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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Instrumentation Namespace

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  Class Description
Public class AbstractInstallerBuilder
Base class for the reflection-based installers. These reflection-based installers search through assemblies looking for the appropriate kinds of installable resources and arrange for them to be registered with the appropriate installer
Public class AppDomainNameFormatter
Provides the friendly name of the app domain as the prefix in formatting a particular instance of a performance counter.
Public class BaseWmiEvent
Base class for Enterprise Library's WMI Events.
Public class CommonWmiInstaller
This member supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Provides the installer for the Core library, installing WMI Events and event log sources defined for this library.
Public class DefaultEventLoggerCustomFactoryBase
Base for custom factories used to create default event loggers specific to individual blocks. These default event loggers are used when events need to be logged from static classes and methods that cannot participate in the normal instrumentation attachment process.
Public class EnterpriseLibraryPerformanceCounter
Provides a virtual PerformanceCounter interface that allows an application to maintain both individually named counter instances and a single counter total instance.
Public class EnterpriseLibraryPerformanceCounterFactory
Factory for EnterpriseLibraryPerformanceCounters. Individual PerformanceCounter instances are cached to prevent the same instance from being created multiple times.
Public class EventBinder
Binds an event source to an event handler.
Public class EventLogDefinitionAttribute
Defines an event source to be installed by the reflection based installer system. Each field in this attribute is a placeholder for the same field as defined in the EventLogInstaller.
Public class EventLogEntryFormatter
Formats an event log entry to the defined format.
Public class EventLogInstallerBuilder
Add event log source definitions for classes that have been attributed with HasInstallableResourceAttribute and EventLogDefinition attributes to EventLogInstallers. One installer is created for each unique event log source that is found.
Public class HasInstallableResourcesAttribute
Defines those classes and structs that have some sort of resources that need to be installed.
Public class InstrumentationBaseAttribute
Base class for attributes used to identify instrumentation producers or consumers.
Public class InstrumentationConsumerAttribute
Defines methods that are consuming instrumentation events.
Public class InstrumentationListener
Listens for events raised by block classes and reports them to appropriate instrumentation services (WMI, EventLog, or PeformanceCounters).
Public class InstrumentationListenerAttribute
Defines a class that will listen for instrumentation events broadcast by other classes and report them to system services. This attribute is placed on the class that is to be listened to to define the class that will listen to it.
Public class InstrumentationProviderAttribute
Defines events that are producing instrumentation events.
Public class NoPrefixNameFormatter
Provides a pluggable way to format the name given to a particular instance of a performance counter. This class does no formatting, returning the provided name suffix as the counter name.
Public class PerformanceCounterAttribute
Defines a PerformanceCounter. Used by the reflection-based installers to prepare a performance counter for installation.
Public class PerformanceCounterInstallerBuilder
Add event log source definitions for classes that have been attributed with HasInstallableResourceAttribute and EventLogDefinition attributes to EventLogInstallers. One installer is created for each unique performance counter category that is found.
Public class PerformanceCounterInstanceName
Constructs an instance name for a PerformanceCounter following embedded formatting rules.
Public class PerformanceCountersDefinitionAttribute
Defines information needed to install a PerformanceCounterCategory.
Public class ReflectionInstaller<TInstallerBuilder>
Generic installer wrapper around installer builder. Used to find and install given type of installable resource.
Public class ReflectionInstrumentationBinder
Binds together source events and listener handler methods through reflection.


  Interface Description
Public interface IEventLogEntryFormatter
Formats an event log entry for logging to event log.
Public interface IExplicitInstrumentationBinder
Defines the contract to be implemented by explicit binders for individual blocks. Explicit binders are used to define exactly how instrumentation event sources are bound to instrumentation event listeners. It is used for those instances when the implementor wishes to explicitly define how this binding happens, rather than allow the binding to occur through reflection.
Public interface IInstrumentationEventProvider
Defines the contract implemented by objects that provide instrumentation events for block objects. An implementation of this interface is used when the block object itself cannot provide the instrumentation events itself for some reason and desires to delegate the responsibility for containing the instrumentations to another object. One important usage of instances of this class are when a block object wishes to pass the instrumentation events to a contained block object.
Public interface IPerformanceCounterNameFormatter
Provides a pluggable way to format the name given to a particular instance of a performance counter. Each instance of a performance counter in Enterprise Library is given a name of the format "Name prefix - counter name"
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.