FileSystemOperationsExtensions.MsConcat Method


Concatenates the list of source files into the destination file, deleting all source files upon success. This method accepts more source file paths than the Concat method. This method and the parameters it accepts are subject to change for usability in an upcoming version.

public static void MsConcat (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations operations, string accountName, string msConcatDestinationPath, System.IO.Stream streamContents, bool? deleteSourceDirectory = default);
public static void MsConcat (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations operations, string accountName, string path, System.IO.Stream streamContents, bool? deleteSourceDirectory = default);
static member MsConcat : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations * string * string * System.IO.Stream * Nullable<bool> -> unit
static member MsConcat : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations * string * string * System.IO.Stream * Nullable<bool> -> unit
Public Sub MsConcat (operations As IFileSystemOperations, accountName As String, msConcatDestinationPath As String, streamContents As Stream, Optional deleteSourceDirectory As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing)
Public Sub MsConcat (operations As IFileSystemOperations, accountName As String, path As String, streamContents As Stream, Optional deleteSourceDirectory As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing)



The operations group for this extension method.


The Azure Data Lake Store account to execute filesystem operations on.


The Data Lake Store path (starting with '/') of the destination file resulting from the concatenation.


A list of Data Lake Store paths (starting with '/') of the source files. Must be a comma-separated path list in the format: sources=/file/path/1.txt,/file/path/2.txt,/file/path/lastfile.csv


Indicates that as an optimization instead of deleting each individual source stream, delete the source stream folder if all streams are in the same folder instead. This results in a substantial performance improvement when the only streams in the folder are part of the concatenation operation. WARNING: This includes the deletion of any other files that are not source files. Only set this to true when source files are the only files in the source directory.

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