ScheduledRules Element (ADF)
Provides a location for all subscription scheduled rule definitions for one subscription class.
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
None. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Optional once per SubscriptionClass element. |
Updates |
Can be added and deleted when updating the application. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
The ScheduledRules element contains one or more scheduled rules for the subscription class. Scheduled rules contain the notification generation rules for scheduled subscriptions.
The following example shows a ScheduledRules element with two scheduled rules. The first scheduled rule creates notifications and updates chronicle data. The second scheduled rule archives subscription information.
-- Generate Notifications
INSERT INTO ScheduledNotifications
( SubscriberId, DeviceName, SubscriberLocale,
StockSymbol, StockPrice )
SELECT S.SubscriberId, S.DeviceName,
S.SubscriberLocale, C.StockSymbol, C.StockPrice
FROM StockSubscriptions S JOIN StockEventChron C
ON S.StockSymbol = C.StockSymbol
WHERE S.StockTriggerPrice <= C.StockHighPrice
GROUP BY S.StockSymbol, C.StockHighPrice
-- Maintain the subscription chronicle
INSERT StockSubscriptionChron
(SubscriberId, StockSymbol, StockPrice)
SELECT S.SubscriberId, S.StockSymbol, C.StockHighPrice
FROM StockSubscriptions S JOIN StockEventChron C
ON S.StockSymbol = C.StockSymbol
-- Maintain an archive table
INSERT StockSubscriptionArchive
(SubscriberId, StockSymbol, StockPrice, ArchiveDate)
SELECT S.SubscriberId, S.StockSymbol, S.StockPrice, GETDATE()
FROM StockSubscriptionsChron S
См. также
Application Definition File Reference
Другие ресурсы
Определение запланированных правил
Обновление экземпляров и приложений