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Attaches a debug engine (DE) to a program or programs. Called by the session debug manager (SDM) when the DE is running in-process to the SDM.

HRESULT Attach( 
   IDebugProgram2**      pProgram,
   IDebugProgramNode2**  rgpProgramNodes,
   DWORD                 celtPrograms,
   IDebugEventCallback2* pCallback,
   ATTACH_REASON         dwReason
int Attach( 
   IDebugProgram2[]     pProgram,
   IDebugProgramNode2[] rgpProgramNodes,
   uint                 celtPrograms,
   IDebugEventCallback2 pCallback,
   Enum_ATTACH_REASON   dwReason


  • pProgram
    [in] An array of IDebugProgram2 objects that represent programs to be attached to. These are port programs.

  • rgpProgramNodes
    [in] An array of IDebugProgramNode2 objects that represent program nodes, one for each program. The program nodes in this array represent the same programs as in pProgram. The program nodes are given so that the DE can identify the programs to attach to.

  • celtPrograms
    [in] Number of programs and/or program nodes in the pProgram and rgpProgramNodes arrays.

  • pCallback
    [in] The IDebugEventCallback2 object to be used to send debug events to the SDM.

  • dwReason
    [in] A value from the ATTACH_REASON enumeration that specifies the reason for attaching these programs. For more information, see the Remarks section.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


There are three reasons for attaching to a program, as follows:

  • ATTACH_REASON_LAUNCH indicates that the DE is attaching to the program because the user launched the process that contains it.

  • ATTACH_REASON_USER indicates that the user has explicitly requested the DE to attach to a program (or the process that contains a program).

  • ATTACH_REASON_AUTO indicates the DE is attaching to a particular program because it is already debugging other programs in a particular process. This is also called auto-attach.

When this method is called, the DE needs to send these events in sequence:

  1. IDebugEngineCreateEvent2 (if it has not already been sent for a particular instance of the debug engine)

  2. IDebugProgramCreateEvent2

  3. IDebugLoadCompleteEvent2

In addition, if the reason for attaching is ATTACH_REASON_LAUNCH, the DE needs to send the IDebugEntryPointEvent2 event.

Once the DE gets the IDebugProgramNode2 object corresponding to the program being debugged, it can be queried for any private interface.

Before calling the methods of a program node in the array given by pProgram or rgpProgramNodes, impersonation, if required, should be enabled on the IDebugProgram2 interface that represents the program node. Normally, however, this step is not necessary. For more information, see Security Issues.

See Also









