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Sets the runtime class information for a tabbed window that is created when two panes dock together.

void SetTabbedPaneRTC(
    CRuntimeClass* pRTC


  • [in] pRTC
    The runtime class information for the tabbed pane.


Call this method to set the runtime class information for tabbed panes that are created dynamically. This can occur when a user drags one pane to the caption of another pane, or if you call the CDockablePane::AttachToTabWnd method to programmatically create a tabbed pane from two dockable panes.

The default runtime class is set according to the dwTabbedStyle parameter of CDockablePane::Create and CDockablePane::CreateEx. To customize the new tabbed panes, derive your class from one of the following classes:

Then, call this method with the pointer to its runtime class information.


Header: afxDockablePane.h

See Also


CDockablePane Class

Hierarchy Chart