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Keyboard shortcuts for AL in Visual Studio Code

The following table provides an overview of some of the shortcut key combinations that you can use when you're working in Visual Studio Code. For a complete overview, see Key bindings for Visual Studio Code.

General in Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl+Shift+P Show all commands
Alt+F6 Download source code.
Alt+A+L AL Go! Generates a HelloWorld project.
Ctrl+Shift+B Compile and package.
F5 Compile, Package, and Publish (with debugging).
Ctrl+F5 Build and publish without debugging. Note: The keyboard shortcut has a different meaning when debugging.
F6 Publish and open Designer.
Ctrl+F2 Update the compiler used by the service tier(s).

Editing in Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl+Space Look up suggestions for the current object.
Ctrl+X Cut.
Ctrl+C Copy.
Ctrl+V Paste.
Ctrl+F2 Select all occurrences.
F12 Go to definition
Alt+F12 Peek definition.
Shift+F12 Show references.
Ctrl+Shift+Space Look up parameter hints.
Ctrl+K Ctrl+C Add line comment.
Ctrl+K Ctrl+U Remove line comment.
Ctrl+Shift+P Show all commands.
F2 Rename (use Enter to rename, use Shift+Enter to preview).
Shift+Alt+E Look up events and insert event subscriber in code for a selected event.

Errors in Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Shortcut Action
F8 Move to the next error or warning.
Shift+F8 Move to the previous error or warning.

Compile and publish in Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl+Shift+B Compile and build the solution.
Ctrl+F5 Build and deploy.
Shift+Alt+W Publish full dependency tree for the active project.

Debugging in Visual Studio Code

For articles on debugging in AL, see Debugging and Snapshot Debugging.

Keyboard Shortcut Action
F5 Start debugging session
Ctrl+F5 Publish without building. Note: The keyboard shortcut has a different meaning when not debugging.
Ctrl+Alt+F5 Start RAD publishing without debugging.
Alt+F5 Start RAD with debugging.
F7 Start a snapshot debugging session.
Shift+F7 List all available snapshots.
Alt+F7 Finish a snapshot debugging session.

Profiling in Visual Studio Code

For more information about profiling, see AL Profiler Overview.

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Enter Expand and collapse a node.
Left arrow Collapse a node.
Right arrow Expand a node.
- (minus) Collapse all nodes.
* (star) Expand one level for all nodes. Consecutive keystrokes expand to the next level.

See also

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