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Digital Platform API - Postal Code service

The Postal Code Service is a read-only service. This service can be used to retrieve postal code IDs, that are registered with Xandr for geography targeting purposes when setting up a or for configuring reports that support that dimension. The main use case for the Postal Code Service is to keep your postal code database up-to-date with Xandr's. To access the changes that were made to the database since the last call that you made to the service, make sure to use the min_last_modified field in your call.


Due to the large number of GET calls you would need to make to obtain a complete list of postal codes (as a result of pagination), we recommend the following:

  • Create a cache and populate it with a GET call for all objects on the service.
  • Then, for subsequent GET calls, use the min_last_modified filter to obtain updates (once per hour or once per day, since postal codes are updated infrequently).

You should only omit the min_last_modified filter if you are querying this service for the first time.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET View all postal codes using pagination.
View all postal codes since last modified.
GET View postal codes in a specific country.
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by.

JSON fields

Field Type (Length) Description
id int The ID of the postal code.
code string The postal code can be an alphanumeric string of up to 14 characters and can contain a space or hyphen.
country_id string The ID of the country.
country_code string The ISO Alpha-2 code for the country to which the city belongs. You can use the Country Service to retrieve a complete list of country codes.
country_name string The name of the country to which the city belongs. You can use the Country Service to retrieve a complete list of country names.
last_modified timestamp The date and time when the postal code was last modified.
active Boolean Designates whether the postal code is active. If true, the postal code is active and available for targeting. If false, there is no geo-location data for the postal code and so targeting is not possible.

The postal codes may occasionally become active or inactive based on changes to IP addressing or changes in geolocation technologies, as well as changes to geographical borders.


View all postal codes

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X GET  ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 238899,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "postal_codes": [
                "id": 120560,
                "code": "AD100",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120561,
                "code": "AD200",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120562,
                "code": "AD300",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120563,
                "code": "AD400",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120564,
                "code": "AD500",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120565,
                "code": "AD600",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 120566,
                "code": "AD700",
                "country_id": "4",
                "country_code": "AD",
                "country_name": "Andorra"
                "id": 173241,
                "code": "1701",
                "country_id": "6",
                "country_code": "AF",
                "country_name": "Afghanistan"
                "id": 173242,
                "code": "3001",
                "country_id": "6",
                "country_code": "AF",
                "country_name": "Afghanistan"

View all postal codes since last modified

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X GET  ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 247890,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "postal_codes": [
                "id": 1,
                "code": "00010",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 14:40:30"
                "id": 2,
                "code": "00011",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 14:40:32"
                "id": 3,
                "code": "00012",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:04"
                "id": 4,
                "code": "00013",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:04"
                "id": 5,
                "code": "00015",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:05"
                "id": 6,
                "code": "00017",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:05"
                "id": 7,
                "code": "00018",
                "active": true,
                "country_id": "113",
                "country_code": "IT",
                "country_name": "Italy",
                "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:05"

View all postal codes in Canada

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X GET  ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 44101,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "postal_codes": [
                "id": 119892,
                "code": "A09 0A1",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"
                "id": 119893,
                "code": "A0A 0B3",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"
                "id": 119894,
                "code": "A0A 0C3",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"
                "id": 119895,
                "code": "A0A 1B0",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"
                "id": 119896,
                "code": "A0A 1C0",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"
                "id": 119897,
                "code": "A0A 1E0",
                "country_id": "41",
                "country_code": "CA",
                "country_name": "Canada"  

View postal code by postal code ID

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies  ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "postal_code": {
            "id": 10,
            "code": "00021",
            "country_id": "113",
            "country_code": "IT",
            "country_name": "Italy",
            "last_modified": "2015-09-15 17:29:05"