O cliente Proteção de Informações do Microsoft Purview ajuda-o a classificar e etiquetar dados na sua organização no momento da criação, bem como a aplicar proteção, com base em direitos de encriptação e utilização para dados confidenciais. As etiquetas e a proteção são persistentes, viajando com os dados ao longo do ciclo de vida, para que sejam sempre detetáveis e controlados, independentemente do local onde estão armazenados ou com quem são partilhados, interna ou externamente. Utilize o módulo PurviewInformationProtection para configurar e gerir o cliente.
O módulo PurviewInformationProtection é instalado com o Proteção de Informações do Microsoft Purview cliente de etiquetagem unificada. Para obter instruções de instalação, veja Proteção de Informações do Microsoft Purview cliente.
Add-ScannerRepository |
Adds a repository to a Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Clear-Authentication |
Clears the user settings and RMS templates for the current user. |
Export-DebugLogs |
Gathers and exports Microsoft Purview Information Protection client and scanner log files to a compressed file. |
Get-FileStatus |
Gets the Microsoft Purview Information Protection label and protection information for a specified file or files. |
Get-ScannerConfiguration |
Gets the configuration settings for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Get-ScannerContentScan |
Gets details about a Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Get-ScannerRepository |
Gets repository data for a Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Get-ScanStatus |
Gets the current status of the service for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Import-ScannerConfiguration |
Imports local configuration for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Install-Scanner |
Installs the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
New-CustomPermissions |
Creates an ad-hoc protection policy for custom permissions. |
Remove-FileLabel |
Removes the sensitivity label for a file or removes the protection according to the label configuration or custom permissions. |
Remove-ScannerContentScan |
Delete a content scan job. |
Remove-ScannerRepository |
Removes a repository from an Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Set-Authentication |
Sets the authentication credentials for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection client. |
Set-FileLabel |
Sets the sensitivity label and protection for a file through manual labeling or autolabeling according to the label configuration or custom permissions. |
Set-ScannerConfiguration |
Sets optional configuration for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Set-ScannerContentScan |
Defines settings for an Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Set-ScannerDatabase |
Sets the service account and database for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Set-ScannerRepository |
Updates an existing repository in an Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner content scan job. |
Start-Scan |
Instructs the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner to start a one-time scan cycle. |
Start-ScannerDiagnostics |
Starts a series of health checks for a locally installed Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner service. |
Stop-Scan |
Instructs the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner to stop the currently running scan cycle. |
Uninstall-Scanner |
Uninstalls the Windows Server service for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |
Update-ScannerDatabase |
Updates the database schema for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. |