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Microsoft Monetize - Understanding the debug auction

To understand what is happening behind the scenes during an auction, you can run a debug auction. This page explains how to run a debug auction and how to read the output you receive.

Running a debug auction

A debug auction simulates a real auction without actually logging or serving anything and shows the results in your browser. The log shows the impression bus communicating with all active bidders (including Microsoft Advertising) and then shows the member-specific decisioning.

A debug auction can be run using the following calls:


All debug auction and browser cookie override calls must use secure https protocols. Requests made using http will not generate valid results.

  • Production/Beta Environment:[TAG_ID]&size=[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT]&debug_member=[BUYER_MEMBER_ID]&dongle=[PASSWORD] 
  • Client-Testing Environment:[TAG_ID]&size=[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT]&debug_member=[BUYER_MEMBER_ID]&dongle=[PASSWORD] 
  • Video Creatives:

    Make sure to use a ptv tag instead of a tt tag while running a debug auction for video creatives.[TAG_ID]&debug_member=[BUYER_MEMBER_ID]&dongle=[PASSWORD] 

Parameter syntax

Parameter Definition
id The ID of the placement tag you will run a debug auction for.
size Size of the placement to run, used for sizeless tags.
dongle The member's unique debug password.
debug_member The ID of the member running the debug auction.

Optional parameters

Parameter Definition
bidder The bidder ID. Microsoft Monetize uses bidder ID 2 in production.
referrer Simulate the referring URL from which the ad call is coming.
prefer_learn Set to "true" to force a prefer learn auction.
position Overrides fold position. Can be set to "above" or "below".
age Overrides age (integer).
gender Overrides gender ("male" or "female").
debug_json Converts the auction's HTML output to JSON form when set to "1" and "&bidder_only=1" is appended.
kw_prefix Adds keyword parameters for targeting purposes, for example: "kw_keyname=value1".

Optional geo code parameters

Parameter Definition
country Overrides a cookie's current country geo code with whatever is passed as a value. For example: "country=US". See here for a complete list of country geo codes.
region Overrides a cookie's current region (state) geo code with whatever is passed as a value. For example: "region=NY". See here for a complete list of region (state) geo codes.
city Overrides a cookie's current city geo code with whatever is passed as a value. For example: "city=New York".
postal Overrides a cookie's current postal code with whatever is passed as a value. For example: "postal=10010". See here to find a particular postal code.
DMA Overrides a cookie's current Designated Market Area (DMA) geo code with whatever is passed as a value. For example: "DMA=501". A DMA divides geographical regions by their television and radio markets.


If you are trying to spoof a particular region or city, you must include the most general to most specific geographically. For city targeting, you need to include the country, region (state), and city. For example: &country=US&region=NY&city=New York. Remember to type out the full city name.


Important points

  • Placement tag IDs can be found in the UI for your direct inventory, but not for real-time inventory.

  • If an item is out of budget, inactive, or in pacing sleep (i.e. it is spending evenly across the day), it will not appear in the log. Generally, refreshing will cause paced objects to appear (because they will have come out of sleep). But heavily paced objects (e.g. spend $5 evenly with no targeting so there's a lot of sleeping between bids) may not appear in the final list of bidding campaigns.

When debugging a particular ad campaign, it may help that your browser's cookie contains or excludes the specific user criteria being targeting (e.g. country or segment). Please see the below table for information on how to view/modify your cookie.


If using the cookie viewer, you must include your member ID and dongle. This ensures you will only see the segments that belong to your member. You can click on the Debug button on any placement and to see your member ID and dongle in the querystring.

Action URL
View Microsoft Advertising cookie
where MEMBER_ID is your member ID, DONGLE is your member-specific dongle
Add/remove yourself to/from segments
where SEGMENT_ID is the ID of the targeted segment
Override cookie geography data
where MEMBER_ID is your member ID, DONGLE is your member-specific dongle, COUNTRY is the targeted country code, REGION is the targeted region code, DMA is the targeted numeric metropolitan code, CITY is the targeted city name, and POSTAL is the targeted postal code

Note: To set city geo, you must set country, region in addition.

Interpreting the debug auction log

  • This is a sample debug log run by an Ad Network for a placement that it exposed for reselling.
  • This particular debug log was run in a deprecated sandbox environment, so URLs are slightly different than they would be in the production server.
  • All IDs have been changed to random numbers.

Screenshot of geographical information from a sample debug log.

Screenshot of payment rules from a sample debug log.

Microsoft Advertising's bidder gives more detailed debug text, beginning with "Debug text from bidder 2" (live). This output includes information such as the bidder version, the region info., and user info. Excerpts from a live debug auction are below:

Screenshot of user ID and geographical information from a sample bidder debug text.

This debug info continues, including information such as the segments that the user is in and other relevant objects.

Screenshot of segment information from a sample bidder debug text.


This section highlights the decisions made by the bidder.

The debug auction then prints a table with the headings of Advertiser, Line Item, Campaign (if applicable), Detail, and Result. This is the most important part of the debug auction output as it will tell you why you may not be bidding on impressions for this tag; or if they are, how much they would bid.

After all ad campaigns are evaluated, you will see the summary table.

Screenshot of the summary table from a sample debug auction.

You will also see the performance summary.

Screenshot of the performance summary from a sample debug auction.

You will receive an output of all bids and final bids. RTB buyers will see the value of the bid, the brand ID, and the learn type.

Screenshot of the final bids table from a sample debug auction.


This debug log will also compare the result of Microsoft Advertising's bidder with the result any other bidders participating in the auction, looking for the winner and the second highest price (since Microsoft Advertising uses Second Price Auction).

Finally, we show the highest net bid, and the member and creative that would have served had this not been a debug auction.

Screenshot of the highest net bid from a sample debug auction.

Possible debug auction results

Result Explanation Impression Type in Reporting
Exclusive The placement is not enabled for reselling, and the auction was won by a managed bid Kept
Reserve Not Met The placement is enabled for reselling, and the auction was won by a managed bid Kept
Sold The placement is enabled for reselling, and the auction was won by a third-party bid Sold
PSA The auction did not have a winner, and a PSA was shown in place of an ad PSA
Default The auction did not have a winner, and a default creative was shown in place of an ad Default

Quick reference: Debug auction data

Debug Data Visible to Sellers and in Direct Auctions Visible to RTB Buyers
Ad profile Yes No
Ask price Yes No
Auction ID Yes Yes
Audience Targeting Campaigns Yes Yes
Bid Request Yes Yes
Bidder hostport Yes Yes
Bidder Version Yes Yes
Browser Yes Yes
Carrier Yes Yes
City Yes Yes
City index Yes Yes
Country Yes Yes
Country index Yes Yes
Debug level Yes Yes
Debug member Yes Yes
Default visibility profile Yes No
Device Make Yes Yes
Device Model Yes Yes
Device Type Yes Yes
Domain IDs Yes Yes
Estimated average price Yes No
Estimated clear price Yes Yes
Final Bids Yes Yes
Fold position Yes Yes
Giveup Price Yes No
Hour of Week ID Yes Yes
Inventory Class - Deprecated -- --
Inventory Groups - Deprecated -- --
Inventory Source - Deprecated -- --
Inventory Source ID - Deprecated -- --
IP Yes Yes
IP Truncated Yes Yes
Language Yes Yes
Latitude Yes Yes
Longitude Yes Yes
Media Subtype Yes Yes
Net winning price Yes Yes
Non-Audience Targeting Campaigns Yes Yes
Number of tags Yes Yes
Offset from UTC Yes Yes
Operating System Yes Yes
Operating System (Extended) Yes Yes
Operating System Family Yes Yes
Payment Rule Yes No
Payment rule ID Yes No
Performance summary Yes Yes
Prefer learn Yes Yes
Processing priority Yes No
Publisher ID Yes Yes
QS Data Yes Yes
Querystring Yes Yes
Referrer Yes Yes
Region Yes Yes
Region index Yes Yes
Reserve price Yes No
RTB and affiliate campaigns Yes Yes
RTB member Yes Yes
Second bid Yes Yes
Secure request Yes Yes
Second net price Yes Yes
Segments Yes Yes
Selected payment rule Yes No
Sell-side page caps enabled Yes No
Soft floor Yes Yes
Supply type Yes Yes
tag data Yes Yes
Tag ID Yes Yes
Timezone Yes Yes
Tinytag Yes Yes
URL Yes Yes
User Yes Yes
User group Yes Yes
User ID Yes Yes
Venue ID Yes Yes
Visibility Profile ID Yes Yes
Winning bid Yes Yes

Running a test auction

In addition to debug auctions, which simulate real auctions without logging or serving ads, you can also run a test auction. Test auctions are designed to allow clients to test if their ads are being delivered as expected and verify that everything is configured correctly.

Like a debug auction, in a test auction Microsoft Advertising does not transact the impression; no one will be paid or billed, nothing is logged, and no ads will be served. In addition, in a test auction, the actual content of the ad being sent is ignored; even if a banned creative is sent, a test auction will not result in an IP being blocked.

To run a test auction, add the test=1 parameter to an ad call; for example: 

If the ad is visible in a browser, the configuration is valid.

Mobile Debug Auction Tips