Shelvesets Command
Displays information about a set of shelved changes.
tf shelvesets [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/server:servername] shelvesetname
Argument | Description |
ownername |
Provides a value such as * or SDOMAIN\john to the /owner option. |
servername |
The user-provided value for the /server option. Example: https://teamfoundation2:8181/bisserver/Registration.asmx. |
shelvesetname |
The name of the shelveset. |
Option | Description |
/owner |
Specifies one or more shelveset owners. You can use wildcard characters. |
/format |
Specifies what kind of format to display shelveset information in. Brief displays the shelveset name, the name of the user who created it, and a shelveset comment, if one exists. Detailed displays the shelveset name, owner, and comment in addition to a list of associated work items and any check-in notes. Brief is the default value. |
/server |
Specifies the URL of the server to work in. This option is required if the command is invoked from a directory that is not mapped to a workspace. |
A shelveset is the output of a shelve operation. Shelvesets are stored on the Team Foundation Server and can be retrieved into a workspace by any user who has sufficient permissions using the Unshelve Command. Unlike a changeset, a shelveset is a non-versioned entity. If you or another user unshelve the items of which a shelveset consists, edit several files, and re-shelve the shelveset, Team Foundation does not create a new version of the items for future comparison and maintains no record of who revised the items, when, or in what manner. For more information about deciding whether to shelve or check in a set of pending changes and a general overview of shelving, see Working with Source Control Shelvesets.
For detailed information about the individual source file revisions of which a particular shelveset consists, you can use the Status Command with the /shelveset option.
You can compare a shelved revision to its base shelveset version without unshelving the item into your workspace. You can use this feature to conduct a quick peer code review.
The following example displays information about the BuddyTest_23 shelveset for the Team Foundation Server to which the current directory maps.
c:\projects>tf shelvesets BuddyTest_23
The following example lists the shelvesets owned by "BuddyTest."
c:\projects>tf shelvesets /owner:BuddyTest
The following example displays information about the shelvesets on the Team Foundation Server to which the current directory maps.
c:\projects>tf shelvesets /owner:*
To use the shelvesets command, you must the have Read permission and the Check out permission set to Allow for the items in the shelvesets. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.
See Also
Command-Line Syntax
Status Command
Changeset Command
Shelve Command
Unshelve Command
Working with Source Control Shelvesets