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O Visual Studio depurador oferece uma variedade de ferramentas para inspecionar e modificar o estado do programa. Most of these tools function only in break mode.


DataTips are one of the most convenient tools for viewing information about the variables and objects in your program during debugging. When the debugger is in break mode, you can view the value of a variable within the current scope by placing the mouse pointer over the variable in a source window. For more information, see Como: Use DataTips.


Visualizadores são um novo componente da Visual Studio depurador permitem que você exibir o conteúdo de um objeto ou variável em uma maneira significativa. For example, you can use the HTML visualizer to view an HTML string as it would be interpreted and displayed in a browser. You can access visualizers from DataTips, the Watch window, the Autos window, the Locals window, or the QuickWatch dialog box. For more information, see Visualizadores.

Variable Windows

Você pode usar Variable Windows para estudar variáveis, registrar o conteúdo e expressões.

You can set the numeric format used in the debugger windows to decimal or hexadecimal. For more information, see Changing the Numeric Format of Debugger Windows.

Other Debugger Windows

The following debugger windows offer important information about your program.

To view


Register contents

How to: Use a janela Registers

Memory contents

How to: Use a janela de memória

  • Names of functions on the call stack

  • Parameter types

  • Parameter values

How to: Use a janela Call Stack

Assembly code generated by the compiler for your program

How to: Usar a janela Disassembly

Threads — sequential streams of execution — created by your program

How to: Use a janela Threads

Modules (DLLs and EXEs) used by your program

How to: Use a janela Modules


Your ability to inspect the program may be limited by whether the program was built with debug information, whether the debugger has access to the source code, and whether the common language runtime Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler is tracking debug information. Se a Visual Studio o depurador não encontrar informações de depuração para o programa, ele reporta "nenhum matching symbolic information found". Debug information is generated by default when you build the debug configuration of your program. No depurador não pode localizar símbolos, talvez seja necessário especificar um caminho de símbolo. For more information, see Como: Especificar locais de símbolo e o comportamento de carregamento. To aid in debugging system calls, you can install system debug symbols. For more information, see Installing System Debug Symbols.

Consulte também


Janela de comando


Segurança do Depurador

Outros recursos

Guia para o depurador