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Sample Applications

The sample applications in this section demonstrate basic scenarios for developing applications with the Entity Framework. These samples, along with the Course Manager application developed in the Quickstart, are available on the Entity Framework Documentation Samples site on MSDN Code Gallery.

In addition to the sample applications listed below, a sample application called EFSampleApplication is installed with Visual Studio. Visual Basic and C# versions of the application are in the and files in the Samples folder of your Visual Studio installation directory. This sample application shows a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that uses the Entity Framework together with POCO entities. The application shows how the Entity Framework can be used in some common design patterns that promote testability and maintainability of code. For more information, see the ReadMe.htm file that comes with the application.

In This Section

Course Manager Application

Serializing Self-Tracking Entities

Human Resources Skills Application

Additional Resources

The ADO.NET Entity Framework sample application that shows how to use POCO and POCO proxies, and also demonstrates the testability improvements in ADO.NET Entity Framework version 4, can be downloaded from the following locationsC# version and Visual Basic version.

The download files contain multiple samples, to find the Entity Framework one, browse to \DataSamples\Entity Framework\ folder.

See Also

Other Resources

Getting Started (Entity Framework)
Entity Framework Documentation Samples

Build Date: 2011-08-29