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Log level data feeds


Log Level Data (LLD) feeds are not available via the API.

Log Level Data (LLD) feeds contain event-level data that enables you to build custom reporting and conduct in-depth analysis. Typically, log level data is used for reporting on dimensions not available in the Xandr UI/API reports. It can also be used for any analysis which requires event-level granularity, such as custom conversion attribution or identifying pools of high-value users.

To subscribe to Log Level Data and learn about changes: If you are interested in receiving log level data feeds, talk to your Xandr representative about the data your use case will need, technical setup, and pricing.


Log level data feeds include information about the following:

Your managed publishers' transacted impressions

This includes:

  • Information about the impression sold (e.g., publisher ID, tag ID, and domain)
  • Information about the user to whom the ad was served (e.g., user ID, geographic region, and user timezone)
  • ID of the creative that served

Your managed advertisers' transacted impressions, and any resulting clicks and conversions

This includes:

  • Information about the impression purchased such as advertiser ID, campaign ID, and creative ID
  • Information about the user to whom the ad was served (e.g., user ID, geographic region, user timezone, and number of times the user has seen creatives from your advertiser)
  • Information about the inventory where the impression served (e.g., Publisher ID or domain, if exposed by the seller)

Segment pixel fires for all of your network's owned segments

This includes network and advertiser level segments.

For a complete list of fields available to buyers and sellers, see the List of log level Feeds section below.


Timestamps: If your log level data is provided in the avro format or one of the protobuf formats, the timestamp field values will be supplied in UNIX Epoch time.

Use cases

Typical uses for log level data include:

  • Enhanced reporting - report on additional dimensions such as geographic regions.
  • Segment management -  build segments based on user actions and report on first-party data if your user IDs can be mapped to Xandr user IDs.
  • Conversion attribution - see all actions leading to a conversion, experiment with custom conversion attribution.

Data retrieval

Log level data may be obtained via batch files.

Use this method if data accuracy is paramount. Since batch files are relatively large, they cannot be consumed in the same way ordinary reports are. Clients who receive log level data will typically have their own engineering resources or a third-party vendor build an ETL process to load the data into their own database. Once in the database, the log- evel data can be used by their own reporting systems or data analysts.

See Batch Log Level Data for more information on how to intake your data.


Features Batch
Latency over 1 hour
Viewability Information
Failure recovery
Export to Amazon S3
Data quality guaranteed
Features Batch
Financial calculations
Real-time dashboards
Custom bidders
Campaign performance metrics Final, long-term analytics

LLD data is final and accurate. As a result, Batch LLD can be used to make financial calculations. If Xandr discovers an inconsistency, Batch LLD data will be reprocessed.

List of log level feeds

The table below lists which feeds are available via LLD, the feed handle for each, and a link to view the feed columns.

Feed Feed Handle Columns
Auction Categories Feed auction_category_feed View
Auction Segment Feed auction_segment_feed View
Bid Landscape Feed bid_landscape_feed View
Buyer Transparency Feed brand_transparency_feed View
Conversion Pixel Feed pixel_feed View
Curator Feed curator_feed View
Incrementality Feed incrementality_feed View
Key Value Auction Feed auction_kv_labels_feed View
Segment Feed segment_feed View
Standard Feed standard_feed View
Universal Pixel Feed universal_pixel_feed View
Video Event Feed video_events_feed View

Currently only available to Beta clients. Contact your Xandr representative for more information.


For sample files, see available downloads under the Format and Schemas section in Batch Log Level Data.