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Data action overrides

This article describes how to override default data actions with custom data actions in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

The modules included with the Dynamics 365 Commerce software development kit (SDK) module library use pre-existing data actions to fetch data for the modules to use. There may be times when you want to use a custom data action to alter the business logic, but do not want to clone the module because you won't be changing the UX rendered by the module. With data action overrides, you can override the registered action by creating a new action with the same action ID. Overriding a data action will cause all previous uses of the data action, either through import or inclusion in the module definition.json file, to use your new data action.

Data action ID naming convention

Each data action has a data action ID that's used when the createObservableDataAction method is called through the "id" property. The data action ID should follow the naming convention of [package name]/[module name]/[action name], as in the following example.

export default createObservableDataAction({
    id: '@msdyn365-commerce-modules/retail-actions/get-address',
    action: <IAction<Address[]>>getAddressAction,
    input: <(args: ICreateActionContext) => IActionInput>createGetAddressInput

Data action override example

To override the get-address data action, you need to create a new data action that uses the get-address ID in the /src/actions directory.

The following command creates a new data action in the \src\actions directory.

yarn msdyn365 add-data-action custom-get-address

Next, you replace the default template code with your code. In the example below, the data action ID is the same as used in the ...\Msdyn365.Commerce.Online\node_modules@msdyn365-commerce-modules\retail-actions\dist\lib\get-address.js data action @msdyn365-commerce-modules/retail-actions/get-address.

import { CacheType, IAction, IActionContext, IActionInput, ICommerceApiSettings } from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
import { createObservableDataAction, ICreateActionContext } from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
import { Address } from '@msdyn365-commerce/retail-proxy';

import { readAsync } from '@msdyn365-commerce/retail-proxy/dist/DataActions/CustomersDataActions.g';

 *  Input class for the getAddress data action
export class AddressInput implements IActionInput {
    public userAccountNumber: string;
    private apiSettings: ICommerceApiSettings;

    constructor(userAccountNumber: string, apiSettings: ICommerceApiSettings) {
        this.userAccountNumber = userAccountNumber;
        this.apiSettings = apiSettings;

    public getCacheKey = () => this.userAccountNumber
    public getCacheObjectType = () => 'GetAddress';
    public dataCacheType = (): CacheType => 'request';

 * createInput method for the getAddress method
 * @param inputData The input data passed to the createInput method
export const createGetAddressInput = (inputData: ICreateActionContext): IActionInput => {
    const { requestContext } = inputData;
    if (!requestContext.user.isAuthenticated || !requestContext.user.customerAccountNumber) {
        throw new Error('Unable to create address input.  User is not authenticated.');

    return new AddressInput(requestContext.user.customerAccountNumber, inputData.requestContext.apiSettings);

 * The action method for the getAddress data action
 * @param input The action input
 * @param ctx The action context
export async function getAddressAction(input: AddressInput, ctx: IActionContext): Promise<Address[]> {

    const customer = await readAsync({ callerContext: ctx }, input.userAccountNumber);

    if (!customer) {
        throw new Error('Not able to get customer');

    // fetch customer address from external source
    return customer.Addresses || [];

 * The getAddress data action
 * Gets a customers information via the read RetailServer API
 * Returns address information associated with the retrieved customer
export default createObservableDataAction<Address[]>({
    id: '@msdyn365-commerce-modules/retail-actions/get-address',
    action: <IAction<Address[]>>getAddressAction,
    input: <(args: ICreateActionContext) => IActionInput>createGetAddressInput

Additional resources

Chain data actions

Batch data actions

Create an observable data action

Share state across modules

Data action cache settings

Data action hooks