Código de exemplo para criar um descritor de segurança
Este tópico inclui um exemplo de código do Visual Basic que mostra como criar um objeto descritor de segurança para um objeto ADSI.
' This code example assumes that you have the credentials
' required to create objects.
Dim MyObject As IADs
Dim MySecDes As SecurityDescriptor
Dim Var As Variant
Dim SecDes As New SecurityDescriptor
Dim Dacl As New AccessControlList
Dim Ace As New AccessControlEntry
On Error GoTo Cleanup
' Create an Access Control Entry (ACE) for Group objects
' at Fabrikam on an LDAP namespace.
Ace.AccessMask = 0
Ace.AceType = 1
Ace.AceFlags = 1
Ace.Trustee = "cn=Groups,o=Fabrikam"
' Add the new ACE object as the only ACE in a new
' access-control list (ACL).
Dacl.AceCount = 1
Dacl.AclRevision = 4
Dacl.AddAce Ace
' Use this ACL as the discretionary ACL (DACL) for
' this Security Descriptor object and use this DACL
' instead of the default.
SecDes.Revision = 1
SecDes.OwnerDefaulted = True
SecDes.GroupDefaulted = True
SecDes.DaclDefaulted = False
SecDes.SaclDefaulted = True
SecDes.DiscretionaryAcl = Dacl
' Attach this security descriptor to the ADSI object.
MyObject.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", SecDes
' Commit the changes to the underlying directory service.
' Read the properties back in to the property cache.
' Get the SecurityDescriptor object.
Set MySecDes = MyObject.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
If (Err.Number<>0) Then
MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
End If
Set MyObject = Nothing
Set MySecDes = Nothing
Set SecDes = Nothing
Set Dacl = Nothing
Set Ace = Nothing