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Configure a placement for in-stream video

To set up an in-stream video placement, use the Create a Placement workflow, select Allowed Media > Media Types > Video, and provide the required information about video context, player width and height, and skippability, as well as whether the ad will be part of a group of sequential ads (ad pod). You can also use the placement to define information about duration, playback method, and mime types.

To make in-stream video available, use the following recommendations for placement setup. Some of the values defined in the Microsoft Advertising placement definition can be overridden in the query string or on-page code if necessary.

  1. On the Details tab of the placement, select Allowed Media > Media Types > Video.

  2. Click the Video Settings tab.

  3. If you want this placement to define an ad pod (multiple ads within an ad break), select the Enable Ad Podding checkbox.


    If you select the Enable Ad Podding checkbox, the detailed configuration options for ad pods display at the bottom of the Video > Settings page.

  4. From the Position menu, select the placement's location within the video content by selecting Pre-roll, Mid-roll, or Post-roll. This setting is also known as the video context.

    The default value for Position is Unknown, which allows bidders to target this ad without reference to its video context.

  5. Enter the maximum duration (in seconds) for the video creatives.


    Only creatives shorter than or equal to the specified max duration will be served. If you enabled Ad Podding, the Max Duration value is the total duration for all the ads in the ad pod.

  6. Specify whether your player will allow skippable creatives.

  7. If you are allowing skippable inventory, and you want users to wait before a skip button is enabled for skippable creatives, enter the number of seconds of delay in the Skip Offset field.

  8. Select a playback method. The default value is Auto-play, sound unknown. For CTV and in-stream placements, the recommended setting is Auto-play, sound on.

  9. Enter the player's width in pixels.The default value is Unknown.

  10. Enter the player's height in pixels. The default value is Unknown.

  11. From the Player Vast Version menu, select the video player's VAST version.

    The default value is VAST 2.0. You should use the most recent VAST version that your player can handle because players are backwards compatible. Therefore, creatives with lower VAST versions can still serve on these placements. For example, a VAST 2.0 creative can serve on a VAST 4.0 player, but a VAST 4.0 creative can't serve on a VAST 2.0 player. The following VAST versions are supported:

    • VAST 2.0
    • VAST 3.0
    • VAST 4.0
    • VAST 4.1
    • VAST 4.2
  12. Select a compatible framework.

    • VPAID 1.0 is a flash-only wrapper.
    • VPAID 2.0 has a JavaScript VPAID wrapper. It may also include Flash for legacy reasons.
    • CTV and in-app video placements almost never accept VPAID. We recommend not selecting any frameworks for these placements, because doing so could block demand.
  13. Select the Show Mime Type Options checkbox to expand the Mime Type settings and select the appropriate video mime types.


    If the placement can support VPAID, make sure you select application/ javascript as a mime type. Otherwise, viewability won't be measured.

    If your player can handle mixed media, leave the Handles Mixed Media checkbox selected. A player that handles mixed media may only accept one kind of creative. For example, a media player that handles mixed media may only accept mp4, but if a creative contains both mp4 and JavaScript renditions, the player can properly select the mp4 rendition.

  14. Optional: If you selected the Enable Ad Podding checkbox, provide the following information under the Ad Podding Options section:

    1. In the Max Number of Ads in Pod field, specify how many ads the ad break can contain.
    2. In the Max Duration Per Ad in Pod field, specify a duration limit in seconds for the component ads in the ad break.
    3. If you plan to allow bumpers, select the Inro Bumper checkbox or Outro Bumper checkbox, or both.
    4. In the Start Delay field, specify a delay in seconds before the ad break begins.