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Sets the bitmap that contains the icons that are displayed on the bottom of the Outlook bar in Outlook 2003 mode.

BOOL SetToolbarImageList(
   UINT uiID,
   int cx,
   COLORREF clrTransp=RGB(255,0,255) 


  • [in] uiID
    Specifies the resource ID of the image to load.

  • [in] cx
    Specifies the width of an image in the image list, in pixels.

  • [in] clrTransp
    An RGB value that specifies the transparent color.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.


Use this function to attach an image list whose images will be displayed on toolbar buttons in Microsoft Office 2003 mode. Image indexes should correspond to page indexes.

This method should not be called if not in Microsoft Office 2003 mode. For more information, see CMFCOutlookBar Class.


Header: afxOutlookBarTabCtrl.h

See Also


CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart