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Scope Resolution Operator: ::

The scope resolution operator :: is used to identify and disambiguate identifiers used in different scopes. For more information about scope, see Scope.

:: identifier 
class-name :: identifier 
namespace :: identifier
enum class :: identifier
enum struct :: identifier


The identifier can be a variable, a function, or an enumeration value.

With Classes and Namespaces

The following example shows how the scope resolution operator is used with namespaces and classes:

namespace NamespaceA{
    int x;
    class ClassA {
        int x;

int main() {

    // A namespace name used to disambiguate
    NamespaceA::x = 1;

    // A class name used to disambiguate
    NamespaceA::ClassA a1;
    a1.x = 2;

A scope resolution operator without a scope qualifier refers to the global namespace.

namespace NamespaceA{
    int x;

int x; 

int main() {
    int x;
    // the x in main()
    x = 0; 
    // The x in the global namespace
    ::x = 1; 

    // The x in the A namespace
    NamespaceA::x = 2; 

You can use the scope resolution operator to identify a member of a namespace, or to identify a namespace that nominates the member’s namespace in a using-directive. In the example below, you can use NamespaceC to qualify ClassB, even though ClassB was declared in namespace NamespaceB, because NamespaceB was nominated in NamespaceC by a using directive.

namespace NamespaceB {
    class ClassB {
        int x;

namespace NamespaceC{
    using namespace B;

int main() {
    NamespaceB::ClassB c_b;
    NamespaceC::ClassB c_c;

    c_b.x = 3;
    c_c.x = 4;

You can use chains of scope resolution operators. In the following example, NamespaceD::NamespaceD1 identifies the nested namespace NamespaceD1, and NamespaceE::ClassE::ClassE1 identifies the nested class ClassE1.

namespace NamespaceD{
    namespace NamespaceD1{
        int x;

namespace NamespaceE{
    class ClassE{
        class ClassE1{
            int x;

int main() {
    NamespaceD:: NamespaceD1::x = 6;
    NamespaceE::ClassE::ClassE1 e1;
    e1.x = 7  ;

With Static Members

You must use the scope resolution operator to call static members of classes.

class ClassG {
    static int get_x() { return x;}
    static int x;

int ClassG::x = 6;

int main() {

    int gx1 = ClassG::x;
    int gx2 = ClassG::get_x(); 

With Scoped Enumerations

The scoped resolution operator is also used with the values of a scoped enumeration Enumeration Declarations, as in the following example:

enum class EnumA{

int main() {

    EnumA enum_value = EnumA::First;

See Also


C++ Operators, Precedence and Associativity

Namespaces (C++)

Names and Qualified Names