctaDiscriminator CtaContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)

discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id uuid

The unique identifier of the content

date date-time

The publication date for the content

internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of uuid

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears

Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

audienceId uuid

The unique identifier of the audience

Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

contents array of LocalizedBaseCtaContent

An array containing the call to action in different languages


Name Path Type Description
ctaDiscriminator CtaContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)

discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id uuid

The unique identifier of the content

date date-time

The publication date for the content

internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of uuid

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears

Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

audienceId uuid

The unique identifier of the audience

Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

contents array of LocalizedBaseCtaContent

An array containing the call to action in different languages


Name Path Type Description
discriminator ContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of the content


  • None - The type is undefined, this can happen when a new type of content was introduced but not supported yet
  • InternalNews - This represents an internal news
  • Quiz - This represents a quiz
  • Survey - This represents a survey
  • ContentForSharing - This represents a content for sharing purpose with multiple content
  • Cta - This represents a call to action
  • Live - This represents a live video
  • SocialNetworkContent - This represents a content fetched from social networks
  • AdminExternalContent - This represents a content fetched from a web link created by an admin
  • PersonalisedTile - This represents a personalised (html) tile
  • Poll - This represents a survey created by a user
  • UserContent - This represents a content created by a user
  • SupportMyCause - This represents a project support my cause

id uuid

The unique identifier of the content

date date-time

The publication date for the content

internalUrl string

The url to view the content

channelIds array of uuid

An array containing all unique identifiers of the channels where the content appears

Deprecated: The property Channels should be used instead

channels array of ContentChannel

An array containing all channels where the content appears

audienceId uuid

The unique identifier of the audience

Deprecated: This property will always be empty or null

categories array of ContentCategory

The categories associated with the content

likeNumber integer

The number of times users clicked "like"

commentNumber integer

The number of times users wrote a comment

clickNumber integer

The number of times users clicked on the content

hasBeenRead boolean

If the content has been already read the value is yes

awardedBonus integer

The number of points that a user can earn by clicking the call to action

link string

The link pointing to an external source

shouldDisplayButton boolean

This indicates whether the button should be visible or not

shouldDisplayTitle boolean

This indicates whether the title should be visible or not

ctaDiscriminator CtaContentTypeDiscriminator

Represents the type of a call to action content


  • None - The type is undefined, it should not be used
  • SuggestContent - This represents a call to action that suggests users to create content
  • Mobile - This represents a call to action that suggests users to install mobile apps
  • Invitation - This represents a call to action that suggests users to invite other users
  • Event - This represents a call to action that suggests users to check out an external link (exemple : an external event)

contents array of LocalizedCtaEventContent

An array containing the call to action in different languages